Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1571: Corpse Turning

Everyone in the hall watched the father and son quarrel with bated breath.

"Our Great Wei has never had the rules of inheritance by the firstborn son." The Great Wei Emperor suppressed his anger and said, "If you insist on thinking this way, that is your problem, Yuan Ye, you are crazy."

"It's always been like this." The seventeenth prince said with a stern face: "It's just because you're not the eldest son who sat on the throne, and you say this. The ancestors of our great Wei who inherited the throne are mostly the eldest son. This is the default rule. ."

"You're really crazy..." Emperor Wei looked at the seventeenth prince in disbelief.

"Then what does the royal father plan to do with my crazy son?" The seventeenth prince smiled and said, "Do you want someone to drag me out and behead me?"

The Emperor of Wei was furious and said, "You think I dare not kill you..."

"It's impossible to be holy." The three three said almost in unison.

All of a sudden, all eyes were on San San.

"When Empress Xiaoshu died back then, the Sage promised her that no matter what His Highness the Seventeenth did, he would spare his life." The middle minister, Wang Daozi, said hurriedly.

"Don't mention her to me!" The Emperor Wei said more and more angrily, "How did this beast get the resources to support the living corpses, do you still need to ask?"

"It was given to me by the queen mother. The queen mother only has one son. It's not like you have more than a hundred sons. Of course, the queen mother's inheritance will be left to me." The seventeenth prince chuckled lightly.

"In this case, I don't have to keep that ghost promise." Emperor Wei said coldly.

"Tiger poison won't eat children, Your Majesty." Zuo Xiang Ye Gaoshan was in tears, "I also ask Your Majesty to spare His Highness the Seventeenth Prince's life."

Apart from San San, there were also other officials who knelt down to plead for the Seventeenth Prince, and Dongmen played the flute even more sobbing, tears streaming down his face, causing Zhou Fan to look sideways.

Dongmen played the flute only to cry, he didn't care about the life and death of the seventeenth prince. He wanted to let the sage know that he never wanted to let the sage father and son kill each other.

In the end, if the sage really wants to kill the seventeenth prince, just kill him anyway.

The officials who plead for mercy are probably more or less holding this idea.

Zhou Fan saw that Duanmu Xiaohong and Chen Zheng didn't ask for mercy for the seventeenth prince, and he didn't either. He wished that the sage would immediately behead the seventeenth prince.

The relationship between the seventeenth prince and him is the worst among the princes.

"Shut up." Emperor Wei looked at San San and shouted, "You three old men, how many people have he killed and how many evil things he has done? According to the law of Great Wei, why can't they be killed?"

"If anyone dares to intercede for him, I will behead him together."

The officials in the hall who pleaded for mercy instantly shut their mouths, and the East Gate flute wiped tears from their faces and rolled back to the corner.

"You can think that the throne is yours, and you can fight for it, but no matter what you do, it's not the reason for you to do so many bad things." Emperor Wei said with a frosty face: "Come here, drag Li Yuanye and Shi Jiayuan. Go out and behead."

"You really want to kill me." The seventeenth prince laughed more and more arrogantly, "You are cold-blooded and ruthless. Back then, you were able to watch the mother die because of that slut's chaos in the court. Now you want to kill me because of this trivial matter. Not surprising at all."

Dawei Tianzi just kept his face sullen.

Outside the hall, two guards stepped in quickly and wanted to **** the Seventeenth Prince and Shi Jiayuan to the guillotine.

It's just that the seventeenth prince's body suddenly exploded, and clumps of flesh and blood splashed in the hall.

"Be careful."

"Your Highness Protector."

Immediately, there were several people in the hall, and Eunuch Tong moved the fastest. He gently flicked his sleeves and robes, blue true essence filled the air, and the splashes of flesh and blood in the air were suspended in the air.

The flesh and blood were burning, and the black smoke rose up.

The black smoke was also carefully controlled by Father Tongue and gathered into a smoke-like sphere.

After this change, Zhou Fan stared at the corpse Jiayuan for the first time. He was afraid that the corpse Jiayuan would escape, but the corpse Jiayuan was blown away by the explosion and hit the wall. There was no move to escape. A faint smile appeared.

It all happened so fast.

The black smoke balloon flew towards Eunuch Tong. He just glanced at him, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed: "Old slave is guilty."

"What's going on?" Emperor Wei angrily said, "What about people?"

"This should be a surrogate technique, not the body of His Highness the Seventeenth." Tong Gonggong said in a trembling voice.

"This is the ghost avatar technique, the corpse puppet turn. It can make a clone that is exactly the same as the main body. However, this clone can only fool people, but it cannot be cultivated, and it has no strength at all." Corpse Jiayuan explained on behalf of Eunuch Tongue. road.

Eunuch Tong knelt on the ground and his body trembled.

This kind of thing shouldn't happen. The seventeenth prince was brought into the palace by Eunuch Tong himself. Eunuch Tong should have already thought of verifying the authenticity of the seventeen princes.

Therefore, everyone present did not suspect that the Seventeenth Prince was fake.

"I can't blame this father-in-law. The difficulty of refining a clone with the corpse-puppet-turning technique is rare in the world, so ordinary means can't tell that this is a fake His Royal Highness." Corpse Jiayuan laughed again.

After hearing this, everyone looked at each other.

Eunuch Tong had his head on the ground, his eyes were gloomy, and the corpse Jiayuan defended him. That would only make the sage suspect that he was in collusion with the seventeenth prince. He hated this corpse Jiayuan, and of course he was even more anxious.

Zhou Fan now understands why the seventeenth prince dared to enter the palace, it turned out to be a fake.

Dawei Tianzi ignored Eunuch Tong who was kneeling on the ground, he just said with a sullen face, "The East Gate is playing the flute."

"I played the flute at the east gate of and quickly rolled out of the corner to answer.

"I gave my order that the seventeenth prince Li Yuanye colluded with the living corpse and committed monstrous acts. From today onwards, he is no longer a member of the royal family. If you want to find him, if you dare to resist, you can be sentenced to death immediately!" Dawei Tianzi said.

Dongmen playing the flute quickly responded.

"Give me three months to complete this matter, otherwise you won't have to do it!" Emperor Wei said coldly again.

Dongmen was playing the flute and his body was full of fat and he shivered, "Yes!"

The Great Wei Emperor glanced at Zombie Jiayuan in disgust again, "This person is also handed over to you to deal with."

After the Great Wei Tianzi finished speaking, he ignored anyone and left alone.

And Eunuch Tong was still kneeling on the ground, he breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the Holy Master doesn't speak to deal with him now, he can still bear the next treatment.

When the people in the hall saw the saint leaving, they all dispersed in groups of three or five.

Zhou Fan walked with Duanmu Xiaohong and Chen Zheng, and got into the talisman car together.

Duanmu Xiaohong didn't sigh until after leaving the Jinggong Palace, "I haven't seen the sage so angry for a long time."

"Senior brother, the sage may not be really angry, does he really not know that the seventeenth prince is fake?" Chen Zheng questioned aloud.

Zhou Fan also had such doubts in his heart.

"That's not right." Duanmu Xiaohong shook his head and affirmed: "The sage is really angry, and he really wants to kill the seventeenth prince."

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