Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1613: wild fox intentions

Sansan and Chen Zheng rebuked each other, Ye Gaoshan coughed and looked at Duanmu Xiaohong, "Mr. Da, I want to hear what you mean?"

Duanmu Xiaohong glanced at the first seat of the Great Buddha Temple, and then swept to everyone present, "Apart from the three-phase, what do you mean by everyone here?"

"I was promoted by the sage. If I wanted to abdicate, I was the first to disagree." Dongmen played the flute with a sullen face.

Dongmen playing the flute has always been reluctant to express his position in the event of an incident, but today he can't do it without expressing his position.

"Amitabha." The Little Buddha Temple Huiyuan said, "The Little Buddha Temple also disagrees."

The Little Buddha Temple was personally supported by the Great Wei Emperor, and of course it was impossible for the Little Buddha Temple to agree.

"If we can guarantee that the new king will be on the throne, and the status of Lord Dongmen will remain the same?" Ye Gaoshan looked at Dongmen and played the flute and said this, and then he looked at Huiyuan of the Little Buddha Temple, "If we can also guarantee that the Little Buddha Temple Does the status remain the same?"

Dongmen played the flute and sneered: "My strength is here, do I need your family's guarantee?"

Hui Yuan also shook his head and said, "Master once taught poor monks that loyalty comes first, and unrighteous people can't go too far."

Sansan's face darkened, these people were more troublesome than they thought.

"Everyone, it's not the way to keep arguing like this." Ning Tianrui, Minister of Officials, said, "It's not good for the Mirror, it's not good for Wei, why don't we vote to decide whether to let the Sage abdicate? What do you think?"

"Master Ning said exactly what I thought." Hu Shuming, Minister of Industry, also expressed his position.

Both of them are the nominal leaders of the Wild Fox Sect. They didn't say a word just now, but now they speak.

Chen Zheng felt something was wrong in his heart.

"How to vote?" Chen Zheng asked tentatively.

"We can't just let us have the final say on such important matters. Civil servants outside, the patrol battalion commander, the patriarchs of some big families, and the princes have the right to vote. Whoever approves more will listen to whoever." Ning Tianrui said. .

Chen Zheng did a quick calculation. The princes definitely wanted to abdicate the sage. The patrol battalion commanders were in a stalemate. There were not many people in the great family, and the most people outside were civil servants.

The majority of the civil servants are the Great Buddha Temple, the Wild Fox School, the aristocratic family, and the academy, while the Small Buddha Temple only accounts for a small part.

In this way, if the vote is decided, the attitude of the officials of the Great Buddha Temple, the aristocratic family, and the academy does not need to be mentioned. The key is the attitude of the officials of the Wild Fox School.

Success or failure depends on the Wild Fox faction.

"No, I'm against it," Xiao said.

The aristocratic family objected, that is to say, the Wild Fox Sect was not from the aristocratic family... An idea appeared in Chen Zheng's mind.

"Why did the Right Chancellor object?" Ning Tianrui asked: "The opinions are not unified, voting is the only way to resolve the dispute at present, unless the family is willing to give up persuading the saint to abdicate, then there will be no such dispute."

"Of course the sage must abdicate." Xiao Hui said: "I just don't agree with the voting method."

"I agree with the voting method." Dongmen Piper said with flickering eyes. He had heard that the Wild Fox Sect was a chess piece raised by the sage. If so, then the vote would have an advantage. The Fox faction is on their side.

"The voting method is really good." Xiaofo Temple Huiyuan also said, "Master Chen, what do you think?"

Chen Zheng glanced at Ning Tianrui and Hu Shuming, Hu Shuming blinked at Chen Zheng covertly.

Chen Zheng frowned and said, "I don't approve of voting."

After he said this, Ning Tianrui and Hu Shuming showed disappointment on their faces.

"Master Chen." Dongmen Piper and Huiyuan both said anxiously, they both didn't understand why Chen Zheng didn't agree?

"Whatever you vote for, the sage will not abdicate. This is the attitude of our academy. This must not be changed." Chen Zheng said with a stern face. He felt that the attitude of the Wild Fox School was very strange, and there was no need to gamble.

Only then did Dongmen Piper and Huiyuan react, yes, why did they gamble?

If you lose, it's all over?

They wanted to bet just now, but they were obviously misled by Ning Tianrui and Hu Shuming, who had a problem.

"Since you don't want to vote, then forget it." Ning Tianrui sighed.

Suddenly the room was silent.

Wang Daozi looked at Chen Zheng with a gloomy face. The fifth disciple of this academy sage is not very talented in cultivation, but his sense of smell is too keen on certain things. "How did you find out?"

Dongmen Flute and Huiyuan were both slightly startled, what did they find?

Chen Zheng's face was a little subtle: "They were too anxious, and when Lord Xiao objected, something was wrong, so I could see that the Wild Fox faction was yours."

The leader behind the wild fox faction is the three-phase?

"The sage disdains to play with these tricks. Those who really have the capital and the will to cultivate a faction are the only three of us, Xiao Yewang." Ye Gaoshan coughed: "But in order to prevent you from knowing, we have never dared to let the Wild Fox faction join us. too close."

"I just didn't expect that at such a critical moment, you would still see it."

Chen Zheng was silent for a moment and asked: "The Wild Fox faction has always been known for being loose, how do you ensure that they are under your control?"

This has always been a question in many people's minds.

"The Wild Fox faction is the faction with the most hilltops." Hu Shuming smiled and said, "But Mr. Chen doesn't know that all hilltops belong to our family. As long as the hilltops belong to our family, this faction is under our control."

"Brilliant." Chen Zheng had to praise, it sounds simple, but the most difficult thing is that none of the identities of so many hilltops have been found to be related to the family.

"Our aristocratic family may not be as good as the academy and the Great Buddha Temple in terms of cultivation, but we have spent countless thoughts on the management of the officialdom and the manipulation of power." Wang Daozi said lightly.

Dongmen Pied Flute and Hui Yuan were both horrified, it was really dangerous, they were really not good at these tricks.

Duanmu Xiaohong has always been, so she will let her junior and junior brothers do it.

Chen Zheng was not fooled, but there was no happy expression on his face, "I just have a guess in my heart, why do you want to say it directly?"

"Because there is no need to hide." Wang Daozi said: "Since we can't deceive you, we will let you understand a fact in an upright manner."

"Apart from the four of you in the room, most of us and the people outside agreed to the abdication of the Holy Lord, and you are only a few."

"So I hope you are clear that the abdication of the Holy One is the general trend."

Dongmen's flute and Huiyuan's heart became heavy, and the Yehu faction stood on the side of the noble family, which was indeed a heavy blow to them.

Whether it is force or force support, they are at a disadvantage.

"Even so, so what?" Duanmu Xiaohong said: "This is not a matter of the minority obeying the majority at all, but if we don't agree, then we don't agree."

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