Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1687: you think i'm stupid

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The Emperor of All Nations has said everything, as for how Zhou Fan does it, that is Zhou Fan's problem, he closed his eyes and ignored Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan thought about it for a while, and soon came to a decision. No matter how unreliable Xiaoxuan is, it is also his Xiaoxuan. The side effects of killing clothes are almost non-existent, so why can't it be reserved for Xiaoxuan?

Even if Xiao Ling made the killing clothes greatly discounted, it was better than nothing.

Besides, he can use it occasionally.

After the decision, he stopped thinking about it, but began to think about another more important thing: the big gray worm has been in short supply.

He has solved the problem of the cultivation resources in the Primordial Spirit Realm. He got most of the wealth of the three families. He handed them over to Insect Girl, who asked Crescent Moon to collect the cultivation resources of the Primordial Spirit Realm for him.

Cultivation resources at the level of Yuanshen Realm are very expensive. Even Dawei is rare, but it is not nonexistent, and Dawei is not a completely closed country. There will be commercial trade with other countries. As long as there is enough money, you can Buy the necessary Yuanshen realm cultivation resources.

And it can be delivered quickly through the object-receiving formation, but it takes time to filter. He has already told the insect girl that if you want the best cultivation resources in the Primordial Spirit Realm, it is too bad.

But even if the cultivation resources of the Primordial Spirit Realm can be solved, the big gray worm is still very important. After all, the resources in the Gray River space, whether fishing or in the hands of the guide, are rare and difficult to obtain from the outside world.

Now that he has nothing too big to deal with, it's time to collect the grey worms.

When he woke up in the morning, Zhou Fan first looked at the jade pot and found that the gray clothes in the jade pot were as usual, and then he felt relieved.

The little ones are very conscientious and add salt to the jade basin on time. Of course, there is no way for the **** killing clothes.

After breakfast, Zhou Fan took out some spiritual materials from the storage bag, processed them, and prepared the basic liquid.

If he wants to tame the blood-colored killing clothes, he must draw a rune first. Fortunately, the secret rune provided by the Emperor of Nations does not require high rune liquid, as long as there is a rune liquid.

After the rune was prepared, he dipped his fingers in the rune and drew it on his upper body.

Some runes can be inscribed directly with real essence, but this rune cannot, and can only be drawn with rune liquid first.

His chest and abdomen were quickly engraved with runes that were as dense as tiny characters.

After sculpting these runes, he activated the law of the heart, and the rune flew up drop by drop and landed on his back, and his back soon also had runes similar to the chest and abdomen.

Then there are the arms and hands, all of which are dark red runes.

After the rune was drawn, he closed his eyes and put the power of the law contained in the blood of the dragon **** in his body into the rune.

This is also the reason why it can't be inscribed with true essence. He needs to inject the power of slight laws into these runes. If the true essence exists in the runes, it will be difficult to infuse the power of laws.

Of course these runes are not the core of taming the Killer Clothes.

With a wave of Zhou Fan's hand, all the salt water in the jade basin evaporated, and the gray clothes that were rolled into a ball quickly turned bright red.

It disappeared from the jade basin, and when it reappeared, it had spread out into a huge cloak, shrouding Zhou Fan in it.

"You really didn't give up." Zhou Fan smiled, this time he didn't avoid it, but let the blood-red cloak keep shrinking and wrapping him.

The blood-clothed clothes were completely draped over him, and the blood-red light reflected on his face became eerie.

Xiao Ling had already been hiding behind a boulder, and she looked over her head. She thought that if her master failed to deal with the killing clothes, she would have to run far away.

A lot of blood-red filaments grew out of the killing clothes, and got into Zhou Fan's body, it was trying to parasitize.

Those blood-red filaments are the body of the killing clothes.

Zhou Fan's face was calm, the blood of the dragon **** in his body immediately boiled, and the power of the law of time rolled away towards the blood-red filaments.

The blood-red filaments quickly turned around and rushed back like a cat encountering a mouse.

However, the dark red rune in Zhou Fan's body has a faint golden edge, emitting a golden light, covering his whole body.

The power of the law emanating from the rune blocked the way of the blood-red filaments, and the blood-red filaments rushed left and right in Zhou Fan's body, trying to find a way out.

But soon it felt hopeless, not only the time law of the dragon blood, the law of the heart on the sad knife, the old law, the king's delusion of Jindan all surrounded it.

It was surrounded and beaten by so many laws, and soon it could only give up, shivering.

Zhou Fan successfully left a talisman on the killing robe. This talisman was composed of the power of his primordial spirit. As long as this talisman was present, the killing robe would have to become his living tool.

Killing clothes is not wise and cannot communicate with people smoothly, but this talisman of the primordial spirit taught by the emperor of all kingdoms can uniquely allow it to understand its own situation.

Zhou Fan made a seal on his hands, and the talisman on his body dissipated, but the bloodshot in his body still did not dare to move.

He just thought about it, and the bloodshot dared to move, and quickly drilled out of his body and returned to the **** suit.

"It's done." Zhou Fan sighed lightly.

Xiao Ling hesitated and did not dare to approach. She was relieved when she saw the younger sister walking towards her master, but she knew that the younger sister could sense danger signs, and the younger sister was approaching, so it should be fine.

She spread out her calves and ran and shouted faithfully: "Master, are you all right? Xiaoxiao is here to help you."

Zhou Fan twitched the corners of his mouth, "You can't even pat a horse's tail like this!"

Xiao Yan saw that the master saw through it, but said cheekily: "I can rest assured that the master is okay, but master, your blood clothes look so showy."

The **** clothes and the big bald head are simply broken legs.

Zhou Fan glared at Xiao Ling, the **** clothes quickly disappeared, and then they were put on Xiao Ling.

When the blood robe was draped over Xiao Ling, her face turned pale, "Master, this, this, this blood robe, you haven't conquered it yet, I'm finished."

She trembled all over. She looked at the killing clothes and said with a sad face: "I'm just a weirdo, all of the same kind. If you want to eat, you can also eat my master. His meat is tender and delicious."

Zhou Fan's face turned black, he reprimanded Xiao Ling for a while, and then buckled hundreds of duck legs before explaining the murder jacket.

After hearing this, Xiao Ling's face was gloomy and uncertain, she hurriedly shook her head and said, "Master, I don't want to kill the clothes, you take it back."

"Why not?" Zhou Fan said in surprise: "You little guy is timid and afraid of death. With it, it can improve your strength and protect your safety."

"But the master gave it to me, what do you do?" Xiao Qian said with a pleasing smile: "It is more suitable for the master to leave this killing clothes."

"No, you have to wear it for me." Zhou Fan felt a little strange, and said firmly.

Xiao Yan cried out loudly.

"Cry again and buckle the duck's legs." Zhou Fan used his trump card.

The crying stopped immediately, and Xiao Yan looked at Zhou Fan very aggrieved.

"Tell me the truth, why don't you want killing clothes?" Zhou Fan asked.

"Master, you gave me this ragged clothes because I thought it would be dangerous for me to fight and kill for you in the future." Xiao Qian said with a sad face, do you think I'm stupid?

Zhou Fan: "..."

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