Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1612: negotiation

Duanmu Xiaohong just disconnected from the call with Zhou Fan.

Chen Zheng was also beside Duanmu Xiaohong, and their faces were solemn.

In fact, even if Zhou Fan didn't tell them, they would have learned about the current situation from other sources.

The mirror palace fell under the control of the three-phase family headed by the family, but nothing happened to the saint, but he was imprisoned in the purple yuan hall.

After a night of riots, the sky was a little brighter.

But the situation in Jingdu is still grim.

The aristocratic family has already restrained its subordinates, and will no longer conflict with the General Office of Yiluan Division, the academy, and the small Buddhist temple led by Dongmen's flute.

However, more than half of the patrol battalion in the city fell into the hands of the three-headed family.

The most troublesome thing right now is that there is a very powerful sword cultivator in the family.

Dongmen Flute also did not dare to take a step out of the main residence. He stayed in the main residence, and the main residence was in a great formation. It was not that simple for Jianxiu to kill him.

"If the mirror can be restored to guard the grand formation or the sky mirror, then this dilemma can be solved." Chen Zheng said solemnly.

It's just that Jingdu guards the core of the big formation, and is guarded by heavy troops from the family, and has arranged a defensive rune formation, and even if it can be attacked, it cannot be repaired in a short time.

The same is true for the Mirror.

Duanmu Xiaohong frowned. Just as she was about to speak, Chen Yuehan, the 102nd disciple of the sage, walked in quickly. He said in a hurry, "Senior brother, San San said that he would like to talk to everyone and solve all problems."

Duanmu Xiaohong and Chen Zheng looked at each other.

"Do you really want to talk or do you want to lie to us to go out and be killed by that Jian Xiu?" Chen Zheng asked suspiciously.

"I don't know, this is the sound transmission they sent." Chen Yuehan handed a transmission to Duanmu Xiaohong.

Duanmu Xiaohong activated the sound transmission jade talisman.

"Is it Mr. Da or Lord Chen?" Wang Daozi's voice came from there.

"We are all here." Duanmu Xiaohong said, "What do you want to say?"

"Now it has become a deadlock that no one could have imagined. If we persist like this, it will not benefit us or Dawei. We hope to reach a peace negotiation." Wang Daozi said slowly.

"If you want to negotiate, you must restore the mirror to guard the grand formation and the sky mirror." Chen Zheng stated the conditions.

"These will of course be restored when we reach an agreement." Wang Daozi said: "But in order to show our sincerity, we can set the place of peace talks in the academy. We believe in the reputation of the academy and will not do anything to us. It is our aristocratic family and academy, representatives of all the forces that can influence Jingdu, the Wild Fox Sect, the Great Buddha Temple, and the Little Buddha Temple will all be present."

"We will discuss and resolve the matter of our great Wei together, and there will be no foreign forces to intervene. What do you think?"

Putting the location in the academy, even that Jianxiu would not dare to enter the academy. Although the guardian formation arranged by the academy was not as wide as the Jingdu guardian formation, it was still powerful enough.

Wang Daozi's words do have a certain sincerity.

Chen Zheng looked at his senior brother, whether to talk about it, only senior brother can decide.

"Okay, then let's talk." Duanmu Xiaohong said silently.

It didn't take long for all the forces to be notified, and some princes who boldly stayed in Jingdu were also invited.

They gathered in the academy, civilians, patrol battalion commanders, and princes, but only eleven people were able to enter the meeting room to discuss matters, and the rest had to wait outside for news.

These eleven people are the two leaders of the Wild Fox Sect, the three-phase headed by the aristocratic family, the great master of the academy and Chen Zheng, the national teacher of the Little Buddha Temple, the head of the Great Buddha Temple and his apprentice Huixu, and the head of the East Gate of the Chief of Yiluan. flute.

Eunuch Goose did not appear here when he closed the door and saw no one.

Chen Zheng looked at these people. At present, the attitude of the Wild Fox Sect is unclear. The Little Buddha Temple and the East Gate are all on the same line as the academy, while the family and the Great Buddha Temple are on the same line.

"What do you want to talk about? How to talk about it?" Duanmu Xiaohong asked the three of them.

"We hope that all disputes can be resolved so that Jingdu can return to normal order as soon as possible." Wang Daozi said: "The premise of all this is that we hope that we can unite and persuade the saint to abdicate..."

Chen Zheng sneered and said, "You are rebellious, do you want us to rebellious with you? The premise of the peace talks is that the three of you confess your mistakes to the Sage. We promise that the Sage will deal lightly with the three families of Xiao Yewang."

"You know it's impossible." Right Prime Minister Xiao Hui said coldly: "Now that we have the upper hand, if it wasn't for the overall situation, we wouldn't want to negotiate with you at all."

"You guys have the advantage." Chen Zheng said disdainfully, "But it doesn't mean that your advantage can continue. I have informed the teacher, and the teacher will come back as soon as possible."

"Chen Zheng, stop fooling people. Your teacher will leave Jingdu, which is an attitude. He will not come back to Jingdu now." Zuo Xiangye Gaoshan said in a determined tone.

"Even if the teacher can't come back in time, we will not agree to the abdication of the sage." Chen Zheng said: "So we don't have to talk about it."

"Why don't you agree?" Ye Gaoshan asked: "The Sage abdicates. The one who takes the throne is the Sage's son, not from our three families. The Sage's abdication is only for the good of the whole Great Wei."

"In the state of the saint, is the academy so relieved to let him sit on the throne all the time? The catastrophe is coming soon!"

Dongmen played the flute and said solemnly: "The three of you want to abdicate and support the prince you choose to go up, don't you just want the family to occupy more places? Now it's a well-known thing, why do you say it so sanely?"

"We do have ideas about the quota." Wang Daozi said: "You also have opinions on this, but these can be negotiated slowly after the new king is established."

"I'd like to ask." Chen Zheng said, "Apart from the number of places, you colluded with Xiliang, Dongyue, Zhan Wuji and No. 3 in the world, and other experts have come to help you. What did you promise them?"

"Sir Chen is a good question, what did you promise them?" Dongmen played the flute and looked at San San with a stern face.

Everyone's eyes looked Sansan's face was calm, Ye Gaoshan coughed and said: "The thing we promised them is the 200,000 admission quota, didn't the sage also promised them? Apart from that, it is the remuneration that our three families paid to Xiliang and Dongyue, so there is no need to tell you about them.”

"In fact, they are also worried about the state of the saint, so they are willing to help us."

Chen Zheng sneered, this must be a lie, the Three Phases must have promised something to get the support of Xiliang, Dongyue and the two countries, but he has no evidence, so he can't say anything more.

"If you want to talk about peace, the sage must abdicate." Wang Daozi said firmly.

"It's you who want peace talks, not us." Chen Zheng patted the table and said.

"Then don't talk about it." Xiao Hui said sharply: "From now on, everyone knows that the chaos in the world is because of the academy's will."

"Why don't you say that you want to usurp the throne and seize power?" Chen Zheng rebuked.

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