Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1697: Tiangong Road City

"Zhou Fan, do you know about the Taoist Master of the Heavenly Palace?" Duanmu Xiaohong asked in a heavy voice as soon as the sound transmission jade talisman was activated.

"I just heard about it." Zhou Fan said, "How should we deal with those coffins now?"

Now it is only the first sign of the catastrophe. The Heavenly Mirror mastered by the Great Wei cannot be used without restrictions. Otherwise, when the catastrophe breaks out, what will be used to resist.

The signs of the catastrophe appeared, and there were more and more bizarre and bizarre rumors in various places. It was impossible to rely on the Mirror of the Heavens.

"We contacted Jianzong here, and Jianzong has promised to deal with the matter of the Ten Coffins." Duanmu Xiaohong said.

Jianzong is located in Tiangongdao. It is a force with a detached status in Tiangongdao. The sect master of Jianzong is so powerful that even Duanmu Xiaohong, who is also in the Yuanshen Realm, dare not say that he can beat him.

With him, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Zhou Fan felt relieved.

"But there is still a problem with Tiangong Dao." Duanmu Xiaohong said in a low voice: "The seventeenth prince and the living corpse have been active in Tiangong Dao before, and the Tiangong Daoist has been thinking of destroying them, but the Tiangong Daoist is dead, we are here. Intelligence shows that the living corpses are conspiring and plotting, and may want to capture Tiangong Daocheng or other state cities."

"Zhou Fan, the meaning of the palace and our academy is that I hope you go to Tiangong Daocheng. Even if you can't kill the living corpses, you must suppress the living corpses and prevent them from causing trouble."

There is no suitable candidate for Tiangong Daoist yet. In such a hurry, we can only let Zhou Fan, who can teleport over a long distance, go there, lest there will be a big problem in Tiangong Dao.

Zhou Fan frowned, "Mr. Da, there is no problem with letting me go, but what should the Seventeenth Prince do?"

They still used to call Li Yuanye the seventeenth prince. The princes brought their forces to make troubles in various places. Now the Yiluan Division of the prefectures has not solved them, but they are concerned about their original identities.

Even though Jinggong has issued imperial decrees for many times that rebels can be shot to death, but saying this, the officials and officials of the prefectural government and officials are still worried.

"You can deal with this." Duanmu Xiaohong said, "Even if you kill him, the sage will not blame him."

Duanmu Xiaohong said this, if the emperor of Wei really wanted to hold him accountable, the academy would also stand up for Zhou Fan.

"Okay, then I understand." Zhou Fan pondered for a while and responded.

The people below may be afraid that the emperor of the Great Wei will settle accounts in the autumn, but Zhou Fan is not afraid, because he knows that the emperor of the Great Wei really doesn't care about these and insists on the life and death of the rebel princes, otherwise he would not have issued so many imperial decrees.

Even if it is sometimes difficult to see through the actions of the Great Wei Emperor, the Great Wei Emperor is by no means such a pretentious person.

Zhou Fan showed killing intent, he had long wanted to kill the seventeenth prince.

Not only because the seventeenth prince was at odds with him back then, but also because before the worm girl grew up, she was often assassinated by some people sent by the prince's forces because of her mother's troubles in the court.

Among them, the seventeenth prince was the most arrogant, because the queen died because of Concubine Yang.

Concubine Yang and the Empress do not say who is right or wrong, they are just enemies.

The same is true for the Seventeenth Prince and the Insect Girl. Both of them are mortal enemies. Zhou Fan naturally wants to stand by the Insect Girl and eliminate the Seventeenth Prince, a formidable enemy, for the Insect Girl.

He first talked to Du Ni and the others, and then took his little sister to the vicinity of Tiangong Daocheng through the shuttle domain.

He soon entered the Tiangong Taoist Mansion, but only the several governors of the Tiangong Taoist Mansion knew about it, and he didn't let more people know about it.

Zhou Fan wanted to take this opportunity to catch the seventeen princes and the living dead by surprise.

He hid in Tiangong Taoist Palace and waited patiently.

There are only two ways for a living corpse to occupy the Tiangong Daocheng. The first is to destroy the defense formation in the city, and the second is to break the Tiangong Daozhu Palace.

But neither of these things is easy.

Tiangong Daozhu's mansion also doesn't know what the living corpse is going to do. Of course, the living corpse may also give up the hard bone of Tiangong Daocheng, and instead choose a target from the prefectures of Tiangong Dao.

Zhou Fan doesn't care about this, as long as the information is fed back in time, he can rush there as quickly as possible.

It is really convenient for him to use the broken bones to travel through the realm.

He guessed that the living corpse couldn't wait for too long, because the waiting time was too long, once the new Tiangong Taoist took office or the sword sect solved the shadow mystery, they would miss such a good opportunity.

It took less than half a day for Zhou Fan to enter the Taoist Palace of the Heavenly Palace.

The outer cities affiliated to Tiangong Daocheng were successively attacked by some unknown people, and they fell into chaos.

The living corpse is here... Zhou Fan's spirit is lifted, and the governors of the Tiangong Taoist Mansion immediately send people to support those affiliated outer cities.

The strategy of the living corpse is easy to see. They plan to attack the outer city and disperse the forces of Tiangong Daocheng.

If Tiangong Daozhu's mansion refuses to disperse its forces, it will take this advantage to occupy these affiliated outer cities and form a siege of Tiangong Daocheng.

If the outer city is lost, Tiangong Daocheng may not be able to support it for long.

After the living corpse died in the Taoist Temple, they thought that there were no powerful monks in the Taoist Palace, so they were so unscrupulous.

It's just that they thought about one thing They didn't expect that I had arrived at the Taoist Palace of Heaven...Zhou Fan thought silently, he was worried that he used the broken bones to go back and forth with Hanbeidao before. would be found out about the problem, rendering his strategy of hiding ineffective.

But the living corpse dared to attack, obviously did not think of this, otherwise how would he dare to know that when he was in the Tiangong Taoist mansion, he still wanted to **** the Tiangong Daocheng?

Of course, we must beware of the possibility that the other party knows that he dares to attack in the Tiangong Taoist Mansion...

In the outer city, there are the Taoist Lord's Mansion and the patrol camp to solve the problem, and the main force of the other party may be in Tiangong Taoist City.

Zhou Fan didn't start his spiritual sense, because the corpse master Zombie Jiayuan was not weak. If he started a spiritual sense search and let Zombie Jiayuan discover his existence, then there would be a big problem.

There was a sudden rumbling from outside the Taoist Lord's Mansion.

"My lord, the corpse is attacking the Taoist mansion and the formation core in the city." The governor of the Taoist mansion immediately informed Zhou Fan of the news.

"Find out the location of Corpse Jiayuan and Li Yuanye." Zhou Fan gave the order. He changed his appearance and rushed out of the Taoist mansion. After a look, there were dead corpses everywhere, and there were ghost Taoist monks fighting with the people of the Taoist mansion. Together.

Zhou Fan didn't see Shi Jiayuan and Li Yuanye. He calmly disguised himself as a monk in the Huayuan realm to help the Taoist mansion kill the corpse warrior monk.

He knew that Shi Jiayuan and Li Yuanye might be observing in the dark.

In this situation now, only if the corpse is left behind, can they show up.

Although Zhou Fan disguised himself as a cultivator of the Huayuan Realm, he killed people very fast, wandering around the battlefield, harvesting the lives of the living corpses, and the living corpses soon showed signs of collapse.

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