Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1668: compensate

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"Senior brother really doesn't have to be like this." Da Wei Tianzi chuckled again: "Of course I believe in senior brother. Even if the teacher uses Zhou Fan to deal with me, I don't care, not to mention senior brother's assurance."

"Actually, even if my senior brother refuses to say it, I can vaguely guess why the teacher chose Zhou Fan so painstakingly."

Duanmu Xiaohong didn't answer, because it might reveal the teacher's intentions. The teacher told him not to say it casually, especially to the emperor Wei.

"I called my senior brother this time, just to confirm the academy's attitude towards Zhou Fan." The Emperor of Wei said frankly: "After the senior brother goes back, let Zhou Fan come to see me."

Duanmu Xiaohong looked at Emperor Wei, and he was a little worried.

"Don't Senior Brother believe me?" The Emperor Wei said, "If I want to harm Zhou Fan, I will definitely not get my Senior Brother's hands dirty, or does Senior Brother think I want to hurt you too?"

Duanmu Xiaohong hurriedly apologized and agreed.

Duanmu Xiaohong went out of the Mirror Palace, and then took out the sound transmission jade talisman and told Zhou Fan about it. He explained it in detail, and explained everything about Zhou Fan that the Great Wei Tianzi said in detail.

"Mr. Da, there should be no malice in the Holy Master." Zhou Fan said, if there is malice, it makes no difference whether he enters the Mirror Palace or not.

After all, the entire Great Wei was shrouded in the Tongtian Mirror, and the Emperor of Great Wei would not specially call him into the palace to kill him.

"Okay, then you should be careful." Duanmu Xiaohong couldn't figure out what Da Wei Tianzi wanted to do, so she could only say this.

He couldn't stay in the mirror palace again, and everything could only depend on Zhou Fan himself.

Zhou Fan soon arrived at the Mirror Palace, and followed the little **** in the palace to see the Emperor Wei who was sitting at the wine table eating and drinking alone.

The emperor of Wei asked Zhou Fan to sit down, and the little **** added bowls and chopsticks to Zhou Fan.

"Have Zhou Qing's family ever heard of the Immortal God?" The Emperor Wei asked as he watched the little **** pour a glass of wine for Zhou Fan.

When the Emperor of Wei said this, Zhou Fan's face was calm. He asked Xiao Hui before, and he didn't make Xiao Hui swear not to tell anyone. He knew that the matter between him and Xiao Yewang's three families could not be hidden from others, and the Emperor of Wei would know. Not at all surprising.

Of course, there will still be surprises. It seems that the Great Wei royal family has not forgotten the hero of the immortal general, you must know that three thousand years have passed.

"He is the ancestor of our Zhou family." Zhou Fan said frankly.

The Great Wei Emperor's face was stunned, Zhou Fan's words confirmed his guess, and he sighed: "The emperors of the Great Wei Dynasty will inherit many secrets when they succeed to the throne, one of which is that if the descendants of the Immortal God can be found, Be kind."

"I didn't expect to find it after so many years. How is the Zhou family now?"

Zhou Fan shook his head and said, "Only me and my parents are left."

"Was it done by the three families of King Xiao Ye?" The Emperor of Wei asked, "Actually, when my father mentioned this, he said that Emperor Taizu had suspected the three families of King Xiao Ye, but no evidence was found, so it was impossible to deal with the hero. things."

"It's what Xiao Yewang's three families did." As for Zhou Fan's noncommittal sentence after the Great Wei Emperor, he actually had some doubts that Emperor Taizu didn't investigate this matter too carefully, otherwise such a big family was almost wiped out. How can there be no evidence at all?

Of course, even if this is the case, it has little to do with him. He just recognizes his parents and doesn't have much affection for the Zhou family. Besides, it's already three thousand years ago. It's hard for anyone to tell the truth. .

Whether it's true or not doesn't matter anymore.

"Why did they do this?" Emperor Wei asked casually after drinking a glass of wine.

Zhou Fan explained in detail what Xiao Hui told him.

"What Tailingzong asked them to do..." After hearing this, Emperor Wei's face was a little surprised.

"Have you heard of Tailingzong?" Zhou Fan asked.

"I have heard vaguely that Tailingzong is a very powerful sect." The Great Wei Emperor said: "Actually, you may not know that our Great Wei Three Kingdoms are a bit special, and many places in the Barbarian Star Realm are the peak of the cultivation sect. , the country depends on the practice of the sect to exist."

"What's so special about our Wei and Three Kingdoms?" Zhou Fan asked tentatively.

The Great Wei Tianzi thought for a while and said, "It's because of Emperor Taizu, when he cleaned up the former dynasty, and by the way, the sect that supported the former dynasty was also destroyed, and the sects in Xiliang and Dongyue were also afraid. relocated..."

Zhou Fan said with surprise: "Emperor Taizu is really amazing."

"Unfortunately, I don't know why Tailingzong is targeting your Zhou family." Emperor Wei shook his head and said, "You also know that the Tongtian Mirror can't be taken away, and I can't use the Tongtian Mirror to go to Tailingzong for your Zhou family. Get justice."

"The sage has a heart, how dare you bother the sage." Zhou Fan thanked him. "I heard Xiao Hui said that the ancestors of the Zhou family had a good relationship with the emperor Taizu, and they seem to be from the same place. Is there such a thing?"

Emperor Wei took another sip of wine, "When the emperor passed the throne to me, he didn't mention this, except to explain that I was kind to the descendants of the Zhou family, and didn't leave too many words, but I can have someone check it for you. Royal books, see if there is any record of this."

"But you still don't have high hopes for this, because even if the ancestor of the Zhou family and Emperor Taizu came from the same place, I can't tell you where it is. The origin of Emperor Taizu is kept secret, we descendants It must not be leaked.”

"I understand." Zhou Fan felt a little regretful in his heart, but Emperor Wei refused to say it, and he had no choice.

"You said you wanted to go back to Hanbei Road, I'm sure." The Great Wei Tianzi said: "You seem to have mastered a secret technique that can teleport over long distances, right?"

" but only I can use it." Zhou Fan nodded and admitted that more people knew about it.

"If it is convenient, I want you to go to Tianlingdao Shenjiang State first." Emperor Wei pondered for a while.

Zhou Fan had a strange look on his face: "What did the sage ask me to do in Shenjiang State?"

He didn't expect Dawei Tianzi to suddenly say such a thing.

"The three families of King Xiao Ye will be handed over to you. You can freely take away the property accumulated by the three families." The Emperor of Wei said, "Even if it is compensated by the royal family of Wei to the Zhou family."

It has only been a very short time since the defeat of the Three Phases. It is impossible for the three families of Xiao Yewang to escape for the time being, and the wealth accumulated by the three families over the past three thousand years will be an astonishing amount. The emperor of Wei said that they were all given to Zhou Fan, which has to be said to be extremely Brilliant.

Zhou Fan quickly thanked the emperor for his reward.

After Zhou Fan left, Emperor Wei just shook his head helplessly. He gave all the wealth of the three families to Zhou Fan, not only to compensate the Zhou family, but thinking that the teacher would vigorously cultivate Zhou Fan, he might as well help Help, even if he doesn't have much hope for the teacher's choice, but help if you can.

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