Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1567: Catch the corpse alive

The domain name of this site is changed to ow The Weird World of Immortal Cultivation Chapter 1567


Some things are weird to say.

Shi Jiayuan thought that he had left, but he still stood there, his hands were constantly sealed, his eyes were blank, and he spoke threatening words.

Dongmen Piper and the two national teachers were stunned for a moment, and they didn't understand what happened.

"He was restrained by my illusion, but I can't last long. You guys think of a way to trap him. If it's the kind of method that won't hurt dozens of squares even if he blew himself up, hurry up!" Duanmu Xiaohong said sharply: " Don't attack him, or he'll react and know he's caught in an illusion!"

Only then did everyone present react.

"To curb the corpse skull magic, the Ten Thousand Buddhas Exorcism Seal can do it." Xiaofo Temple Huiyuan's body flashed, and he had reached the body of the corpse Jiayuan, his body exuded golden light, and he kept forming big handprints, one after another. Golden light emanated from his body, "Senior Brother Huixu, I'm definitely not enough for the Ten Thousand Buddhas Exorcism Seal, come and help me!"

At times like this, the Buddhist temple battle should be put aside for the time being.

Huixu of the Great Buddha Temple also fluttered, and when he reached the body of Jiayuan, he performed magic like Huiyuan of the Small Buddha Temple.

Soon, two golden and mysterious Buddha seals condensed and penetrated into the body of the corpse Jiayuan.

Zombie Jiayuan radiated golden light all over his body, his eyes changed from dazed to agile, he immediately reacted to what happened and roared.

Just don't talk about his corpse skull magic, even if his whole body is blocked by the two national masters who jointly cast the Ten Thousand Buddhas Exorcism Seal, even if he wants to die, it will be difficult.

When Dongmen played the flute, he laughed loudly. His **** palm just stretched out at will, just like an eagle catching a chicken and grabbed the corpse Jiayuan, "Thank you all, I will definitely report it truthfully when I go back. Your credit will not be lost."

Dongmen Piper was of course happy in his heart. He didn't make a move during the whole process, which means he took a credit for nothing.

The two national teachers shook their heads with exhaustion on their faces. Although the two of them are expensive national teachers, their strength is still lower than that of Zombie Jiayuan. Even if the two of them make a move to successfully ban Zombie Jiayuan, it is inevitable. feel tired.

After the initial roar of grief and anger, Shi Jiayuan completely closed his eyes and said nothing.

Duanmu Xiaohong came over and said, "Master Dongmen, I will accompany you to interrogate him."

"Mr. Da's words are exactly what I want." Dongmen played the flute and laughed. In fact, even if Duanmu Xiaohong didn't say it, he would still ask for it.

Because last time they spent so much thought, they almost wiped out the corpse, and in the end, although they were unsuccessful, they also found out a lot of unusual things and pointed to Jingdu.

In case Shi Jiayuan says some earth-shattering news, just relying on him playing the flute at the east gate can't take the responsibility. With the academy master here, then don't be afraid.

"Master Zhou, you found the corpse Jiayuan, you should come too." Dongmen piped.

Zhou Fan went away with Duanmu Xiaohong and Dongmen playing the flute with the corpse Jiayuan, and the other monks also dispersed.

The martial artist of Yiluan stayed behind to clean up the battlefield.

The two national teachers also left, as if the cooperation just now had never happened.

Dongmen played the flute and carried the corpse armor. He got into his own bronze talisman carriage, and Zhou Fan and Duanmu Xiaohong also sat up.

This bronze chariot is specially customized for the Dongmen flute, and it is also the largest chariot in the general office of Yiluan. Of course, there is no problem with the load bearing. .

Rao was the biggest talisman, and the East Gate flute alone took up half of the space.

Zhou Fan and Duanmu Xiaohong still looked a little cramped when they sat in.

Dongmen played the flute and opened the curtains, and a monk from the headquarters immediately bowed and saluted the Dongmen flute.

"The whole city is under martial law to prevent the living corpses from making trouble." Dongmen played the flute in a deep voice.

The corpse Jiayuan was caught, but there must still be people in Jingdu with a living corpse, and this kind of thing has to be guarded against.

The cultivator immediately led the order to leave.

Only then did the talisman move slowly, heading towards the direction of the headquarters.

There are also warrior monks from Yiluan Division who are on guard around Fuche.

In fact, with Zhou Fan and the other three here, even if the corpse got the news, it wouldn't dare to come and die.

Dongmen played the flute and lowered the curtain. Then he looked at Shi Jiayuan, who had kept his eyes closed and silent, and said with a smile: "Shijiaoyuan, Shijiayuan, you didn't expect you to have today, right?"

Shi Jiayuan opened his eyes, he looked at Zhou Fan coldly, "Is it the illusion you used on me?"

If he hadn't been hit by such a powerful illusion, how could he have been in such a situation?

He has a wealth of experience in his life, but he has never encountered such a bizarre illusion. He was actually sealed in the real essence, and then he escaped from the illusion.

"It's not me." Zhou Fan shook his head.

"It's the illusion I performed." Duanmu Xiaohong said.

Shi Jiayuan said dejectedly, "I didn't expect you to have such powerful illusions."

Dongmen playing the flute was also surprised because he didn't know that Duanmu Xiaohongxiu had illusions.

In fact, Duanmu Xiaohong did not understand illusion, he was covering for Zhou Fan.

The illusion was naturally what Zhou Fan wanted to use Wang Zhigui to use. He didn't want people to know that he had such a powerful trump card, so he could only use the sound transmission technique to let Mr. Da cover for him.

Even at the first moment of encountering Zombie Jiayuan, he didn't even show half of his strength, he just wanted to hold Zombie Jiayuan back.

Otherwise, with the undead power of Zombie Jiayuan alone, even a ghost cultivator would not be able to support him for too long.

Of course, Zhou Fan is also a little fortunate that he didn't think about killing Zombie Jiayuan, otherwise Zhajiayuan would use the Zombie Skull Heaven magic to self-destruct, and he would definitely be But the people in the city would be miserable.

It was impossible for him to know beforehand that Zombie Jiayuan had practiced such a vicious fighting technique. He subconsciously wanted to hide his strength. Even when he performed illusions, he used the silent method of spring rain, which gradually affected Zombie Jiayuan in the fight. Just enough to be secretive.

In fact, if it weren't for Mr. Da and the others, he wouldn't have let his illusions erupt.

He was so cautious because the moment he met the corpse Jiayuan, he felt that the whole thing was not right. It seemed that someone led him to discover the corpse Jiayuan?

Eighty-six princes?

He wasn't sure whether it was related. If it was related to the Eighty-sixth Prince, what was the Eighty-sixth Prince's intention?

Do you want to use corpse Jiayuan to kill him?

There is something wrong. Now many people know that he is in the undead realm. Even if the corpse Jiayuan is attracted, in that case, the first thing that the corpse Jiayuan thinks about is to flee.

So the other party's intention is more likely to use him to hold Shijiayuan, so as to catch Shijiayuan after Mr. Da and the others arrive.

Why do you want to catch Zombie Jiayuan?

Zhou Fan looked at Shi Jiayuan, he was a little puzzled, he couldn't just want to give them a huge credit.

"You guys will regret catching me." Shi Jiayuan suddenly laughed, tears overflowing from his laughter.


The Weird World of Immortal Cultivation </p>

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