Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1601: father-in-law

Compared with the chaos in the city and the fierce battle in the sky, the huge city wall is much quieter.

"Is it really good for us to do this?" A dark figure asked with a smile, looking at the blazing fire in the Hundred Thousand Square City.

"The Secret Pavilion has always abide by its duties and does not involve any mortal kingdom forces." Another shadow said calmly: "The same is true this time, they can afford it, and of course we can sell the banning method of the Tongtian Mirror to them. "

"Really?" The black shadow smiled and said, "But the other forces in the Great Wei didn't even know that there was such news, and even more so on the Jinggong side."

"The Secret Pavilion has the power to sell information and keep it secret, and it also has the power to sell information to anyone." Another Sombra replied, "Everything is within the rules, if we don't violate the rules, then there will be no problem. "

"This forbidden secret method was found by the pavilion master's painstaking efforts, right?" The shadow asked curiously.

"The first rule of the secret pavilion, you can never inquire about the secrets of the pavilion master." Another shadow said coldly: "Do you want to die?"

"Of course I don't want to die." The shadow shrugged and said, "But we are in the business of buying and selling news, and we like to inquire about secrets. We are used to it. If the pavilion master doesn't let me say it, you can just pretend that I didn't ask. "

"I don't know where the pavilion master got this forbidden secret law." He shook his head, "but after tonight, no matter who wins or loses, the pavilion owner will come to Dawei in person and take away the emperors of Dawei's dynasties. kept secret."

"These secrets are like the most delicious and sweet delicacies." The shadow was a little excited, and then sighed in disappointment: "Unfortunately, I'm afraid I won't know what this secret is for the rest of my life."

When the guardian formation was closed, it shouldn't have affected the mirror palace. Of course, the affairs outside the palace were solved by people outside the palace.

It's just that when the news of the closure of the guardian formation has not had time to spread to the Mirror Palace, the azure blue sky of the Mirror Palace turned blood red no matter the day or night.

Panic boiled like boiling water in the palace.

The older eunuchs or palace maids faintly smelled the smell of blood, and knew that this might be a palace change, and the young maid eunuchs who had not experienced much felt uneasy in their hearts.

But even the maids and eunuchs who have lived in the palace for many years still feel at a loss when they see the red-stained sky, and no one knows what happened.

The large group of warrior monks who broke into the palace gate first had a killing conflict with the guards in the palace.

In the palace, several chief executives also led the little eunuchs and palace maids who were proficient in martial arts to kill the chief executives who did not know anything about it.

Under the circumstance that there is no intention to calculate, those chief executives who are loyal to the emperor of Wei can only fight back in a hurry.

The palace buildings of the Mirror Palace are inscribed with formations, and it is not so easy to destroy, but the fighting between warriors and warriors, monks and monks, and the burning of flames, the inner and outer cities of the mirror palace are in chaos at the same time.

When Eunuch Long was stained with blood in the Mirror Palace, he was keenly alert and knew that something was bad.

But no matter how vigilant he is, in the face of such an emergency, all he can do is to notify his six adopted sons in the palace as soon as possible, and ask them to act carefully and find out what happened as soon as possible.

"The contact with the outside world has been cut off." Eunuch Long learned the news quickly, and he guessed that someone might be outside the palace, using a tool talisman to set up a formation, isolating the mirror palace's request for help.

His face is solemn, these people are prepared, what is their goal?

Is it the Holy One?

Eunuch Long soon took several little eunuchs in his residence and decided to leave the residence first, because he knew in his heart that if the goal was to be a saint, then he, the head of the mirror palace, would definitely be the goal to get rid of.

Just as soon as he walked out of the residence, he saw that there were hundreds of people gathered outside his courtyard, including palace maids and eunuchs.

These people are headed by Eunuch Tong.

Eunuch Long narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at Eunuch Tong who had no expression on his face, he chuckled lightly: "Eunuch Tong, there are drastic changes in the palace, you don't bring someone to rescue you, what are you doing here in our house?"

"Eunuch Long, why do you know why you ask?" Eunuch Tong said lightly: "Our family knows that we want to use those conspiracy methods on you, it will only make you alert in advance, so our family has never planned to use conspiracy methods, and our family must be open and aboveboard. Kill you."

"You are also an old man in the palace for many years. You should understand that the most feared thing for us as slaves is to stand in advance. If we stand in the wrong position, the nobles will not be able to protect themselves, let alone us slaves." Duke Long said: "You really Do you think the insurgents can win? Especially when the Holy One and the Goose are around."

Father Tong grinned and smiled brightly, "This is a big gamble, our family has no choice, in fact, those noble people are still thinking about whether they can win you over, but our family persuaded them not to try to win you over. ."

"Oh, then why?" Eunuch Long asked: "Do they think that our family is loyal to the Sage and will never betray the Sage?"

"Come on, Eunuch Long, we eunuchs are loyal to our masters, but who doesn't think about themselves, our family doesn't believe that Eunuch Long will always be loyal to a master, you remember the first time you A serving little master Bi noble?" Eunuch Tong asked with a smile.

"Of course our family remembers." Eunuch Long looked nostalgic, "She is not a vicious master."

"But she's already dead, why didn't you die with her?" Eunuch Tong sneered and asked, "Doesn't this mean that eunuchs' loyalty is limited?"

"Yes, it is difficult for us to remain loyal to a certain master, especially a dead master." Eunuch Long sighed: "If this is the case, then our family does not understand, since our family has the possibility of betrayal, Isn't it worth wooing?"

"Of course you are worth winning." Eunuch Tong laughed wildly: "It's just that we hate you the most. If they win our family, they can't win you."

"It turns out to be because of you." Eunuch Long smiled and said, "Our family wants to delay the time when we talk to you, but you are not in a hurry, then this delay is meaningless. For the sake of knowing each other for many years, can you? Tell our family, how do you guys deal with Eunuch Goose and the Sage?"

Eunuch Tong said with a serious face: "Eunuch Eun has someone to deal with, as for the Holy One..."

"Don't you understand?" Tong Gong pointed to the sky with his hand, "Look at the palace, the sky has changed, if the sage really is the sage before, will he let things develop like this? ?"

Eunuch Long's heart sank, UU reading just like Eunuch Tong said, if the Sage is still in control of the Tongtian Mirror, he will not let the situation deteriorate into what it is now, as for outside the Mirror Palace, let alone I hope so.

"Eunuch Long, we have been fighting for so many years, and someone in the palace has always said that you should be ranked second, not our family." Eunuch Tong smiled grimly and said: "Today we are here to decide the winner and loser, and see who is the winner. Second... No, after tonight, the first chief executive of the Mirror Palace can only be our family."

"Just because of these people you brought?" Eunuch Long also laughed. There was no fear on his face, and a woman wearing blue flowers suddenly floated behind him.

The rustic woman looked at the palace maid and **** present, and she showed a simple and honest smirk.

Some palace maids and eunuchs trembled because of this.

According to rumors in the palace, Eunuch Long, the chief administrator, likes to keep a female ghost named Xiaoman, and often feeds the female ghost with the maid and **** who has made a big mistake.

They only learned today that the rumors were true.

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