Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1581: lie to me again


In Jingdu Shiwanfang City, there are slum areas like Bedbug Square, and naturally there are also square markets where aristocratic families live. Among these square cities, Xiaofang, Yefang, and Wangfang are the most famous.

The three squares of Xiao Yewang were occupied by the three major families of Xiao Yewang, and they became their private territories. Apart from that, it was difficult for any aristocratic family to monopolize one square.

Of course, this is because most of the royal family of the Great Wei Li family do not live in Jingdu, but are concentrated in Wangdi Prefecture on Tianmu Road.

In fact, an aristocratic family that has been proliferating for thousands of years has a huge population. Even if the three major families of Xiao Yewang occupy one square, it is impossible to accommodate them. They are also like the royal family of the Wei Dynasty. .

In addition to the famous Xiao Yewang Sanfang, Jingdu also has many rich and prosperous squares, such as Changxingfang is one of them.

Changxingfang is a manor-style residence, guarded by guards outside, and the environment is quiet. If it weren't for invitations, ordinary people would not be able to easily enter such a place.

The Jingdu, the core of the Great Wei Dynasty, has gathered as many wealthy families as the number of sands in the Ganges River. The relationship between these wealthy families is even more intricate. The relationship of these aristocratic families.

Because of this, even children from aristocratic families who are playing in the mirror will maintain a low-key attitude, and they will be more cautious when encountering problems, because they do not know whether the people they provoke will be the ones their family can't afford to provoke or not. It's going to cost a lot to provoke...

A carriage stopped outside the gate of Changxingfang Manor.

Zhou Fan got off the carriage, and he looked up at the plaque with the words 'Yuefu' written on it.

In addition to the guards standing outside the mansion gate, there was also a middle-aged woman.

"Senior Chen." Zhou Fan greeted with a smile. This middle-aged woman was Chen Fupi, who served next to Bug Niang. The two met in Gaoxiang County.

"Guest, please come with me." Chen Pepi just nodded slightly.

Zhou Fan knew that Chen Bopi had always had this attitude, so he followed Chen Bopi into the Yuefu.

The door was quickly closed.

To Zhou Fan's surprise, there was no festive atmosphere in the mansion.

This made him raise his eyebrows slightly. Didn't he say they were married? Why so quiet?

He wanted to ask Chen Bopi, but he still closed his mouth and didn't ask, because he knew that Chen Bopi was the confidant of Bug Niang and Jiuyue.

Besides, I'll see them later, so I'm not in a hurry now.

Zhou Fan was brought into the Yuefu hall.

Li Jiuyue looked at him with a smile, "Brother Zhou, stay safe, I'm so worried that you won't come."

"Why didn't I come?" Zhou Fan asked with a chuckle.

Chen Peipi bowed and stepped out.

"Come, drink tea." Li Jiuyue warmly greeted Zhou Fan and sat down.

Zhou Fan rudely sat down and took a sip of tea: "What the **** are you doing? Didn't you say you got married today? Could it be that you lied to me?"

He once thought that Li Jiuyue was an honest person, but after so many things, he no longer believed it. Li Jiuyue is trustworthy in some aspects, but sometimes it is full of nonsense, so Li Jiuyue's words should be taken with suspicion.

"How could I lie to Brother Zhou?" Li Jiuyue grinned, and when he saw Zhou Fan rolled his eyes, he corrected it: "I lied to Brother Zhou before, but that was before, I didn't lie to Zhou this time. Brother."

Zhou Fan didn't believe it: "Then why don't you arrange it?"

"There's no need to arrange, these are all mere formalities, and neither I nor the insect girl care about these formalities." Li Jiuyue said.

"It's up to you, what about the other guests?" Zhou Fan said, "Did you only invite me?"

"That's right, Chong Niang and I only invited Brother Zhou." Li Jiuyue said.

"Then you got married for me?" Zhou Fan suppressed the anger in his heart, "If it is, I don't care, you start and end quickly, and then I will see Mengmeng, so I won't disturb you. "

He really couldn't figure out what Li Jiuyue and Li Chungniang were doing. They said they were fake couples and they wanted to get married, but wouldn't it be interesting that this kind of marriage was not full of guests?

What's the point of showing it to him.

"Brother Zhou, are you angry?" Li Jiuyue's eyes seemed to go straight to the heart.

"No." Zhou Fan took a sip of his tea, "Why should I be angry?"

"You must be angry." Li Jiuyue said, "You have admitted to liking the bug girl before."

"Don't hide it from Brother Zhou, I've been in the mirror for a while. Your song "Butterfly Loves Flowers" was written for Insect Girl, right?"

"I don't regret it as my belt gradually widens. It makes people haggard for Yixiao. How well written."

Zhou Fan: "…"

"Also, I heard that you adopted three adopted sons, why did you adopt the adopted sons and plan not to marry them for the rest of your life?" Li Jiuyue sighed again: "Brother Zhou, it's really hard for me to do this, It will also make it very difficult for the bug lady."

"..." Zhou Fan shook his face and said, "You misunderstood, this is nothing at all."

He was really wronged. The song "Butterfly Loves Flowers" was copied. As for the three Zhou Xiaobais who were not adopted sons at all, where did they come from?

"What's wrong?" Li Jiuyue said loudly with a stern face: "It's all true, you still want to deny it, I'm jealous."

Zhou Fan just wanted to talk, but Li Jiuyue couldn't help but smile and said: "Brother Zhou, you don't need to explain, I'm joking with you, there is something I want to apologize to you, in fact, I told you last time about marrying the insect girl, It has been canceled, and I invite you to come over today just for a gathering."

The marriage has been cancelled? Zhou Fan had no reason to be happy in his heart, but he quickly became angry again, because Li Jiuyue was playing him like a monkey, why did he post a wedding post when he was not married?

He stood up and cupped his hands and said, "Since it's not a marriage, if there is nothing to do, take me to see Mengmeng. I still have important things to do. We will meet again in the future."

"Brother Zhou, Mengmeng is not in Jingdu." Li Jiuyue hurriedly stood up and said, "Why are you leaving so soon?"

"Something." Zhou Fan took a deep look at Li Jiuyue, then he turned and left.

With the help of the boat, he could see Mengmeng whenever he wanted. If he hadn't been worried about the bug lady, he would have asked the ship to bring Mengmeng to him.

Li Jiuyue hurriedly chased out, "Brother Zhou, don't leave yet, well, it's my fault, it's actually the bug lady who wants to see you."

Zhou Fan stopped, he turned to look at Li Jiuyue, "What's the matter with her wanting to see me?"

"How do I know this?" Li Jiuyue complained: "You put my wife to sleep, you have a big belly, and even gave birth to a child. Why am I joking with you? You are still angry with me?"

"..." The corners of Zhou Fan's eyes jumped, "Li Jiuyue, if you keep talking nonsense like this, then I'll really leave."

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