Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1667: play away

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It is almost impossible to rescue Xiao Hui from the general office of Yiluan.

Even if he is rescued, how can Xiao Hui avoid the danger of being hunted out and destroyed by the Emperor Wei's use of the Sunglasses?

After Zhou Fan knew that Xiao Hui would not survive, he left the matter and prepared to leave the mirror to do other things.

If you just want to leave Jingdu, you have to talk to Emperor Wei.

In his heart, he was always vigilant against the Great Emperor Wei, especially when the Great Wei Emperor was betrayed, and now he is holding the Tongtian Mirror again. It is difficult for those who have been betrayed to trust others...

The Great Wei Emperor will definitely soon know that he drove away the Xi Liang army just by relying on a cold north road, and knew that he had the strength to kill the Yuanshen realm, so would this have any thoughts on him?

If the Great Wei Tianzi shoots at him because of fear... He thought for a while with a solemn expression on his face. With the means he has now, he can only try to hide in the old days and see if he can avoid it.

Of course, Emperor Wei's shot against him may be very small, because Emperor Wei has mastered the Tongtian Mirror again and will not be banned like last time, so there is no need to worry about anyone who can threaten his throne.

As long as he didn't do anything wrong to the Emperor Wei, the Emperor Wei had no reason to take action against him.

Zhou Fan's mind turned, he went back to the academy to find the busy Mr. Duanmu Xiaohong, and told Duanmu Xiaohong that he was going to leave Jingdu and return to Hanbei Road.

"Hanbei Dao is also a frequent occurrence of bizarre phenomena, so I can rest assured when you go back to work." Duanmu Xiaohong nodded.

Even after defeating the three-phase and seventy-one princes, Duanmu Xiaohong has a lot to worry about, the princes are in chaos with the evil organization, the strange signs of the catastrophe are endless, and the current state of the saint...

Dawei wants to stabilize and deal with the catastrophe. This is not an easy task. This is part of the reason why the Dao masters and forces who were loyal to the emperor in Dawei did not come to Jingdu, because what happened in various places is really too much Tricky.

Of course, it does not rule out the possibility of using this to observe the trend of the mirror and unwilling to end the game easily.

But no matter what, now that Emperor Wei is back in power, most of those people's careful thoughts will be put away.

Zhou Fan got the consent of Mr. Da, and he immediately filed a memorial, saying that there are many things in Hanbei Dao, and he hoped to leave the mirror and go back to deal with it, and then he waited patiently.

In the Palace of Mirrors, Emperor Wei of the Great Wei was silently listening to the report of the East Gate playing the flute.

The fat and strong body of Dongmen's flute bowed slightly. After he finished speaking, he stepped aside and waited carefully.

He came here to report everything that happened in the imprisoned palace of the sage, but just now the sage asked about Zhou Fan. He didn't know the reason, but he still told everything he knew about Zhou Fan.

Including Zhou Fan's private meeting with Xiao Hui, Dongmen played the flute without any reservations.

"You said that Zhou Fan and Xiao Yewang's three families seem to have a big feud, right?" Emperor Wei asked silently.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Dongmen played the flute hurriedly: "A lot of things that happened before show this."

Yiluan Division's ability to collect information is one of the best. There is hatred of Zhou Fan and Xiao Yewang's three families. This kind of thing can't be hidden from him.

"Sir, why don't I go to Xiao Hui and ask?" Dongmen played the flute again cautiously.

In fact, he was a little curious about what Zhou Fan asked about Xiao Hui, but because he was afraid of offending Zhou Fan, he didn't go to Xiao Hui to ask about it, but if the sage ordered it, it would be different.

"No." Dawei Tianzi looked a little complicated, "Maybe I know what's going on, you can go back, you don't have to worry about it."

Dongmen played the flute, bowed and left.

Not long after Dongmen played the flute and left, Duanmu Xiaohong was called into the palace to see the Emperor of Wei, and Duanmu Xiaohong respectfully saluted.

"Senior brother, there are no outsiders here, so there's no need to do this." Emperor Wei said gently: "Teacher does not recognize me, but in my heart, senior brother is still senior brother, and I have been imprisoned and I have to help senior brother, otherwise I will not be able to get out of this predicament so easily."

The two sat down and chatted for a while, and Duanmu Xiaohong hesitated and said, "Sir, although I don't know why the teacher did this, the teacher should have no selfish intentions, and I ask the sage to forgive me."

Duanmu Xiaohong understood that Emperor Wei must know that the teacher's departure was to trigger the change of Jingdu.

"I know why the teacher did this." The Emperor Wei said helplessly: "He wants to know the secret that I kept, but that secret is passed down from generation to generation by the Emperor Wei, and he can't tell anyone except the Emperor. , and the teacher misunderstood me, thinking that the secret I kept would endanger Dawei..."

The Great Wei Tianzi sighed and said, "Even if I ignore the government, I never meant to harm Great Wei. It's just that the teacher doesn't believe it. Brother, do you believe me?"

Duanmu Xiaohong said: "Of course I believe in the sage."

If he didn't believe it, he wouldn't support the Emperor Wei so much. Regarding what the teacher said to those who doubted the Emperor Wei, he felt that the teacher's deduction might not be accurate.

"Senior brother, just believe it. The teacher didn't actually do anything to me. He just left Jingdu and added fuel to the flames." The Great Wei Tianzi said: "If you want to blame, you can blame me. Those things that happened before, if I had been a little more vigilant, none of those things would have happened.”

"So if senior brother can get in touch with the teacher, you can tell him and let him come back with peace of mind. Da Wei can't live without him. Of course, if he is worried, he can also leave him outside. Anyway, I can't control him~www. Duanmu Xiaohong could feel the sincerity in Dawei Tianzi's words, he nodded slightly, saying that he would definitely tell the teacher.

After Dawei Tianzi and Duanmu Xiaohong finished talking about this, he said again: "This time I called my senior brother to ask about Zhou Fan. If I guessed correctly, Zhou Fan is the one selected by the teacher, right? "

"Yes." Duanmu Xiaohong knew that Da Wei Tianzi had guessed it when he saw Zhou Fan for the first time.

"What does the teacher want to do with Zhou Fan?" Emperor Wei asked again.

Duanmu Xiaohong's eyes narrowed, and he said solemnly: "Sir, I once promised the teacher that I would not tell anyone..."

"Then senior, don't be embarrassed, I'm just asking casually." Emperor Wei interrupted.

Duanmu Xiaohong didn't believe that the Emperor Wei just asked casually, the Emperor Wei asked, which means that this matter must be very important, "Sir, please rest assured, the teacher does have high hopes for Zhou Fan, but he definitely does not want to use Zhou Fan to deal with the Sage. Or the Great Wei Royal Family."

He was worried about the misunderstanding of Emperor Wei, which would have an adverse effect on Zhou Fan.

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