Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1606: information

Li Xuanyue was also shocked. He suddenly understood why the Emperor Wei said that his life was only in his own hands.

"His Royal Highness, let's leave soon." A cultivator beside him reacted and said anxiously.

They were all deceived by the Great Wei Emperor, and the Great Wei Emperor did not lose his power.

Dawei Tianzi waved his hand again.

Whether it was a noble family or a warrior cultivator of the Qianjing League, the heads flew up, and the headless corpses were lying on top of each other.

Only Wang Daozi and Ye Gaoshan were still standing. They didn't know if they were frightened or what. They just stood up straight and didn't say a word.

"Do you know why I didn't kill you?" Emperor Wei looked at Li Xuanyue and asked.

Li Xuanyue's [Shuquge] subordinates immediately looked nervously at Emperor Wei.

The strength displayed by the Great Wei Emperor is terrifyingly strong. Among the people who died just now, there are many powerful monks, and they are definitely not opponents.

Li Xuanyue shook her head.

"Even though you said threatening words just now, you still have no intention of killing me." The Great Wei Tianzi said: "Let's go, don't come back in the future, that secret is not something you can know."

Li Xuanyue's face was complicated, but in the end he didn't say anything, surrounded by a group of men, and quickly left the Ziyuan Palace.

"Why did the three of you betray me?" Emperor Wei looked at Wang Daozi and asked again.

If it hadn't been for the rebellion of Xiao Yewang's three families, and the guardian formation was closed, this betrayal would not have reached such a level.

Wang Daozi and Ye Gaoshan were not afraid, Ye Gaoshan coughed, "The Holy One should already know the reason."

"Guessing is just guessing, I want to hear from you." Dawei Tianzi said.

"For the quota." Wang Daozi said.

"Sure enough, it's for the quota." The Emperor Wei sighed: "But the three of you have already occupied a lot of places, more than any other family."

"But this is not enough." Ye Gaoshan said: "The catastrophe occurs once every thousand years. After each catastrophe, the three families of Xiao Yewang were killed and injured countless times. Our three families need more places."

"Sir, you shouldn't listen to the academy's instigation and distribute the quota to those pariahs!" Wang Daozi said angrily.

"The last time was similar." Emperor Wei frowned slightly.

"Since the founding of the Great Wei Dynasty, we have experienced two great calamities. The first time, none of us knew what happened. The second time, we realized that the great calamity was once a thousand years, and we were also not prepared enough. Now it is the third time. How can we watch our clan die like the first two times?" Ye Gaoshan coughed, "Save some if you can."

"One, two, or three." Emperor Wei suddenly said: "Apart from you and the princes, who else?"

"Dafo Temple, we also invited some experts from Liang and Yue to come over." Wang Daozi said frankly.

The Great Wei Tianzi said: "The family is for the quota, and what is the Big Buddha Temple for? Because I supported the Little Buddha Temple and thought I was suppressing the Big Buddha Temple?"

"We are not just for the quota, and the Great Buddha Temple is not only for the Sage to support the Small Buddhist Temple." Ye Gaoshan coughed: "There is another very important reason, the Sage, you are doing things more and more absurd, so we need a normal new prince."

"It turned out that I thought I was crazy." Emperor Wei said with a smile.

"The sage has been talking to us for so long, but he didn't take our heads off. He must have known that the two of us are just puppets." Wang Daozi said: "I ask the sage to abdicate."

"The minister also asks the sage to abdicate." Ye Gaoshan said.

Dawei Tianzi's face was indifferent. When Wang Daozi and Ye Gaoshan stepped into the Ziyuan Palace, he knew that the two were just puppets, otherwise he would tolerate them still alive?

"Why should I abdicate? Is it up to you?" said the Emperor Wei coldly.

"Why should the sage hide us?" Ye Gaoshan coughed again, and he frowned, "If the sage truly mastered the Tongtian Mirror, he would never allow such chaos in both the Jinggong and Jingjing."

Dawei Tianzi said silently: "You are right, I have indeed lost control of the Tongtian Mirror, and now only in the Ziyuan Palace can I exert the power of the Tongtian Mirror, but even so, who of you can do anything to me? ?"

Dawei Tianzi just flicked his fingers, Ye Gaoshan and Wang Daozi's puppet clones burst open, and the hall returned to silence.

It's just that the resplendent Ziyuan Palace is still filled with a strong **** aura.

Wang Daozi and Ye Gaoshan opened their eyes in a house outside the Mirror Palace.

"How is it?" the third person in the room asked.

This person has a gentle smile on his face, he is the seventy-one prince Li Yangyun.

"The sage really has left behind." Wang Daozi sighed: "The eighty-six princes are dead."

Only the eighty-six princes would be stupid enough to go to the real body. Ye Gaoshan and Wang Daozi have always been afraid of the emperor of Wei, so they used the puppet to clone.

"For some reason, he is still able to use the power of the Tongtian Mirror in the Ziyuan Palace. We don't know whether he can use all or part of the power of the Tongtian Mirror." Ye Gaoshan coughed while covering his lips.

"How could someone like him have no cards?" The seventy-one prince Li Yangyun said, "Just how should we deal with this situation now?"

What Xiao Yewang's three families really want to support is not the seventeenth prince, nor the eighty-sixth prince, but the seventy-one prince Li Yangyun.

"Tell us everything first." Wang Daozi looked at Li Yangyun and asked.

They are attached to the puppet, and all the information is gathered here in Li Yangyun, and the situation may change rapidly.

"Mr. Big, who are fighting in the sky, and the first one of the Great Buddha Temple have not yet decided the winner."

"The two national teachers did not decide the winner."

"The chief executives in the palace have each other's winners and losers."

"Elder Goose and the right minister, the third in the world are still in a fierce battle."

Li Yangyun said calmly, "These are all good We have filled in a lot of people at the palace gate, but I'm afraid we won't be able to last for half a column of incense."

"My royal brothers and brothers are not good people. It is estimated that they will break through the palace gate soon."

"This news is only good or bad. There is also very bad news. The three elders of the three spiritual minds of your three families are going to deal with the Hanbei Daoist Zhou Fan..."

"There has been no news, and it is initially confirmed that they are dead."

Wang Daozi and Ye Gaoshan's expressions changed in shock, except for Xiao Hui, the three strongest Xiao Yewangs, and they also carried the powerful magic weapon of Xiaoyewang's three families in their hands, dead?

"Originally, the three of them should have rushed back to guarding the palace gate after killing Zhou Fan..." Li Yangyun said: "They haven't been there for a long time, and they can't get in touch, so there's more luck than luck."

"If they are killed by Zhou Fan, it means that Zhou Fan's cultivation is higher than we imagined, and I am afraid it is comparable to a monk in the Primordial Spirit Realm."

"Maybe he has already arrived at the Mirror Palace, so what should we do now?"

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