Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1572: retrial


"Senior brother, why are you so sure?" Chen Zheng asked in confusion.

"I can't understand the sage either, but I know that the sage doesn't need to be so pretentious." Duanmu Xiaohong said.

"Mr. Da is right. If the sage really wants to let the seventeenth prince go, then there is no reason for us to come and participate in this matter." Zhou Fan suddenly woke up and said, "Maybe the sage asked us to come over because he was afraid of himself. I can't get over this cruelty."

Under the witness of so many important people, the emperor of Wei could not bend the law for personal gain.

"It's possible." Chen Zheng nodded in agreement with this statement, "If this is the case, then the Sage probably doesn't know that the Seventeenth Prince is fake."

"There is also a problem with the corpse Jiayuan. He deliberately delayed two days to give the seventeenth prince time to prepare to escape." Duanmu Xiaohong said, his face quickly became puzzled, "But this is not right, if He is doing it for the sake of the Seventeenth Prince, so he shouldn't say anything."

"Could he come up with such a method because he was afraid that he would not be able to survive the severe punishment of the Yiluan Division?" Chen Zheng asked.

"This..." Duanmu Xiaohong raised her eyebrows and pondered.

"Can we go see Shi Jiayuan and question him again?" Zhou Fan suggested.

"I have this idea too." Duanmu Xiaohong nodded.

The Emperor Wei didn't say that no one was allowed to see Shi Jiayuan. As long as the Dongmen flute agreed, there would be no problem.

Chen Zheng got off the bus halfway, did not go to see Shi Jiayuan, and went to do other things.

Duanmu Xiaohong and Zhou Fan didn't wait long after they arrived at the General Office of Yiluan, when Dongmen Flute also brought back Corpse Jiayuan.

To Duanmu Xiaohong and Zhou Fan's request, Dongmen played the flute in surprise and said, "What are you doing when you see him?"

"I don't understand some things, and I was wondering if I could find out the whereabouts of the seventeenth prince for Lord Dongmen." Zhou Fan said with a smile.

Dongmen played the flute after hesitating for a while, but agreed, because this matter was only good for him and not bad, but the sage only gave him three months. If he couldn't find the seventeenth prince, his career would be over.

However, Duanmu Xiaohong and Zhou Fan did not fully trust Duanmu Xiaohong and Zhou Fan. They wanted to see Shi Jiayuan, and he wanted to accompany him.

The three soon saw Shi Jiayuan in the prison.

If it wasn't for Shi Jiayuan's cultivation base, which was first banned by the two national teachers, and then continued to be blessed and banned by the Yiluan Division, such a prison would definitely not be able to trap Shi Jiayuan.

"It's you again." Zombie Jiayuan said with a smile.

"Good luck for you, if it wasn't for Mr. Da and the others who wanted to see you, I would have had your skin peeled off now." Dongmen piped the flute and snorted coldly.

Dongmen playing the flute had a fire in his heart. Not only did he get no credit for catching this corpse Jiayuan, but he was also involved in the affairs of the seventeenth prince. Of course, he hated the corpse Jiayuan very much.

"I don't know why you are looking for me?" Shi Jiayuan looked at Duanmu Xiaohong and Zhou Fan and asked.

"You deliberately delayed two days for the seventeenth prince, right?" Duanmu Xiaohong asked.

"Since you've seen it all, of course I won't deny it." Shi Jiayuan said with a smile.

"If it's really for the good of the Seventeenth Prince, you shouldn't confess him." Duanmu Xiaohong questioned.

"Because I'm afraid of pain, the East Gate Master said that he would use torture, so I can't do it if I don't." Shi Jiayuan glanced at the East Gate and played the flute to answer.

The three of Zhou Fan looked at each other in dismay. They felt that the reason was absurd.

"Since you're afraid of my punishment, then tell me where the seventeenth prince is hiding?" Dongmen played the flute and asked tentatively.

"How could I possibly know this?" Shi Jiayuan said sarcastically: "I was caught, do you think the Seventeenth Prince will hide in a place I know about, waiting for you to catch him?"

"If I had to guess, I would guess that the seventeenth prince had already escaped from Jingdu, and fled far away, and even left Dawei, and would never come back."

It has to be said that the statement of corpse Jiayuan has its certain rationality.

Dongmen Piper's face became ugly. If this was the case, his situation would be bad. The seventeenth prince escaped, and he would definitely guard against spell tracking, which would not work either.

The only way he can use it is to cast a wide net and let the department of yiluan help in the investigation, but only God knows how effective this method will be.

"Then you have no use value." Dongmen piped the flute and looked at Shi Jiayuan with murderous aura.

The emperor of Wei handed over the corpse Jiayuan to him to dispose of it, which meant that the General Office of Yiluan would use the corpse to capture the seventy princes, but now Shijiayuan said that he did not know where the seventeenth princes would flee, and the east gate was blowing. The flute can completely kill the corpse Jiayuan.

"Master Dongmen, you can't say that." Shi Jiayuan smiled and said, "Although I don't know where the seventeenth prince fled to, the people who the seventeenth prince took to hide with him must be mostly dead corpses, as long as you I have found the direction in which the seventeenth prince escaped, but I can play a big role."

"But I can't trust you." Dongmen piped the flute coldly.

"I can make an oath, and I am willing to help the lord help track the seventeenth prince." Shi Jiayuan said: "As long as the lord promises to spare me a small life after finding the seventeenth prince, let me enjoy my old age in prison. "

Dongmen played the flute with a hint of emotion on his face. If so, then it is not impossible to agree.

"Master are you going to promise him?" Zhou Fan, who had not spoken, asked.

"This corpse Jiayuan has done a lot of evil, I have to ask the Holy Master first." Dongmen played the flute cautiously.

"If Lord Dongmen intends to promise him, then you might as well ask him to add an oath." Zhou Fan said: "You said you don't know where the seventeenth prince is hiding, then you have to swear, in addition to this, you have to swear , I don't know the follow-up plan of the seventeenth prince."

"It's impossible." Shi Jiayuan's face changed greatly: "I don't know where the seventeenth prince is hiding, let alone the follow-up plan of the seventeenth prince, but if I guess, I will die, like this I swear I won't stand."

"You're right, then add a premise, and what you guessed later doesn't count." Zhou Fan looked at Zombie Jiayuan with bright eyes, "Is it alright?"

Shi Jiayuan's face became cloudy and uncertain, and he didn't say a word.

Dongmen played the flute for a while and then reacted: "Do you know the seventeenth prince's escape plan?"

"Master Dongmen, it's not necessarily an escape plan, but a follow-up plan." Zhou Fan corrected the wording of Dongmen's flute.

"What's the difference?" Dongmen piped in and asked.

"As the owner of the living dead, it was unusual for him to appear in Jingdu." Zhou Fan said, "He should have been called by the seventeenth prince to do something, but he was caught by us before he could do it. already."

"So the seventeenth prince may not escape, maybe he will continue to do that big thing according to their original plan!"

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