Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1568: implicated

Shi Jiayuan was laughing, and the three of Zhou Fan looked at each other.

"Zhi Jiayuan, are you crazy?" Dongmen played the flute in disbelief, "Why should we regret it? Do you think you can escape?"

Shi Jiayuan didn't mean to answer.

"When you arrive at the headquarters, if you have such an attitude, you will suffer." Dongmen piped the flute with a cold face and sneered: "Do you think you are still the living dead corpse master? You are just a sealed one now. Powerful waste."

"Then I'll wait for the means of Lord Dongmen." Shi Jiayuan said with disdain.

"Zhou Fan, how did you meet him?" Duanmu Xiaohong asked.

Corpse Jiayuan also looked at Zhou Fan.

"I was going to a banquet, and I came out and saw him fighting with those two Qianjingmen..."

"Whose banquet are you going to?" Shi Jiayuan asked with gloomy eyes.

Dongmen playing the flute and Duanmu Xiaohong looked at Zhou Fan curiously.

"I can't tell you that." Zhou Fan shook his head and said, because the matter involved the Eighty-sixth Prince. If the Eighty-sixth Prince had an accident in the future, he would be in big trouble.

"Are you still afraid that I won't be able to escape?" Shi Jiayuan laughed.

"There's nothing wrong with being cautious." Zhou Fan said, "Why did you fight with two monks from the Thousand Deception Alliance?"

"I don't know what they are crazy about, they dare to attack me." Shi Jiayuan's face was ugly.

The two had obviously been staring at him for a long time, but he didn't realize it. This was a trap against him, otherwise the two would not have suddenly shot.

Or rather, not against him, but against...

Shi Jiayuan suspected that it was not a coincidence that Zhou Fan appeared nearby. If it wasn't for Zhou Fan's cooperation with the Thousand Deception Alliance, Zhou Fan was attracted!

He is definitely not a fool to be the leader of the living corpse, the No. 1 evil organization in Dawei. He only needs to think about it for a moment.

It's just a pity that Zhou Fan refused to say who he was going to see...

Dongmen Piper and Duanmu Xiaohong also vaguely sensed that this was not easy.

"We were looking for you everywhere, but you dared to come to Jingdu. Why did you come to Jingdu?" Duanmu Xiaohong asked with a frown.

"The most dangerous places are often the safest." Zombie Jiayuan said coldly, "Why can't the mirror come?"

"No." Zhou Fan shook his head and said, "Zhang Benben, who you used to deceive you from a dead corpse, may be okay. Dawei is so big, the safest place for a person like you should be to hide in the wilderness or hide in a In a small city."

"Master Zhou is right. You must have a plan when you came to the mirror." Dongmen played the flute and said with a sullen face.

"Then you can guess." Shi Jiayuan closed his eyes again and said nothing.

Until the bronze talisman entered the headquarters, Shi Jiayuan never spoke again.

The four got off the talisman car, and Dongmen played the flute and took the corpse Jiayuan one step first.

When only Zhou Fan and Duanmu Xiaohong were left, Zhou Fan said softly, "I saw the eighty-six princes today."

He didn't reveal it to Shi Jiayuan, but of course he wouldn't hide Duanmu Xiaohong and Dongmen playing the flute. In fact, it's not difficult to investigate such a thing.

Duanmu Xiaohong also knew that Zhou Fan was definitely going to see a certain prince, but he didn't know which prince it was. He nodded slightly to show that he knew.

"If it's all right, I'll go back first." Zhou Fan said again.

This is the general office of Yiluan Division. Dongmen Flute may not be willing to Zhou Fan to participate in this matter, and Zhou Fan does not want to get involved in this matter. He saw Dongmen Flute and Duanmu Xiaohong attach so much importance to corpse Jiayuan. This is definitely not easy. .

Everything he wanted to explain was also said in the car, so there was no need to stay.

Of course, Duanmu Xiaohong would not object to this.

Zhou Fan came out of the main residence, called a carriage, and told the driver to take him to the academy, and he was thoughtful in the carriage.

He recalled the whole thing, if Shi Jiayuan didn't lie, those two Qiantanmeng cultivators were obviously not the opponents of Shijiayuan, but they dared to attack Shijiayuan, not because they wanted to attract his attention, but why?

Of course, it may also be a coincidence, not necessarily to attract his attention, but to attract the attention of monk Jingdu, the purpose is to get rid of the corpse Jiayuan.

But how could the two cultivators of the Thousand Delusions confirm that after Shi Jiayuan killed them, there must be a master who could stop Shi Jiayuan from leaving?

If it wasn't for him at that time, Shi Jiayuan would have fled, or maybe they had a back-up move, but when he arrived, the back-up move would not be needed.

Will the Eighty-sixth Prince have any problems?

There may be a problem, because if this game is to be set up perfectly, the first thing to do is to invite him to the vicinity of Shijiayuan, and the Linglong Restaurant was invited by the eighty-six princes.

Unless someone suggested that the eighty-six princes should put the meeting place here.

If the Eighty-sixth Prince has a problem...

Zhou Fan's face was solemn. He didn't think about it any more. This kind of suspicion was useless, and the eighty-six princes would not recognize it.

The key is that after Shi Jiayuan was caught, he was obviously involved.

In the blink of an eye, another two days passed. The two days were calm. At least Zhou Fan didn't hear anything major happening. He sighed helplessly. If he was in Hanbei Road, his news would not be so blocked. He can also rely on the teachings of the Xiaoxian Daxian.

Of course, he didn't dare to develop believers in such important places as Jingdu.

He didn't ask Mr. Da about this, because if he found out something he shouldn't know, it might not be a good thing for him.

He wanted to stay out of the way as much as possible, and even these two days he didn't go to the prince's invitation, but concentrated on staying in the academy to In the early morning of the third day, Duanmu Xiaohong still found Zhou Fan.

"We'll enter the palace later." Duanmu Xiaohong said silently.

"What are you doing in the palace?" Zhou Fan asked.

"The corpse Jiayuan has confessed." Duanmu Xiaohong said: "I can't tell you too much. You will understand when you enter the palace. You are allowed to enter the palace because you captured the corpse Jiayuan, which is what the palace requires. ."

Zhou Fan didn't ask any more questions.

It didn't take long for the bronze talisman car to be ready. Zhou Fan and Duanmu Xiaohong got into the talisman car and went straight along Tianjing Street. In the early morning, people came and went, but pedestrians in the middle of the talisman lane could not occupy it, so the talisman car went straight. Unhindered access.

"Scorpion Jiayuan confessed, will he lie?" Zhou Fan looked out of the street and asked.

"No." Duanmu Xiaohong shook his head and said, "He confessed with an oath of Dao Xin."

"A person like him shouldn't admit it easily, what method did the headquarters use?" Zhou Fan asked curiously. The content of the confession cannot be asked for the time being, but it shouldn't be a big problem to say it.

"We didn't do anything, he said it voluntarily." Duanmu Xiaohong shook his head.

Zhou Fan's face showed consternation, did Shi Jiayuan say it voluntarily?

How is this possible, why did Shi Jiayuan voluntarily say it?

"The other day I interrogated him with Lord Dongmen, and he wouldn't say anything, until when Lord Eastmen wanted to use all the torture instruments of the headquarters for him, he opened his mouth..."

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