Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1602: Can you still fight

When the sky in the mirror palace was dyed blood, the old man who had been sleeping on the bamboo recliner opened his eyes slightly.

His turbid eyes with black pupils were puzzled, but he was quickly relieved that he had seen too many strange things.

Even if he really hadn't seen what happened today, he couldn't make his heart sway too much.

He turned his head slightly, looked outside the courtyard, and understood more things.

The Great Wei royal family treated him generously, and the residence he chose was very quiet.

He stood up tremblingly.

The two little eunuchs in charge of serving him hurried over and waited for the old ancestor to put on the Jinmang robe.

Of course, they also saw that the sky had changed, but as long as the sky didn't fall, they couldn't go anywhere, they could only serve the old ancestor in the palace carefully.

The old man put on the python robe, his wrinkled face had pale old spots, and his smile was a little gloomy, and with the sparse white hair, it looked even more terrifying.

"You two will stay in the courtyard later. Don't go there." The old **** smiled and said, "If you are lucky, maybe you will survive."

"In the palace, that's how it is. Every time there is bloodshed, someone will die, and someone will flourish, but you have to remember that no matter how powerful our eunuchs are, we are still eunuchs."

The two little eunuchs panicked and didn't know what to say.

The old **** ignored the two of them, but walked out slowly with his hands behind his back.

Waiting for him outside the courtyard were the right minister Xiao Hui and a middle-aged man with black hair.

"Today I am fortunate to see a living legend, that is, I die without complaint." The middle-aged man said with a frenzied smile: "My dead ghost master kept talking about your old man before he died, saying that the thing he didn't understand the most was the old man. Why do you live so long?"

"Who is your master?" Eunuch Goe asked with a smile.

"Former Mad Blood Sect Sect Master Du Qingyi." The middle-aged man said respectfully, "I am now the third Mad Blood Sect Sect Master in the world."

"Du Qingyi?" Eunuch Goe rolled his eyes and said, "I don't know, but we have heard of Crazy Blood Sect."

No. 3 in the world was not angry, but laughed and said, "It's not surprising that the old man doesn't know my **** master, but it would be surprising if he did. I can't stand him because he's too rubbish, so I turned his head off. , simply become the suzerain yourself."

"Didn't you just ask why our family can live so long?" Eunuch Goose said slowly.

"Because of what?" The smile on Third Under Heaven's face narrowed.

Xiao Hui, who had not spoken all the time, also listened intently.

Dawei is afraid that it will be difficult to find someone who lives longer than Eunuch Goose.

"Because we don't talk much." Goose was fair.

Number Three Under Heaven and Xiao Hui looked at each other, and Number Three Under Heaven was startled and said, "The old man really knows how to joke."

"Our family is not joking." Eunuch Goose shook his head and said, "Those who talk less live longer. It's not like our family's chattering with you like this tonight, but when people are old, most of their bodies are buried in the ground. It is inevitable that there are Sometimes I like to babble a few words.”

"Just relying on the Xiao family's child and a monk from Xiliang, do you want to keep this old man here?"

"Old man." Xiao Hui said solemnly: "If you are willing to ignore this matter, then after tonight, the three families of Xiao Yewang will definitely remember this kindness."

"What are you trying to do?" Eunuch Goose said with a stern face, "Do you know how many people will die if you do this? It was a waste of the Wei royal family to treat the three of you so kindly."

"Xiao Yewang's three families will never betray the Wei royal family." Xiao Hui said: "It's just that we don't agree with what the sage is doing. I hope that the sage can abdicate and let the virtuous be given to the prince."

"How can you know if the new prince will be even more unbearable?" Eunuch Goose's voice became a little stern.

Xiao Hui was silent for a while. It was an indisputable fact that the emperors of the Wei Dynasty were worse than each generation. He shook his head and said, "We must try to make some changes."

"Is it at this time?" Eunuch Goe sneered and asked: "Xiao family boy, do you think that our family is so stupid and inflexible that you can't see what you are thinking? It's just that our family didn't expect you to be so bold. , so don't fool people with such high-sounding words."

"Master Right Prime Minister." Third Under Heaven said impatiently, "Have you finished talking with him?"

Xiao Hui's face was gloomy. He knew that this battle was inevitable. "If you are still in your prime, we may not be able to stop you, but you are old, can you still fight?"

"Yeah." Eunuch Eun sighed: "Our family is old, our strength is not as good as before, and we do not want to easily do anything with others. This will damage our lifespan, and even if we do it with you, maybe this pair of old bones will be explained. here."

"But what choice do we have?"

"I didn't expect you to be so loyal to an emperor after so many years of ups and downs in the palace. It's really rare." The third person in the world said with a look of admiration.

"You're wrong again." Eunuch E squinted his eyes and smiled, "Don't talk about the Great Wei Emperor, even if the Great Wei Royal Family, our family may not have much loyalty at all, our family just doesn't want the Great Wei Emperor to have an accident, if the Great Wei Emperor has an accident , Dawei is going to be in chaos, our family doesn't want Dawei to be in chaos."

Mr. Xiao couldn’t persuade Eunuch Goose when he met, and his real essence suddenly subsided, and his spirit came out of his shell.

Yuanshen Realm!

Xiao Hui was actually in the Primordial Spirit Realm, and no one knew that Lord Right Minister was a Primordial Spirit Realm cultivator!

You must know that the first building of the academy and the Great Buddha Temple is only in the late Yuanshen realm.

No. 3 in the world also came out of the primordial spirit, and his primordial spirit had a faint glow of blood.

Two Primordial Spirit Realm cultivators!

Eunuch Goe just looked at Xiao Hui's Primordial Spirit in surprise.

The primordial spirit shrouded in golden light has a hint of yin and a vigorous pure masculinity. One yin and one yang, it is not an ordinary primordial spirit.

"It seems that you are the strongest of the three great families." Eunuch Eun said with a complicated expression, "Is it "The Heaven is Not Crude Earth Is Not Lack of Great Visions"?"

"Exactly." Xiao Hui said indifferently: "I am the first person in the world to practice this technique, and the last one."

"This exercise is most about qualifications. It was created by an old **** senior and a Buddhist sage. Our family originally thought that no one would be able to practice this exercise, but I didn't expect to see it here." Eun Gonggong sighed. : "It's just that there is a copy of this exercise in the Great Buddha Temple, and a copy in the Mirror Palace. Where did you get this exercise in your hand?"

"Naturally it's the Mirror Palace." Xiao Hui said: "After obtaining this exercise, our three great families searched all over the clan, and finally I met the qualifications and was able to practice this exercise. Otherwise, how could I become the head of the Xiao family?"

After he practiced "The Heaven Is Not Cruelty, The Earth Is Not Lack of Great Vision," his cultivation improved by leaps and bounds, and he became the head of the Xiao family and the right minister. There are very few people who know about this, and no one has ever known it. Knowing that he is the number one master of the three great families.

"I didn't expect that the masters of the primordial spirits appeared in your three great families." Eunuch Eun was a little confused.

"You have always thought that our family has no masters of Yuanshen, and underestimated us." Xiao Hui said: "This is what we want."

"Yeah, everyone underestimates you." Eunuch Goe admitted: "It's just that there is a shortcoming that there is no shortage of great aspirations. What aspirations have you made?"

Number Three in the World also glanced at Xiao Hui. Although the two parties are now in a cooperative relationship, they may become enemies after all. He also wanted to know more about Xiao Hui.

"It doesn't matter what the ambition is." Xiao Hui shook his head and said, "It's an unfulfilled ambition anyway."

"Are you willing to be a **** for the rest of your life?" Eunuch Goe asked in a daze.

"What's wrong with this?" Xiao Hui said calmly, "I only like men anyway."

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