Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1570: Head of the Living Dead


"You repeat what you have confessed to and let everyone here know." Emperor Wei looked at the corpse Jia Yuan and said.

Even an undead cultivator cannot be placed in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, since I said it once, why should I say it again?" Shi Jiayuan lowered his head and smiled and said, "After all, it's still the same. The real head of the living corpse is not me, but the seventeenth prince."

The unsuspecting officials in the hall made an uproar, and Zhou Fan was also stunned. The head of the living corpse was the Seventeenth Prince?

The 17th prince who claimed to be the orthodox heir and the living corpse were actually linked together?

There were only a few people in the main hall, San San and Duanmu Xiaohong, who knew about this in advance, and they were the only ones who kept their faces fairly calm.

Dongmen played the flute and felt bitter in his heart. After Shi Jiayuan confessed, he has been regretting it. It is really bad luck to participate in this kind of thing. No matter whether the seventeenth prince will be dealt with or not, how will the sage see him after the investigation? The person who does this kind of thing?

Originally, as soon as Shi Jiayuan confessed, he discussed it with Duanmu Xiaohong, saying that this matter can only be told to the Sage, and Duanmu Xiaohong has no objection, but who knows that after the Sage knows, he doesn't know what kind of thoughts he has, and he actually wants to take this matter. made public.

This made Dongmen playing the flute even more uneasy. He was always timid, but now he was holding his breath, for fear that the sage would notice him.

"Silence!" Eunuch Tong shouted fiercely.

Everyone closed their mouths immediately. The atmosphere in the main hall was tense and solemn. This involved the Imperial Family of Wei. What exactly did the Sage want to do?

"Fifty years ago, I was just an ordinary martial artist with a little talent, but because I committed some things, I became a criminal and could only hide everywhere." Shi Jiayuan said slowly: "At this time, someone found us and said Give us a new chance."

"I joined that organization with a group of criminals. They gave us a practice method. Less than 10% of the people who practiced this practice with me survived."

The people in the hall immediately understood that this should be a ghost practice method, which has always been known for its dangerous and rapid entry.

"However, the strength of those who survived has improved, and we have been gifted with another practice and resources. People continue to die because of this, and I have been to the end until I met the seventeenth prince, the seventeenth prince. Let me set up a living corpse to secretly do things for him until he is caught by you."

"You are immortal, isn't it easy to break free from the control of a prince?" Zuo Xiangye Gaoshan said solemnly.

The Emperor of Wei asked them to come over, and he allowed them to ask questions.

"Why do I want to get out of the control of the seventeenth prince?" Shi Jiayuan sneered: "Don't say that the seventeenth prince treats me like a mountain, the seventeenth prince wants me to do things for him, and he also provided me with A lot of cultivation resources, even after the living corpse has become a climate, I am not lacking in cultivation resources, but the seventeenth prince and I still have complementary interests, and I am naturally willing to obey him."

"Did he not ask you to make an oath?" asked the middle minister, Wang Daozi.

"The seventeenth prince knows that taking the oath will only make me hold grudges, and he is also very confident that I will not betray him." Shi Jia Yuan said.

Everyone in the hall sneered at Shi Jiayuan's remarks. Isn't Shi Jiayuan betraying the seventeenth prince now?

No one asked any more questions. They just waited for the Emperor Wei to speak. Some people couldn't understand why the Emperor Wei wanted to open the trial on a small scale.

Now the situation is very clear, the words Shi Jiayuan said in the hall have long been in the interrogation, and these words will not be false, the seventeenth prince...

"Did he let you do all the sacrifices you made in various places in order to practice Ghost Dao exercises?" The Great Wei asked.

Everyone straightened their backs.

"Most of them are." Zombie Jiayuan said: "But it's okay to say that he asked us to do everything. He asked me to use all means to strengthen the power of the living corpse."

In other words, these are all acquiesced by the seventeenth prince. Many people in the hall heard a chill in their hearts. The living dead can rank first among many evil organizations. In addition to being powerful, it is also because the means are cruel enough to kill them. many innocent people.

Countless innocent people die every year because the living corpses practice the ghost way.

"Let the seventeenth prince come in." Emperor Wei gave a fair and fair look.

Eunuch Tong understood, he raised his head and shouted, "His Royal Highness Xuan XVII."

"Your Majesty, this is a family matter for the royal family, and this minister requests to retire." Minister of the Right, Xiao Hui, stepped out of the queue and bowed.

Left Prime Minister Ye Gaoshan and Middle Prime Minister Wang Daozi also requested the same thing.

The three-phase belt took the lead, and the ministers in the hall all came out to ask, Zhou Fan and Duanmu Xiaohong were the same.

"Sit down." Da Wei Tianzi said with a blank face: "This is not a family matter, but a business one."

Everyone looked at each other and sat back in their seats.

The seventeenth prince quickly walked in with Eunuch Tong.

Zhou Fan glanced at the seventeenth prince. If he was the seventeenth prince, he should have fled as soon as he knew that Shi Jiayuan had been captured.

I just didn't expect that the seventeenth prince, who gave him an arrogant impression, was still in Jingdu, and still in the Jinggong. Could it be that he was still stupid enough to think that Shijiayuan wouldn't betray him?

How can there be such a stupid person in the world?

It is simply to meet the emperor. "The seventeenth prince casually saluted the Emperor Wei, he didn't look at Shi Jiayuan beside him, just looked at the Emperor Wei.

"Yuan Ye, do you recognize him?" Da Wei Tianzi pointed at the corpse Jia Yuan and asked in a deep voice.

The seventeenth prince then glanced at Zombie Jiayuan and said, "Back to the father, this person is Zombie Jiayuan, the master of the living dead."

"He said that you are the real head of the living corpse, do you admit it?" The Emperor Wei asked again.

The father and son were both very calm, and they could not see too many emotions, but everyone tightened their nerves and listened silently.

The seventeenth prince chuckled and said, "I think it's useless to deny it, the living corpse was indeed formed by me."

The seventeenth prince admitted without any denial, which surprised everyone.

An angry expression finally appeared on the face of Emperor Wei, "Why do you do this?"

"Of course it's for the throne that belongs to me." The seventeenth prince laughed and said: "Or what do you think it's for? You have always disliked me, my brothers have always coveted my throne, I can only cultivate myself Otherwise, why should I **** the throne that belongs to me?"

"Wait for you to pity me?" The seventeenth prince's eyes showed resentment.

"You bastard, when did I promise that the throne would be yours?" Emperor Wei scolded.

"Why is it not mine?" The seventeenth prince shouted, "I am the eldest son, why is it not mine?"

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