Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1688: walk with wind

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After Zhou Fan taught Xiao Ling a lesson, he ignored Xiao Ling, took out the sound transmission device, and told Du Ni first, telling him that the murder clothes had been solved.

After doing this, he took out another sound transmission jade talisman, and after activating the sound transmission jade talisman, he waited patiently.

He decided to give himself a day off to collect the worms for tomorrow.

"Brother Zhou." There was the gentle and pleasant voice of Insect Girl, and she was still used to calling Zhou Fan that way.

"Insect girl, I want to meet Mengmeng." Zhou Fan smiled.

"Then come here, Mengmeng misses you very much too." Li Chungniang's voice carried a pleasant smile.

The two said a few words before disconnecting the call.

Xiao Ling was lying on the little sister's dog's head, and looked at Zhou Fan's smile weakly, "Master, your smile is so wretched."

The smile on Zhou Fan's face froze, "You little bastard, I will buckle your five hundred duck legs."

Xiaoxuan cried out again with a wow, the duck legs were gone again, and the house leak happened overnight rain, which was too difficult for me.

The next day, Zhou Fan was refreshed and said goodbye to Zongniang and Mengmeng, and with his little sister, shuttled back to Hanbei Road.

I have to say that it is really tiring to take children to play, and he has a sore back after taking it for a day.

Mengmeng is almost a year old, and her three major talents have been awakened smoothly, which did not affect her growth.

Of course, Mengmeng, who is not very good at speaking, should have no memory of entering the Grey River space when she was a child, and Zhou Fan did not intend to tell her. After all, she was just a child. , that would be troublesome.

After he returned to Hanbei Dao, he contacted the main mansion of Hanbei Dao, and asked the Yiluan Division of the three prefectures and one prefecture to send him all the information about the chaos, and he chose to deal with it.

With the appearance of the omen of catastrophe, the monsters became more violent and frequently attacked human gathering places than before.

Ten days have passed, and Zhou Fan's number of giant grey worms has increased dramatically as he swept the North Cold Road. In just such a short time, his number of giant grey worms has increased to three million.

This was unimaginable in the past. The reason why he can get so many big gray worms is that he chooses to give priority to destroying the monster group or high-level powerful monsters, and the monster group and high-level powerful monsters Can transform a lot of gray worms.

The second is that he used Xiaomei's broken bones to eliminate one or a bunch of monsters, so he could quickly shuttle to a new destination, and he could quickly find the target with a swipe of his spiritual sense.

This kind of efficiency is of course terrifyingly high. It can be said that he has swept away a lot of the rioters or gangsters in Hanbei Road. Of course, some escaped quickly, but he didn't care, and chased after him. Even if you can't chase it.

With him, the Hanbei Daoist, so diligently sweeping away strange things, the Hanbei Daoist's mansion and the Yiluan Division of the three states and one prefecture have relieved a lot of pressure.

Today, Zhou Fan didn't stop to rest until the sun sets. Although his true essence can quickly recover, his soul is exhausted, but he needs to rest for a while.

After being forced to accept the killing clothes, Xiao Ling had already recovered from her decadent state after she found out that she did not need her to kill monsters. She is currently running around happily wearing the blood clothes. Bloody little ones.

Killing clothes, such a suffocating device, made them look cute.

"I put on the killing clothes, and I don't leave any traces of murder, and I walk with wind."

Xiaoxiao shouted with joy on her face, and the Xiaoxiaos also followed the milky voice and shouted the slogan made up by Xiaoxuan.

You didn't even help me kill a single troll, so I'm so embarrassed to shout like that... Zhou Fanqiang resisted the urge to cover his face, this sand sculpture is really blinding such a powerful troll tool.

The strength of Xiao Xiaoxiao depends on Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao is strong, and of course they will become stronger.

Zhou Fan ignored the sand sculpture Xiao Ling. He closed his eyes and rested his mind. At night, he used to practice and rest. During the day, he was busy sweeping away the monsters. If this accumulation continues, his big gray worms will soon reach 10 million. Article, he only reached such a large number of gray worms when the ship killed Yunyan Lord for him.

If Hanbei Dao is almost wiped out, then you can consider helping the other six Dao, just need them to pay some rewards...

When Zhou Fan closed his eyes and rested, his sound transmission device emitted a faint light. He opened his eyes, picked up the sound transmission device, and hurriedly activated the sound transmission device, "Mr. Da, what's the matter?"

"Zhou Fan, the sage said that Mr. Han is completely awake." Duanmu Xiaohong's voice came from the sound transmission device.

Zhou Fan's face was slightly condensed. With his current status, he vaguely knew something about the Lord Han. He didn't know whether it was a joke or a demon. He came to Dawei two thousand years ago, and had a relationship with the then emperor of Dawei. After some exchanges, in the end, the Great Wei Emperor, for some unknown reason, allowed Lord Han to live at the source of the Wei Cang River in the North Han Road.

Lord Han once promised Da Wei that he would help Da Wei. In the past two thousand years, he has only shot once killed a black disaster-level monster for Da Wei, and once killed Da Wei A blood-calamity-level monster.

Judging from the records of the official family, this Lord Han has been in a state of half asleep and half awake. It can communicate with Jinggong. If the official family asks, it will wake up to help, but only to deal with strange rumors, and it will ignore other things. .

The official family is very afraid of this unidentified Master Han, and rarely asks Master Han to help. Last time, Lord Yunyan wanted to ask Master Han to help, but Master Han was reluctant to wake up completely, and the official family did not dare to force it.

"Did it take the initiative to contact us, saying that it was awake, or did the Sage sense it?" Zhou Fan asked.

With the help of the Tongtian Mirror, the stronger the creature or the strangeness, the more clearly he can sense it. As for whether it is active or passive, Zhou Fan does not know.

"It didn't contact us, it was sensed by the sage." Duanmu Xiaohong said: "If we hadn't called it to help, it would never wake up, so the sage was a little worried. Jinggong tried to communicate with it, but It didn't respond."

Zhou Fan's complexion changed slightly. Lord Han's strength was very strong. The officials suspected that if it was strange, its level should have reached the unknowable level.

If such a powerful slander breaks out, only the Great Wei Emperor can suppress it with a mirror.

But the Great Wei Emperor didn't have to kill it with the Tongtian Mirror, which to a certain extent shows that perhaps Lord Han is not so easy to kill.

"The sage wants you to go and see what's going on." Duanmu Xiaohong talked about the purpose of contacting Zhou Fan this time.

Zhou Fan thought about it and then agreed. If there is really a problem with that Lord Han, then the unlucky one is his Hanbei Dao. He has no reason not to agree.

He ended the conversation with Duanmu Xiaohong and put away the sound transmission equipment. Seeing that it was still a while before it got dark, he used the little sister's broken bones and started to shuttle from the inter-domain, and soon arrived at the source of Wei Cangjiang.

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