Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1580: wedding post


Thoughts gather and disperse, and all the changes in the surroundings in front of and behind the body can be seen in the eyes. If you have martial arts, you can only rely on ear awareness to hear the movement behind you.

This is the most basic change in the spiritual realm.

Zhou Fan took off another dagger, his thoughts attached to the dagger, and the dagger flew up immediately.

According to his thoughts, he kept turning and turning in the sky, so fast that only a frontal shadow could be seen.

Thoughts can control things, and can multiply the power of things that can be controlled.

In the previous realm, only the natal magic weapon related to the life of the monk could fly freely.

The strength of thoughts determines the weight of things that can be controlled. The stronger the thoughts, the heavier the things that can be controlled.

It is very rare for him to be able to handle a dagger like him who has just stepped into the spirit realm, and a monk in the early stage of the ordinary spirit realm can control an embroidery needle at most.

Spiritual Mind Controlling Objects... Actually, it's not of great use. No matter how powerful the attachment is on weapons, it will be difficult to break the golden body of a golden body cultivator.

When fighting with spiritual sense, you can only use tricks and use it on some talisman equipment that needs to be close to the enemy, so that these talisman equipment can fly out.

Psychic control objects are more useful for puppet masters, they can no longer rely on rune tools and other objects to manipulate puppets.

The functions of thoughts condensed in the spiritual state are these two. They are more of an auxiliary role in the battle. The thoughts that are constantly condensed in this state are more to prepare for the next state.

The power of the Spiritual Mind Realm is reflected in the gain of the real body in all aspects. The realm is used to suppress the undead monks. Of course, some undead monks have extraordinary talents.

However, for Zhou Fan, he has a solid foundation, and he can get more benefits when he enters the Spiritual Mind Realm. He is able to further awaken his Pluto chakra anti-chakra body, which has reached 75%!

It's not as good as the explosive growth in the undead realm, but growth is a good thing. The innate awakening of the Pluto chakra body will be slower and slower.

In a blink of an eye, several days passed, and the weather in Jingdu became hot because summer was coming.

Especially when there are many people in Jingdu, the flow of wind has become a little sluggish, and Jingdu is like a hot and stuffy furnace.

In addition to cultivating, Zhou Fan is also concerned about the development of the Seventeenth Prince.

Suspecting that the seventeenth prince was in Jingdu, the General Office of Yiluan almost turned the mirror over with the help of Jingdu and the patrol camp, but still could not find the seventeenth prince.

Zhou Fan is not surprised by this result. The mirror is too big, and the seventeenth prince is already prepared. If he really does not leave the mirror, then the general office of Yiluan wants to find him. not easy.

Then, Zhou Fan received another invitation.

The banquets of the princes all disappeared after the incident with the seventeenth prince. During this kind of limelight, the princes became low-key, and Zhou Fan was also very happy. He hadn't received invitations for a long time, but he just received another one today. invitation.

He opened the invitation and glanced at it with a complicated look on his face.

This is a wedding invitation, inviting him to the wedding, the inviter is Li Jiuyue.

If it wasn't for the invitation, he would have almost forgotten about it, or deliberately didn't think about it.

And he couldn't go if he didn't want to, because the location of the invitation was within the Mirror Capital.

I just don't know whether Li Jiuyue and the others have always lived in Jingdu or Jingdu, which has just moved here.

Li Jiuyue could contact him directly through sound transmission, but he sent an invitation to him, was he afraid that he would be embarrassed to bring it up again?

Or are you worried that he won't go?

Zhou Fan felt a little angry in his heart, but he didn't know who to be angry with.

Is it Li Jiuyue?

But Li Jiuyue didn't feel sorry for him. Strictly speaking, Li Jiuyue was very kind to him, and even gave him his wife to sleep with...

Is it Li Chungniang?

She should like him, but she can't be with him, and he can't hate it either.

Or maybe he should be angry with the two of them. If it wasn't because of what happened that night and then Mengmeng, even if he likes the bug girl again, and the bug girl doesn't want to be with him, he can still treat it with a calm attitude. It's just a matter of time when he has nothing to do with Bug Niang, and he thinks that he has lost his love. Sooner or later, he will meet a girl he likes.

But what is this called now?

The more he thought about it, the more annoyed he became.

"Oh, Li Jiuyue and Li Chungniang are getting married." At some point when Xiao Ling was lying on Zhou Fan's shoulder, she was a little surprised when she looked at the invitation.

"Shut up, I'm not blind." Zhou Fanqian said angrily.

Xiao Ling said worriedly: "Master, what are you going to do now? Your good brother is going to marry the girl you like. Such a **** thing, the new folklore would not dare to write it like that."

"Are you going to treat a woman like a full brother, or are you going to turn against your brother and take back the woman you like?"

Zhou Fan: "..."

The three of Zhou Xiaobai also looked over.

"Dad, do you need our help?" Zhou Xiaobai asked three times.

"No need." Zhou Fan said, "Don't listen to this little bastard, Xiao Qian..."

"Yes, master, I understand, I promise not to say it, don't buckle my duck legs." Xiao Ling immediately responded and said that after so many lessons, she finally learned to be smart.

"It's too late, the duck legs still have to be buckled." Zhou Fan said, "Duck a hundred duck legs for you."

Xiao Ling cried out with a wow, she was so miserable, "Master, I just care about you, how can you buckle my duck legs?"

Zhou Fan ignored He just frowned. What Xiaoxiao said just now was all nonsense. He wouldn't treat the woman he likes as clothes for his brotherhood, but he wouldn't turn his back on his brother either.

The problem with this matter is that Li Jiuyue and Zongniang couldn't be separated for some reason, they would die once they were separated, and they didn't even tell him the reason, so he couldn't intervene.

Their marriage seems to be irresistible. Even though Li Jiuyue always said that he was inhumane and regarded Zongniang as his sister, it was a fact that Zongniang married Li Jiuyue, and when he thought about it, his heart ached.

He took out the sound transmission jade that Li Jiuyue gave him, and he wanted to ask the reason for the inability to separate.

But the sound transmission jade has been activated for a long time, and there is no sound.

Zhou Fan quickly understood that Li Jiuyue should not want to talk to him now.

The invitation was also specially chosen to be sent now, because the wedding day is tomorrow.

Zhou Fan immediately wanted to understand more things. Li Jiuyue and Zongniang would not tell him anything. They invited him over, just to accept his blessing.

He closed his eyes and remembered some things that happened when he got along with Li Chungniang, as well as some things about Li Jiuyue.

"Since you need blessings, then I will give you blessings. After this time, we will have nothing to do with each other except Mengmeng." Zhou Fan thought silently.

Li Jiuyue and Li Chungniang didn't want to tell him anything, and he respected their choice, but he was fed up with this inexplicable triangular relationship and didn't want to be involved in this kind of thing anymore.

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