Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1695: find a way out

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"Then be careful." Emperor Wei didn't ask more. He was actually not very interested in what the Buddha wanted to do with Zhou Fan. Whether what Zhou Fan said was true or false, it didn't matter to him.

As long as the Lord Buddha leaves Dawei, it will be fine.

After Dawei Tianzi ended the conversation with Zhou Fan, Zhou Fan put away the sound transmission jade talisman. He thought seriously, his heart was up and down, and the Buddha Lord clone did not seem to be the opponent of Dawei Tianzi.

Because when the Buddha Lord avatar was talking to him, he also looked in the direction of Jingdu. The emperor of Wei knew so quickly that he was meeting the Buddha Lord, and it was likely that he had been searching for the Buddha Lord who entered the Great Wei.

The Great Wei Emperor was just reminding him that he did not intend to inquire about the Buddha Lord's affairs in depth, and expressed his attitude that he did not care about the Buddha Lord very much.

The Buddha Lord clone is not the opponent of the Great Wei Emperor. He has a further understanding of the strength of the Great Wei Emperor who has mastered the Tongtian Mirror. This is probably stronger than he expected. It is no wonder that since the founding of the Great Wei, no one has ever captured Gotta go through the sky mirror.

The closest thing to success was the palace change initiated by the three-phase aristocratic family and the princes, but it still failed.

Zhou Fan didn't think about it any more. The emperor of Wei was never an emperor who could guess with common sense. As long as he didn't take action against himself, it would be meaningless for him to think too much.

"The Lord Buddha is gone." Emperor Wei told this to the first of Zangsan and Xiaofo Temple.

"Did you tell him to retreat?" Zang San asked with a strange look on his face.

"Yes." Dawei Tianzi said, he did not tell Zangsan and the first one of the Little Buddha Temple, and the Buddha finally went to see Zhou Fan.

Because if he said that, Zangsan and the first of the small Buddhist temples would definitely seek Zhou Fan to understand.

They were all on his side, and he didn't want any disputes between them.

"What about Burning Heart?" Zangsan asked.

"I don't know, I can't find him, he may have gone with the Buddha." Dawei Tianzi said.

"That's fine." Zang San sighed and said, "Then, what are you going to do with the Great Buddha Temple?"

In addition to the small Buddhist temple who believe in the Dharma and do not believe in the Lord Buddha, there are many devout believers in the Big Buddha Temple. The biggest problem is that they do not know when the Lord Buddha will give the Buddha or which devout believer. .

"The Great Buddha Temple once made great contributions to the country. It only punished those who rebelled. It's up to you to deal with it, and everything else will be done as before." Dawei Tianzi said: "As for the issue of the Buddha's oracle, don't worry, just be careful."

When the Great Wei Emperor was about to break off the conversation, Zang San suddenly said, "Your Majesty, has Lin Wuya traveled around the world?"

"Lin Sheng is indeed traveling around the world." The Great Wei Tianzi said: "The first one just woke up, and these things can be slowly understood."

"Your Majesty, I may have to leave Wei too." Zang San said.

The big Wei Tianzi over there was silent for a while and said: "This first one can be decided by yourself, you don't need to ask me for my opinion."

"Then Da Wei will ask the Holy Master." Zangsan said respectfully with his hands together.

After breaking the conversation with the Great Wei Emperor, the head of the Little Buddha Temple asked, "Master, why did you leave?"

"There is something in the Holy Spirit." Zang San replied somewhat indifferently.

"There is something strange in the Holy Master's heart. We all know that the emperors of the Great Wei Dynasty have kept a secret that cannot be told to outsiders." The head of the small Buddhist temple frowned, he didn't think there was any problem.

"This secret is something that all the saints of the academy want to know. In fact, it's not just them, but I also want to know." Zang San said calmly: "But it's not just because of curiosity, but also because of the future of Wei."

"Lin Wuya, as a saint of the academy, is best at deduction techniques. He must have seen something."

"What did the saint of the academy see..." The first seat of the Little Buddha Temple showed a thoughtful look.

"Some of the actions of the sage are actually not complicated in my opinion." Zang San said jumpingly, "Lin Wuya must have the same opinion. He left Great Wei with a lot of considerations, but the root cause is that the sage has a lot of thoughts about this event. robbery..."

Zang San paused for a while before continuing: "Very desperate, he may think that it is difficult for Da Wei to survive this catastrophe."

"Master, how could this be..." The first one of the Little Buddha Temple was completely shocked, "We have a sky-penetrating mirror."

"The problem may lie with the Mirror." Zang San said: "Only the Sage knows how the Mirror is activated, and only the Sage knows if there is a problem with the Mirror."

"We're just guessing, but just now I proposed to leave Great Wei, why didn't the Sage stop me? It means that he thinks it doesn't make sense for me to stay in Great Wei or not to help defend against the catastrophe."

"The Holy One and the Tongtian Mirror are the keys to our surviving the catastrophe. The Holy One thinks so, isn't it clear enough?"

The first of the Little Buddha Temple could not be refuted for a while.

Zang San sighed, "I slept for too long because of the Lord Buddha. There are many things that are not as clear as Lin Wuya's understanding, but these things can still be seen clearly."

Sweat oozes from the bald head of the first small Buddhist temple, "If the catastrophe cannot survive, what should the Great Wei do? Why didn't the sage tell us?"

"The sage may have unspeakable Zang Sandao: "What should I do, I don't know, Lin Wuya left Great Wei and has not returned yet, maybe he went outside to find a way. "

"I also want to leave Dawei, and I want to find a way to live for Dawei."

When he said this, his face became solemn. It was meaningless to stay in Dawei. Only by jumping out of the small pond on Dawei's side could he find a way to save Dawei outside.

The head of the small Buddhist temple said urgently, "Master, I will go with you."

"It doesn't make much sense for you to follow me." Zang San said: "If you leave, what about the Big Buddha Temple and the Little Buddha Temple?"

Someone has to stay and lead the two Buddhist temples, trying to delay the time as much as possible when the catastrophe comes.

The head of the small Buddhist temple announced a Buddha name and agreed.

Zhou Fan looked at the two Juyuan Buddha Fruits he got, and he was not in a hurry to eat the Juyuan Buddha Fruits.

Even if you know that the Lord Buddha wants to kill him, you can't use such a tortuous method, but there is nothing wrong with being cautious.

In the evening, after appearing on the boat, Zhou Fan first communicated with his sons and daughters, and then he told the Emperor of All Nations about the encounter with the Lord Buddha.

He spoke in great detail, and even explained the transaction between the ship and the Buddha. After he finished speaking, he observed the expression of the emperor of all nations.

The little boy behaved calmly, "What do you want to ask?"

"Do you know what agreement the boat has with the Buddha?" Zhou Fan asked.

"What kind of transaction is there between the boat and that Buddha Lord, this is the boat's business." The little boy said: "The boat has not mentioned this matter, how could I know?"

"Aren't you curious?" Zhou Fan looked strange, "The boat is your partner, it has something to hide from you."

The little boy said calmly: "It wants to say that it knows how to say it. It doesn't need to be suspicious of people, and it's not necessary to use people. As a king, if he can't even trust his own partners and subordinates, then this king is not qualified."

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