Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1698: trade

The corpse warrior cultivator who attacked the Tiangong Taoist mansion did not understand why he was suddenly at a disadvantage?

But at least they could see that they were at a disadvantage. Someone sent a signal, and a huge white bone skull light pattern appeared over the Tiangong Taoist Palace.

The warrior monks in the Tiangong Taoist Mansion also saw it, and they all became faintly vigilant.

The corpse retreated, and the governor of Tiangong Taoist Mansion got an order from Zhou Fan secretly, and ordered the warrior monks of the Taoist mansion to stop.

The person with the living corpse did not retreat completely, but stopped not long after exiting.

The corpse warrior cultivator separated a path, and the corpse Jiayuan and the seventeenth prince walked out of it.

The seventeenth prince indifferently swept around everyone in the Taoist Palace of the Heavenly Palace, "I am your emperor, why don't you kneel down and worship?"

No one answered.

Zhou Fan observed the seventeenth prince and the corpse Jiayuan. He didn't know whether the other party was a real person or a substitute, so he would not take action easily. After all, the seventeenth prince had used the substitute to enter the mirror palace before and was not found.

"The whole world is mine, do you want to rebel against me?" said the seventeenth prince.

"Li Yuanye, you are no longer a member of the Great Wei Royal Family. I advise you to take it easy." A governor of the Tiangong Taoist Palace said solemnly.

Shi Jiayuan smiled and said: "His Royal Highness is willing to stop and give you a chance because you don't want to kill Jie. Who among you is my opponent?"

"Surrender, there may be a way to survive. If you don't surrender, there is only one way to die."

"I think your Excellency is the corpse master of the living dead." The governor looked at the corpse Jiayuan with a sullen face, "Our Taoist Lord is dead, but it does not mean that you can do whatever you want in Tiangong Road City, the talisman array is still in our hands, we can completely control it. The talisman killed you."

Shi Jiayuan sneered: "It sounds like this, but do you care about the lives of the people in the city? If you want to kill me, you will have to pay a huge price."

"Or did the General Office of Yiluan not tell you that I have a corpse skull magic?"

The faces of the warriors and cultivators in the Taoist Master’s Mansion changed greatly. Of course, they heard about the corpse skull magic. Once the corpse Jiayuan was killed, the heads of the corpse Jiayuan would explode one by one, shattering into countless resentful souls and wreaking havoc on the ground. , The Wraith is infused with the cultivator's blood and spirit, and it is difficult to stop it.

The issue of the corpse skull magic is also under Zhou Fan's consideration. The safest way is to silently control the corpse Jiayuan like last time.

Zhou Fan didn't wait any longer. When he couldn't tell the truth from the fake, he could only take a risk. His phantasmagoric talisman spread silently to the corpse Jiayuan.

Zombie Jiayuan's eyes became a little dull.

Zhou Fan's heart sank slightly. If it was really corpse armor, it would be impossible to fall into illusion so quickly. He was fooled. Instead of withdrawing Wang Zhiwei, he planned to make a mistake.

It's just that the fake corpse armor's face was distorted, the whole person was rapidly dissolving, and countless blood water dripped from his body.

All were quiet for a while, and most people just stared at the melted corpse armor in amazement.

Zhou Fan sighed in his heart. The other party moved a lot of hands and feet on the fake corpse armor. It seemed that as long as it was eroded by illusion, he would die immediately.

After Shi Jiayuan was fooled last time, he became cautious.

The seventeenth prince's black pupils turned pale. He looked at the people in the Tiangong Taoist Mansion and said sharply, "Zhou Fan, you are indeed here."

The voice that the seventeenth prince said turned into a corpse.

The seventeenth prince is obviously fake too.

"Do you think I'll fall into the same pit?" Shi Jiayuan sneered.

Zhou Fan stood up and said, "Yes, it seems that you have become smarter, but how did you guess that I was here?"

Shi Jiayuan said solemnly: "We have already obtained the information. The last time you came from Hanbei Road, you suddenly appeared in Jingdu, which reversed the situation in Jingdu, indicating that you may have mastered some kind of long-distance teleportation secret technique."

"The Taoist Master of Tiangong was killed, we were just guessing how the Great Wei Emperor would solve the matter, and we thought that you might come over."

"Since you thought I would come here, why would you dare to attack the Taoist Palace of the Heavenly Palace?" Zhou Fan smiled and said, "Is it a fluke?"

"It can be said that." Shi Jiayuan said slowly: "We can't be sure that you will really come, and if we don't want to give up such a good opportunity, of course we can only do a test once, even if there is some damage, it is inevitable. ."

"Are you finished?" Zhou Fan asked, "If you're finished, I will send you loyal men on the road."

"Don't worry." Shi Jiayuan said: "Since you are here, it is impossible for Your Highness and I to win the Tiangong Daocheng, but it is impossible for you to kill me and His Highness. You don't know that we are hiding in where, so I want to make a deal with you."

"Trade?" Zhou Fan was a little surprised.

"This matter is very important to you and me. The leak of the news will not benefit you and me. I want to talk privately, what do you think?" Shi Jiayuan said.

"Okay." Zhou Fan's eyes flickered and he agreed, but he still quietly took out the recording device, ready to record the conversation.

The academy and Emperor Wei trust him very much, but such a thing may cause suspicion, and if necessary, it can be used to prove his innocence.

When the two talked, they only needed to shield everyone with a talisman. They spread their spiritual thoughts and were not afraid of others eavesdropping.

After Fu Lu arranged to shield everyone, Shi Jia Yuan said: "You support His Highness the Seventeenth to ascend the His Highness Seventeen will give you a position below one person and above ten thousand people."

"Do you just want to tell me about this?" Zhou Fan said coldly, "You should know that I won't support you."

No matter which prince it is, after Emperor Wei regains control of the Tongtian Mirror, where can there be a chance to win?

Even the avatar of the Buddha Lord is not the opponent of Emperor Wei, these princes are all thinking about eating shit.

"Do you think we don't have a chance to win?" Shi Jiayuan said, "Of course the Emperor Wei who owns the Tongtian Mirror is very powerful. No one in Dawei will be his opponent. If he wants to kill me, I can't escape. ."

"He didn't use the Mirror to find me and kill me. He just thought it wasn't worth using the Mirror, but don't forget, he can only stay in the Palace of Mirrors and can't go anywhere."

"And when the catastrophe comes, when the power of the Mirror is almost exhausted, that's our chance."

Zhou Fan sneered and said: "The power of the Tongtian Mirror may be limited, so you want to spend the catastrophe past, and then slowly find a way to win the throne? Let's talk about it after you survive the catastrophe."

"If you just want to talk to me about this, I don't think it's necessary to talk any further."

"Of course not." Shi Jiayuan shook his head again and said, "We also know that you won't agree. We want to talk to you about something else."

"In exchange, we can tell you the whereabouts of the seventy-one princes."

Zhou Fan's face was calm, but his heart was beating. After the seventy-one prince, Wang Daozi, and Ye Gaoshan escaped from Jingdu, they disappeared without a trace, and no one knew where they were hiding.

Shi Jiayuan knows their news?

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