Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1603: family 3 old

The inner and outer cities of the Mirror Palace are fighting frantically, and there are several places where the battle is extremely fierce, and ordinary warriors can't get close at all.

Even if the defensive runes were inscribed in the courtyard attic corridors of those battlefields, they couldn't support it, and collapsed suddenly.

Anyone with the slightest knowledge avoided those places where the fighting was fierce.

Everyone in the palace understands that the change tonight, not to mention that ordinary people can't protect themselves, the strong people in the palace don't know how many will fall and die here.

This is the case inside the Mirror Palace. Outside the Mirror Palace, the entire mirror is also full of beacon smoke everywhere, and the chaos is still spreading.

Zhou Fanfei overlooked the entire Jingdu from the air, and above his head there were monks fighting, making a loud roar.

Mr. Da and the first one of the Great Buddha Temple are fighting in the highest sky, and the two national teachers of the big and small Buddhist temples are also fighting.

Below, there were roars, screams, weeping, and grief from time to time.

Chaos and disorder.

Zhou Fan never thought that the mirror would become like this.

He is flying in the direction of the Mirror Palace now. In fact, what happened to the Emperor Wei, it doesn't matter to him, he has no loyalty to the Emperor Wei, and the Mirror Palace at this moment is probably more dangerous.

The reason why he wanted to go to the Palace of Mirrors was because Mr. Da asked him to come.

Mr. Da usually treats him well, so he must come over to see it. Of course, if he finds that something can't be done, he will just leave immediately.

Now he still can't figure out, who started this turmoil?

The living corpse and the seventeenth prince alone certainly do not have this ability.

Suddenly, the consciousness contained in the spiritual thoughts he spread out sensed great danger, and he immediately hovered in the air and stopped moving forward.

Three figures emerged from the darkness ahead.

Zhou Fan's spiritual thoughts spread, and the three figures became clear.

It was three old men in yellow, red and blue gowns, who were suspended in the sky and looked at Zhou Fan indifferently.

"I found you." The red-shirted old man said, "Remaining sinners of the Zhou family, although I don't know why the Patriarch attaches so much importance to you, at such an urgent juncture, the three of us are asked to kill you in person, but since we are here..."

Countless fireballs fell from the sky, covering a radius of ten feet.

Zhou Fan drew his sword out of its sheath, and he slashed it out.

The purple-gold light escaped from the knife and turned into a huge umbrella-covered shield. The falling fireball smashed onto the purple-gold giant shield, making a crashing sound.

The red-shirted old man's face was indifferent, his rune spread instantly, and green oil filled the entire space.

The fireball falls into the green oil.


The green oil erupted into a forest-green flame, burning the sky and illuminating the cities below.

Instantly attracted the attention of countless eyes.

"Let's go." The red-shirted old man said lightly. In his opinion, the Zhou family's remaining sins had no chance of living, and the immortal realm could not survive in his rune.

"Where to?" Zhou Fan's voice came from the flames.

The forest of green fire was automatically divided into two halves, and Zhou Fan flew out of it slowly, without the slightest harm.

He looked at the three old men. In fact, at the moment when the three old men appeared, he tried to use Wang Zhiwei to drag the three old men into the deep illusion, but failed.

That can only explain one thing, these three old men have the strength of the spirit realm, and the strength is higher than him, so they can't be dragged into the deep illusion.

The only one who calls him the remnant of the Zhou family is the mortal enemy of the Zhou family.

The indifferent faces of the three old men became slightly solemn. love to read

"If I'm not mistaken, it was just now that Ye Jiajingren's talent Huoyun." Zhou Fan said coldly.

The three families of Xiao Yewang are all noble families with a talent for deceitful people. Of course, Zhou Fan will not even know such information.

It seems that the Zhou family's mortal enemies are not only the Xiao family, but also the Ye Wang family.

"Don't waste your time, the owner of the house is still waiting for us to help, let's take action together and kill him." The old man in the blue shirt shouted lowly.

A blue light flew out of his storage bag. When he caught the blue light, the blue light turned into an ice and snow longbow. He pulled the ice string, and the ice blue particles were gathering.

Zhou Fan had a creepy feeling of being stared at. He slashed out, and hundreds of gray swords shot out.

This is the Dao style of the Spiritual Mind Realm level, and each of them is extremely terrifying.

The old man in the yellow shirt flicked his body, and he stood in front of him. He opened his hands, and his body shone with golden rays of light, turning it into a golden shield.

Do Do Do Do!

Gui Yi Daoguang was all slashed on the golden shield, but the golden shield was not damaged in the slightest.

Zhou Fan's face darkened slightly. This was the slanderous talent of the Wang family, 'Wang Shield'. It was known as the Wang Shield that could withstand all damage.

In the air, a giant ball of flame like a meteorite came down.

The green oil is also spreading.

This made Zhou Fan too late to launch an attack.

The red fireball collided with the green oil, and the green flame exploded, setting off a hurricane of flames in the air.

Zhou Fan rushed out of the hurricane of flames again.

Only at this moment, an ice blue beam shot towards him.

Zhou Fan only had time to move his body sideways, sigh, the ice blue beam pierced through his left shoulder.

The powerful and icy energy tried to spread through his body, freezing his vitality.

Zhou Fan snorted, the cold and powerful energy was quickly killed by his true essence.

There was an arrow hole on his left shoulder, and the blood was dripping. If it used to be, the Pluto chakra would definitely heal the wound on his shoulder quickly, but now it is only slowly healing.

The three old men stared solemnly at the slowly healing wound on Zhou Fan's left shoulder.

The blue-shirted old man just used a powerful magic weapon passed down from the Xiao family. The lethality of this ice bow is terrifying. If an ordinary spiritual cultivator is stained with an ice arrow, it will be frozen to death.

I just didn't expect it to be the simplest injury for the rest of the Zhou family.

"What a strong healing ability, no wonder the ancestors left a legacy, must destroy the Zhou family, otherwise the three of us will be in disaster." The old man in yellow shirt said coldly.

Zhou Fan was surprised by the lethality of the ice bow. His body was very strong, but the ice bow could actually hurt him.

These three old men from the three families of Xiao Yewang, although they only have the cultivation level of Spiritual Mind Realm, but with the addition of powerful magic weapons, I am afraid that even the Primordial Soul Realm will be very difficult to deal The three families of Xiao Yewang are here Knowing that he only has the realm of immortality, he actually sent three such cultivators here, and he really looked down on him.

The old man in the blue shirt pulled the bowstring again, but this time his whole body radiated blue light, and he turned into a blue tree emitting water vapor.

This is the deceitful talent water tree of the Xiao family. Anyone who is contaminated by water vapor will turn into water vapor if they are not isolated with true essence.

There are also frost runes spreading on the water tree, and the water vaporized into countless ice particles, falling down.

Zhou Fan's True Essence shield resisted the erosion of falling ice particles.

The old man in the red shirt flew towards Zhou Fan, he turned into a huge fireball, and the green oil rune and the fireball, the green flame exploded.

The old man in the yellow shirt took out a flag flag with a yellow rune, and the flag flag spread out, covering the sky, making the surrounding into a small frozen space, making Zhou Fan unable to do too much dodge.

The Frostbolt was condensing and taking shape, using soul power to aim at Zhou Fan.

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