Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1605: 1 secret

The young man's face is like a crown of jade, and his appearance is enough to make people crazy with jealousy. He bowed and said: "Father, you still recognize the child."

Dawei Tianzi was silent for a while and said, "Although you haven't entered the palace for several years, and your appearance has changed a lot because you have grown up, I know that you are my one hundred and twenty-sixth son. , because your eyebrows are very similar to Concubine Yang."

"I don't know all the princes. I will recognize you. If I remember correctly, your name is Li Xuanyue, right?"

The one hundred and twenty-sixth prince Li Xuanyue.

"It's the child." Li Xuanyue nodded and said, "The father asked the child what he wanted, and the child wanted an answer."

Father and son get together, but they are strangers than strangers, because since ancient times, the heavenly family has no relatives, and the emperor of Wei has so many sons, and he has always been alienated from his own sons, which is indeed similar to strangers.

It would be a lie to say that there is a father-son relationship.

"What answer do you want?" Emperor Wei didn't ask why Li Xuanyue was able to appear here over the guards, because it was meaningless.

The sound of fighting outside was getting closer.

"If it wasn't for the mutiny of your organization, then you have to hurry, or they will come in, I'm afraid you won't be able to ask anything." Emperor Wei said after taking a sip of wine.

"Why did you kill her?" Li Xuanyue asked with reddened eyes.

"What else do you think you can do?" Emperor Wei sighed: "Concubine Yang launched a palace change, like those people today, who entered the mirror palace, what do you think I can do?"

"You are the king of a country, if you want to spare her life, who would dare to talk too much?" Li Xuanyue said solemnly.

"But why should I spare her life?" Emperor Wei said calmly: "She is indeed a rare beauty, but there are a lot of concubines in the palace, I love everyone, and I don't love anyone, I can't forgive A woman who dares to launch a palace change, do you understand?"

"You are really heartless." Li Xuanyue said, in fact, he understood in his heart, how could someone who can sit on the throne be an amorous man? He just always held a kind of hope in his heart, hoping that she hadn't died that year, otherwise how could he ask such a thing.

"You may say that I am hypocritical." Emperor Wei said, "But sometimes I have to be heartless."

"She didn't tell me when she died that year, why she launched the palace change, I hope you can tell me why?" Li Xuanyue said solemnly, this is something that has made him feel pain for many years, and he needs to know the answer.

"Don't tell me, she's trying to grab your throne. With the academy, the Great Buddhist Temple, and the aristocratic family, she can't have any chance of winning at all."

Concubine Yang's betrayal was abrupt and violent, causing many people in the palace to die because of it, but no one could explain why Concubine Yang, who was so powerful and well-loved back then, suddenly defected.

He didn't know either.

"I don't want to lie to you." Emperor Wei sighed and said, "One of her betrayals is to kill all those opponents in the palace who hate her, and try to get rid of some enemies for you, and the other is to try to kill me, she knows She didn't live long enough to risk doing something like this."

"Why does she live so long?" Li Xuanyue asked with a puzzled look on her face. She never showed any morbidity in his memory.

"Because she knew I would kill her." Emperor Wei hesitated and said it.

"It was you who wanted to kill her and she had to betray her, not because she initiated the palace change, so you killed her?" Li Xuanyue was stunned for a moment.

Dawei Tianzi said: "I was very embarrassed at the time. I didn't know what to do, but she was very decisive. She took the lead in launching the palace change and made a choice for me."

"Why do you want to kill her?" Li Xuanyue asked.

"I didn't expect her to be a deceitful person." Dawei Tianzi said with some feeling: "She has a very powerful talent for deceitful people. Even I, who was protected by the Tongtian Mirror, was accidentally sneaked into my dream by her, and she saw it. my secret."

"Even if the secret she sees is not complete, but seeing is seeing, what choice do I have?"

"Just for a secret, you killed her!" Li Xuanyue said angrily.

"The ancestral training of the royal family of Great Wei, only the emperor can know this secret. I can only kill her." The emperor of Great Wei said helplessly: "If you want to blame her, she is too daring."

"What is this secret?" Li Xuanyue asked.

"Do you think I can tell you?" The Emperor Wei said, "It wasn't just because you were my son that you survived back then. Concubine Yang rebelled but even killed the queen. I spared your life because Concubine Yang vowed with her heart that she did not tell anyone the secret she saw in my dream, otherwise I would have to kill you."

"You go, I won't tell you this secret, it won't do you any good."

The sound of fighting was getting closer.

A young man with white hair rushed into the hall, and he said sharply to Li Xuanyue: "Your Highness, our people can't hold it anymore."

Of course, if there were only those guards left outside the door, it certainly couldn't last for so long.

Li Xuanyue just nodded slightly to show that she knew, and the white-haired young man rushed out again, trying to delay time for His Highness.

"I want to know that secret!" Li Xuanyue looked at the Great Wei Emperor and said coldly: "I don't care about your throne, but it killed my mother, I want to see, what kind of secret is it?"

"It's not your turn to tell me now. Your life and death are in my hands. I can let my people come in and kill you at any time, so will you tell me?"

"You're wrong!" Dawei Tianzi said loudly: "I am Dawei Tianzi, then my life is always in my own hands!"

Li Xuanyue frowned, there was a sudden rumbling outside the door, a group of people rushed in, and the people he brought were killed and injured, and quickly retreated to Li Xuanyue's side, guarding Li Xuanyue.

This group of people was headed by the middle minister Wang Daozi, the left minister Ye Gaoshan, and the eighty-six princes.

Prince Eighty-six looked at Emperor Wei who was sitting on the steps of the Ziyu Building, and he said with joy: "Father, please pass the throne to the son, and the son will kill all the rebels for the father!"

Emperor Wei didn't look at Prince Eighty-six, he looked at Wang Daozi and Ye Gaoshan.

"Holy Wang Daozi and Ye Gaoshan still saluted as they did before, without the slightest disrespect.

"Why did the three families of King Xiao Ye betray me?" asked the Emperor of Wei.

"Father, you can talk about these gossips later. You must pass the throne to your son immediately!" Prince Eighty-six said with a grim expression, "Don't force your son to do unfilial things."

The two cultivators of the Thousand Delusions Alliance he brought have already rushed to the Emperor of Great Wei, to capture the Emperor of Great Wei and force him to pass the throne, that is, the Tongtian Mirror, to their Highness.

Dawei Tianzi just glanced at the two Qianzhenmeng monks lightly, and then the bodies of the two Qianzhenmeng monks who were not weak exploded.

The flesh and blood were scattered, dyeing the white jade ground red.

The ferocious head of the eighty-sixth prince also flew into the air and landed on the steps of the Ziyu Building. The emperor of Wei looked at the head, and the eyes on the head were still filled with horror.


The hall was silent for a moment.

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