Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1693: big fear

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"Your Highness, be careful." After confirming that Ranxin disappeared, the first one of the Little Buddha Temple said solemnly.

The Great Wei Tianzi in the Mirror Palace's face was slightly condensed, because the Tongtian Mirror also lost the trace of Burning Heart.

He regrets it a little bit. He used the Mirror to kill Ranxin before he knew it, but he didn't think it was worth it. After all, in this period, every bit of the Mirror's power was important.

He didn't think much about it, just urged the Tongtian Mirror to continue searching for the first temple of the Great Buddha, which had become the incarnation of the Buddha.

In fact, even if the Lord Buddha really came to the Mirror Palace, he was not afraid. He had enough confidence in the Tongtian Mirror.

It's just that the Buddha Lord obviously did not come to Jingdu. He disappeared, and the Tongtian Mirror could not find the existence of the Buddha Lord.

"What does he want to do?" Emperor Wei frowned.


Zhou Fan was scavenging for monsters outside the wilderness, and he suddenly became a little uneasy.

This restlessness comes from the danger omens of consciousness.

He stopped the sweeping of the strange, the spiritual thoughts quickly unfolded, and he looked up to the west.

A monk came from the west.

The monk wearing the kapok cassock looks ordinary, but the omen of danger points to this monk.

The little girl had dog hair standing up all over her body, baring her canine teeth towards the monk.

Zhou Fan felt that the monk was somewhat familiar, but he had never seen this monk before.

When the monk approached, his face became clear, and there was nothing special about his face.

The monk looked at Zhou Fan silently.

Zhou Fan broke the silence with a smile, "Why did the master come?"

He had some doubts that this monk was the old head of the Great Buddha Temple, but now he felt different, because he was in the Primordial Spirit Realm now, and even the old head of the Great Buddha Temple could not give him such a creepy sense of danger.

"The traitors are wrong, and so is the emperor of Wei." The monk smiled and said, "The poor monk is here for you."

A traitor to the Buddha... the emperor of Wei... Zhou Fan's heart sank, who is this strange monk?

"But I have never met the master, can the master tell me why he came to find me?" Zhou Fan asked.

"Because of the Daxian Sect of Xiaoshuang." The monk sighed, "If I hadn't been focusing on Dawei all the time, I'm afraid I wouldn't have been able to know about the Daxian Sect in such a timely manner."

"Little Silk Daxian Sect..." Zhou Fan pretended to be surprised: "Master, did you find the wrong person?"

The monk suddenly turned around and turned his back to Zhou Fan and said, "The origin of the phantom law of the benefactor is also extraordinary. If I am not mistaken, it should be transformed by the delusion of the King of Fu Seeds. This law was once mastered by a crazy monk who has been forgotten by the world. ."

Zhou Fan, who was facing the monk's back, disappeared like a bubble. Zhou Fan showed his true body and looked at the monk in disbelief. The monk not only saw through his king's delusion, but also pointed out the origin of the king's delusion!

Who is this monk?

The monk smiled again: "Don't worry so much, if it weren't for the fact that the realm of the donor is too low and the mastery of the law is not enough, the poor monk may not be able to see through the law of the donor's illusion so easily."

"I don't know where the godhead of the donor comes from?"

Zhou Fan shook his head and said, "Why should I tell you? Before asking others, shouldn't you tell me your name?"

"Don't the donor know who I am?" the monk sighed: "I don't understand, why doesn't the donor know who I am now?"

"Why do I have to know who you are?" Zhou Fan was silent for a while and said: "You ask me where my godhead came from, I can tell you, it comes from the crazy monk you mentioned, including Wang Zhiwei, she is rushing on the way here."

"She said she wanted to see you!"

The monk's face shuddered, but he quickly laughed dumbly and said, "Why should the donor lie to me? She has already disappeared into the cause and effect."

"Disappearing in Karma doesn't mean she can't return to Karma." Zhou Fan smiled and said, "She has always been weird and irritable, she really wants to rip you off, but no one can stop her, you haven't told me who you are? "

The monk said, "I am a Buddha."

"Are you a Buddha?" Zhou Fan's pupils slowly contracted, and he understood.

The Buddha who has hundreds of millions of followers.

Why did such a great practitioner come to him?

He couldn't just come to the door just because he used the little fairy to rob some of his followers. If so, it would be too absurd.

He was vigilant in his heart, and there were some guesses in his heart.

"What are you looking for me for?" Zhou Fan said.

"Didn't the donor call me Little Buddha Buddha and say you know me?" The Buddha said calmly, "That's why I came to see the donor."

Zhou Fan coughed dryly, "I'm just joking, you won't be so stingy, will you?"

Zhou Fan's mind relaxed a lot, because such a cultivator is much higher than him, and he is definitely not an opponent. Since this is the case, it is useless to worry, it is better to see the tricks.

The Lord Buddha shook his head and said, "These are all trivial matters. Of course I won't bother to come to Dawei for such trivial matters."

"Then why did you come to me?" Zhou Fan asked again.

"Because I have great fear in my heart." Lord Buddha sighed, and there was a touch of fear that could not be concealed on his face.

This kind of fear seems very It is so real that Zhou Fan has to believe it, so he feels depressed, he can't help but say: "Do you still need to fear something at this level of existence?"

"Those who don't know are not afraid, those who know are fearful." The fear on the Lord Buddha's face faded. "Because of the great fear in my heart, I came to look for the donor. I hope the existence behind the donor can give some pointers."

"It turns out that you monk didn't come to me, but there are many people behind me. I don't know who you are looking for? Is that the crazy monk?" Zhou Fan asked tentatively.

"No." Lord Buddha shook his head and said, "That crazy cultivator is extremely talented, but she can't solve the problem that I can't solve. I'm here to find the one who is more powerful than her."

The Lord Buddha really came to look for the boat... Zhou Fan was shocked, it was the first time he saw a monk looking for the boat, he pretended not to know: "Can't you name it? I really don't know. I know, who are you looking for?"

Lord Buddha turned his head to look in the direction of Yi Jingdu, and then he turned his head back and shook his head and said, "I don't know who it is, but I know it can save me."

"You don't know who it is, how do you know it can save you?" Zhou Fan asked in confusion.

"The donor's cultivation base is still shallow, and I may not understand it. What I cultivate is the way of cause and effect." Lord Buddha clasped his hands together, "The way of cause and effect is mysterious and unpredictable. I saw the big fear, and I also saw how to solve the cause and effect of my big fear."

It was only then that Zhou Fan understood what was going on. The Buddhists put the most emphasis on cause and effect. It turned out that the principle of Buddha's main practice was cause and effect.

"I've been looking for the existence behind you." Lord Buddha said slowly, "I had vaguely seen many years ago that I would see the cause and effect of solving the problem in Dawei, but I thought it was the Dawei royal family and the mirror. , I bothered with the layout, but I didn't expect it to be because it was in Dawei."

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