Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1696: The death of the Taoist priest

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"Doubt and guesswork will only lead to the demise of the king." The little boy sitting on the throne said: "The minister must trust his king, and the king must also trust the minister."

"But there will always be courtiers who betray the king, no matter how wise the king is." Zhou Fan couldn't help but argue.

"Then you will be punished if you betray." The little boy raised his eyebrows and said, "The king should not be afraid of the betrayal of his subjects, and dare not use them to do things."

Zhou Fan twitched at the corner of his mouth. He felt that the little boy was comforting himself in his heart. Of course, he said so much, but he just wanted to know what was said between the boat and the Buddha. After all, it involved him.

"I know what you're worried about." The little boy said, "The boat asked the Buddha to do things for it, and the Buddha also mentioned you. Actually, it's easy to guess that this may be a plan for the boat to train you."

"But Lord Buddha said that I am too weak to accomplish anything. This doesn't seem like a training plan." Zhou Fan said suspiciously.

"The Lord Buddha may have the same opinion as me. He wants to train you into a qualified subordinate as soon as possible, and then help me save the world." The little boy said slowly: "That's why I said that."

"How much do you know about Lord Buddha?" Zhou Fan couldn't help asking.

"In my time, he was famous, but he was just a rising star." The little boy said, "I heard some news about him from some boarding people. He was a monk who followed the Shinto-style route, with many believers, and his strength. The progress is good, and now it is estimated that it has entered the top level."

"Is that all?" Zhou Fan said a little unwillingly: "Then he said he had great fear in his heart, and what was the reason?"

The little boy said: "I am not him, how do I know what he is afraid of?"

When the little boy said this, he paused again, "If you let me guess, it seems that the Shinto-style cultivator relies on the power of will, then the most fearful thing for the Shinto-style cultivator is to lose the will of the believer."

"Losing the will of believers..." Zhou Fan pondered for a while and said, "But as far as I know, there are many Buddhist believers, and even if they occasionally lose some, the impact on the Lord of the Buddha is not great."

"Then I don't know." The little boy shook his head and said, "Why don't you ask the boat and see if the boat will tell you?"

Zhou Fan really asked, but the boat did not answer.

Zhou Fan looked helpless, "Ship, please help me put the two Juyuan Buddha Fruits in."

Two wisps of gray mist quickly floated over and turned into the Juyuan Buddha Fruit.

Zhou Fan handed the Juyuan Buddha Fruit to the little boy and asked him to help identify the authenticity of the Juyuan Buddha Fruit.

After careful inspection, the little boy said: "No problem, this Juyuan Buddha Fruit is very good for Primordial Spirit cultivators,"

Zhou Fan was relieved to take over the Juyuan Buddha Fruit.

"It's not bad, when you eat these two Juyuan Buddha Fruit, you will be complete." The little boy said lightly: "You are still too slow, I seem to be your age, and you have already ruled all countries. , the cultivation realm is also well-deserved first person."

That's because your royal father left... Zhou Fan's mouth twitched, but he had to admit that the talent of the emperor of all kingdoms is indeed a perverted level.

After Zhou Fan and the three brothers Xiaobai left the boat, the little boy's face showed a look of thought. He did not question the boat, because as he said to Zhou Fan, he did not doubt the boat.

What the ship wants to do is its business, he just has to do his own thing.

But the matter of the Lord Buddha reminded him of something, his face slowly became solemn, and he looked up at the huge blood ball hanging in the sky, "The ship, has it become so urgent?"

The gray fog rolled, as if responding to the little boy's question.

When he woke up the next day, Zhou Fan did not hesitate and swallowed the first Juyuan Buddha Fruit. It took him a day to digest this Juyuan Buddha Fruit and entered the middle stage of the Primordial Spirit Realm.

The next day, he swallowed the second Juyuan Buddha Fruit, digested the Juyuan Buddha Fruit, and entered the late stage of the Primordial Spirit Realm.

This has entered the late stage of Yuanshen Realm? It was so fast that he felt a trance, as if he was listening to a folk tale. Halfway through the story, the plot took a turn for the worse, and it ended in a few words.

If it wasn't for the Emperor of Ten Thousand Nations telling him not to worry, he really wouldn't dare to step into the late Yuanshen realm so quickly.

He silently took out the sound transmission jade talisman, so that Insect Maiden did not need to collect the cultivation resources of the Primordial Spirit Realm for him. If he could return it, he would return it, and if he could not return it, he would sell it.

After doing this, he sighed.

"My talent is really good. At such an age, I entered the late Yuanshen stage, which is unique in the history of Great Wei."

"It's such a rapid progress, isn't it too much?"

He was worried in his heart. Even if the Emperor of Ten Thousand Kingdoms disliked him for being slow, he felt that he was not slow at all. He had to be careful about the hidden dangers caused by breaking through the realm quickly. Even if there was no problem with the basics, his mood might appear accidentally hidden danger.

He decided to stabilize his state of mind before considering the issue of entering the travel territory. He had to wait patiently for at least five days... No, maybe ten days.

Even if the omen of the catastrophe appears, Destruction can deal with more crises, but it cannot be too impatient because of this.

After Zhou Fan finished his thoughts, he continued busy hunting and killing monsters.

Just two days later, a message interrupted Zhou Fan to continue hunting and killing monsters.

"You said Tiangong Taoist died?" Zhou Fan asked Du Ni, who had told him the matter, in shock with the sound transmission jade in his hand.

"Yes, this happened in less than half a column of incense just Du Ni sighed and said, "He was killed by the slander. "

"What's wrong?" Zhou Fan asked calmly.

Even if the strength of Taoist Tiangong is far from the Spiritual Mind Realm, it is not so easy to be killed as a complete cultivator in the Immortal Realm.

"When the sign of the catastrophe appeared, Tiangongdao had ten coffins that covered the entire Qingyan Township. Later, those who did not escape from Qingyan Township became mummified corpses." Du Ni said: "Tiangongdao sent an exploration team, but there was no result. After the success, we can only seal the entire Qingyan Township, and prevent outsiders from approaching."

Zhou Fan knew all this, but he didn't interrupt, just listened silently.

"But the day before yesterday, one of the ten huge coffins in Qingyan Township changed. The lid of the coffin was opened, and a shadow appeared inside." Du Ni paused when he said this, "What is the condition of the shadow? , I'm not very clear, I heard that everyone who has seen the shadow has died, and I only had time to tell the news that the shadow came out of the coffin."

"The shadow entered Tuwa Township next to Qingyan Township. Tuwa Township was nearly half occupied, and there were mummies like Qingyan Township everywhere."

"Tiangong Taoist led people to rush to kill the shadow, but was killed by the shadow."

"It is said that the shadow is still dormant in Tufrog Township and has no intention of leaving."

Zhou Fan was in a heavy heart. Tiangong Dao was adjacent to Hanbei Dao. If the shadow coming out of the coffin could not be stopped by Tiangong Dao, it would be a big problem if it came to Hanbei Dao.

Of course, this possibility should not be possible from the current point of view. After all, Tuwa Township is still far from the border of Hanbei Road, but some precautions must be taken.

Just when Zhou Fan was about to say something, his other sound transmission jade talisman lit up. This was the master of the academy contacting him. Sound Transmission Jade Talisman.

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