Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1692: 3 oracles

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The three masters and apprentices stood on the empty street.

Zangsan sighed and said, "The Lord Buddha should not know exactly who has betrayed his beliefs, otherwise the Lord Buddha will tell you the names of those who betrayed you, or the Buddha's oracles are limited, and you can't tell the names of those who betrayed them in detail."

Ranxin had to admit that what he said was very reasonable. He was silent for a while and then asked, "Why does Master want to practice the Golden Cicada Sutra? Your lifespan is obviously not over yet."

The Golden Cicada Sutra is not a practice method, but a Buddhist secret technique. The golden cicada escapes from its shell and strips away all cause and effect. It is difficult to practice, and there are very few people who have practiced in the Great Buddha Temple since ancient times.

Zang San took a deep breath and said, "When you told me that you got the Buddha's oracle, I knew that sooner or later, you would understand that I had turned my back on the Buddha's master. Part of the Buddha's oracle may be about killing traitors. I was afraid and could only do it. Shut up and let you think I'm dead."

Ranxin was silent. Master was reborn through the Golden Cicada Sutra because of this, and because of this, he didn't think about Master's beliefs anymore.

The face of the head of the small Buddhist temple became a little subtle. He didn't know about the Buddha's decree, but he understood the master's fear. Of course, the master would not be afraid of burning heart, he was afraid of the Buddha.

"The Buddha's decree did not mention killing those who betray the Buddha." Ranxin denied it.

"The Lord Buddha has not answered prayers for more than 2,000 years." Zang San said, "The Lord Buddha just gave you the Buddha's message, which means that this is not an easy matter. I can only avoid it and practice the Golden Cicada Sutra in retreat. In those days, I also vaguely guessed that it was not to deal with the traitors."

"There may not be many Buddhist followers in Dawei, but the world is so vast. There are more than tens of thousands of followers of the Lord Buddha, and there are also many who betray the Buddha. They won't specifically send down the Buddha's decree, just to deal with the rebels like me."

"If it is true, the Lord Buddha should not allow the senior brother to tell the master about the Buddha's oracle." The first seat of the Little Buddha Temple suddenly said, "The senior brother is not that kind of ambitious person. He must use the Buddha's oracle to get the first seat of the Great Buddha Temple."

"That's right." Zang San said, "I then vaguely guessed why the Buddha's oracle was lowered this time."

"For what?" asked the head of the Little Buddha Temple, he couldn't guess.

Zangsan said with a solemn expression, "What does Dawei have that is worthy of the Buddha's attention?"

"Sky Mirror!" The first seat of the Little Buddha Temple was shocked.

Ranxin sighed silently and said, "It would be great if Master hadn't betrayed the Buddha, maybe the big thing has already been accomplished."

"Senior brother, it seems that we all know that the Lord Buddha is just a cultivator with a high level of cultivation. Why are you so loyal to him?" The first person in the Little Buddhist Temple barely stabilized his mind and said, "You should know that the Lord Buddha is not necessarily right."

It is also because they know that the Lord Buddha is only a practitioner who absorbs the power of vows, and there will be those who rebel against the Buddha. Because he is only a practitioner, his devotion to the Lord Buddha will be greatly reduced.

Ran Xin rebuked and said, "What's wrong with the Lord Buddha? Without the Lord Buddha, there would be no believers like us. Even if the Lord Buddha was a practitioner at first, after such a long time, the Lord Buddha is the Lord Buddha, no longer a mortal person. Only with the Dharma of the Lord Buddha can we save all sentient beings.”

"Amitabha, I believe in Buddhism or not." The head of the small Buddhist temple shook his head and said, "We have different ideas, there is no need to argue about this, it's just senior brother, the Buddha ordered you to take the mirror, right?"

Ranxin ignored the first seat of the small Buddhist temple, he just looked at Zang Sandao, "Master guessed right, the original Buddha's decree asked me to capture the sky mirror."

"The original Buddha's edict?" Zangsan looked solemn, "The Buddha later gave you the Buddha's edict."

Ranxin nodded and said, "I have received three Buddha's orders in total. The first Buddha's order is to capture the Tongtian Mirror. In fact, when the sages entered Dawei to promote Buddhism, it was originally arranged by the Buddha, and the purpose was to capture the Tongtian Mirror."

"Why didn't the Lord Buddha come by himself?" The head of the Little Buddha Temple couldn't help but ask, is even the Lord Buddha afraid of the Tongtian Mirror?

"For some reason, Lord Buddha can't come." Zang San said, "I don't know how specific it is, but it's always been like this."

The Tongtian Mirror is so powerful that it can always be in the hands of the Great Wei royal family. People who are too strong dare not come here easily.

The head of the first small Buddhist temple trembled slightly. He knew that Emperor Wei, who had mastered the Tongtian Mirror, was very strong, but he did not expect to be so strong that the Lord Buddha would also avoid it?

"Do you think the Buddha Lord would be afraid of the Tongtian Mirror and dare not come to Dawei?" Ranxin said coldly, "You are all wrong, the second Buddha's decree to me is to give up the capture of the Tongtian Mirror and get the idea into the hands of the Great Wei Emperor. secret."

Give up on capturing the Babel?

Zangsan and the head of the Little Buddha Temple looked at each other, and they didn't understand why the Buddha gave up the Tongtian Mirror, but let Ranxin's idea capture the secret in the hands of the Great Wei Emperor.

"The second Buddhist decree shows that the Lord Buddha no longer needs the mirror." Ranxin said.

"It's not necessarily that you don't need it, you just know that you can't take it away." Zang San disagreed with Ranxin's statement.

Ran Xin said, "This is Master's view, but the Buddha's teaching is like this."

"That's why Senior Brother did not hesitate to gamble on the Great Buddha Temple. The reason for dealing with the Sage is for the second Buddha's decree." The head of the Little Buddha Temple said with a cold face, "Do you know the consequences of doing this, if you lose, the Great Buddha Temple may be finished, you If you win the Great Wei, you may be in chaos from now on, and the people will not be able to live."

This is a lose-lose situation.

"Amitabha." Ranxin shook his head and said, "It's not just the Buddha's decree, but also because there is a problem with the Holy Spirit. This is for the sake of all sentient beings."

"Ran Xin, let me ask you." Zang San calmly said, "If you were to choose between Lord Buddha and Great Wei, how would you choose?"

"I believe in Buddhism, and the Lord Buddha would not let me make such a choice, but when Master asked I dared not answer." Ran Xin said, "I serve Buddha wholeheartedly, and only see Buddha in my eyes."

This is his answer.

"This is the great Wei who gave birth to you." Zang San said sadly.

"Master is a betrayal of Buddhism, of course he can't understand my choice." Ranxin shook his head and said, "Junior brother said before that they are different and do not conspire, which is right."

"What is the third Buddhist decree?" asked the head of the Little Buddhist Temple.

"The Buddha is coming." Ranxin smiled and said, "This is the third Buddha's decree."

Zang San and the head of the Little Buddha Temple looked at each other with deep fear in their eyes. Did the Buddha Lord descend in the Great Wei?

Didn't the Lord Buddha always dare to enter the Great Wei?

"When?" Zang San asked in a deep voice.

"Now." Ranxin closed his eyes.

Now... the head of the small Buddhist temple was terrified, he understood that it was coming by himself.

Who is most suitable to be the incarnation of the accommodating Buddha?

Undoubtedly it's heart-burning.

Only then did the first place in the small Buddhist temple reveal the sound transmission jade talisman inside the monk's robe, and the one who had been listening to the sound transmission jade talisman was the Sage.

The Emperor Wei of the Mirror Palace had a solemn expression on his face. He also closed his eyes, as if the mirror surface of Bihu's Tongtian mirror rippled layer by layer.

Zang San had already taken the lead, and he slapped it with a palm.

The unremarkable palm of the hand hides a huge amount of true essence.

Among the Dawei cultivators, there are very few who can take this palm.

He wanted to interrupt the coming of the Buddha, and he would not hesitate to kill his own disciple.

Ranxin's body is bright, and there are bursts of Sanskrit sounds.

Amitabha means immeasurable light and immeasurable life span.

Under the pure light, Zang San's palm shot with all his strength disappeared.

Zang San and the first master and apprentice of the Xiaofo Temple can no longer see clearly the burning heart in the light.

The light dissipated, only the two of them were left, and Ranxin had long since disappeared.

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