Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1708: what kind of person

You can just say that Yuanshen can't use external force to transcend the calamity. The later transcends the calamity is transcending the heart, saying that it is definitely not giving me chicken soup... Zhou Fan twitched, "Why do you say that transcending the calamity is transcending the heart?"

As far as he knows, Primordial Spirit Transcends Tribulation is more affected by external forces and has nothing to do with the heart.

"What kind of calamity did the primordial spirit transcend?" asked the emperor of all nations.

"Most of them are one of the four calamities of wind, thunder, water and fire." Zhou Fan said: "As for what kind of calamity it will be, it is impossible to predict in advance."

"Before the robbery began, no one really knew." The King of Nations said, "But there is one thing you may not know. The stronger the cultivator's primordial spirit, the stronger the robbery."

The stronger the primordial spirit, the stronger the calamity?

Zhou Fan was stunned for a moment and said, "Why haven't I heard such a statement?"

"That's because the place you are in is too small, and the level of cultivators is generally not high. What's surprising about this kind of secret primordial spirit realm?" The Emperor of All Nations said: "Actually, if you think about it, you can understand why the primordial spirit transcended the calamity and entered. Few monks travel abroad?"

"It's because the strength of the calamity is closely related to the primordial spirit."

Zhou Fan was in a heavy heart. If this is the case, his Primordial Spirit is so powerful, how strong is the calamity?

"However, no matter how strong the robbery power is, there will always be a chance of life. Primordial Spirit cultivators just want to find a chance of life from this, so that their Primordial Spirit can transform and travel between the heavens and the earth without being bound by the flesh." The King of Nations said: " If you want to find this chance, you must have a strong heart, how can the weak-willed survive such a catastrophe?"

Only then did Zhou Fan understand why the Emperor of All Nations would say that transcending the calamity is transcending the heart.

In other words, there is no shortcut to transcending the calamity, you can only rely on yourself...

Zhou Fan became a little hesitant, because if he couldn't make it through, he would die. Should he stop slowing down, wait until his character becomes more tenacious, and then go through the calamity when he thinks it's appropriate?

"The brave are invincible, if they are broken, they will be broken, otherwise they will suffer from chaos." The Emperor of All Nations seemed to see through Zhou Fan's mind, "Some people are suitable for waiting to temper their xinxing, and some people will burn their hearts out while waiting. , what kind of person are you? Don't you know?"

The words of the Queen of All Nations are solemn and sharp.

Zhou Fan fell silent, what kind of person am I? Do I really have to wait?

He didn't do anything that night, but looked at the gray river surface, and didn't say a word until he left the boat.

The King of Nations had a calm face. He looked up at the huge blood sphere in the sky, "If he chooses to wait, then I won't help him, but there is not so much time for him to grow, right?"


In the early morning, there are crystal dewdrops on the tip of the leaves that will not fall.

Zhou Fan opened his eyes, his eyes were clear, no longer as dazed as when he was on the boat, because he already had a decision in his heart.

Xiao Ling stretched her waist and got up. She looked at Zhou Fan and felt that the host's expression was a little strange today, ah, it was as if the constipation had suddenly cleared up...

"Master, is there anything in your heart?" Xiao Qian asked curiously.

"It's not a big deal, it's just that I made a decision." Zhou Fan said with a relaxed smile.

"What's the decision?" Xiao Ling said excitedly: "Did you find out in your conscience that you are going to give me back all the chicken and duck legs that have been deducted from me before?"

"I want the primordial spirit to save the calamity." Zhou Fan said in an angry voice.

"I thought it was a big event..." Xiao Ling was a little bored and halfway through, she froze, "Crossing, crossing the calamity? Will it be very dangerous?"

"There is definitely danger, but you don't have to worry, it will be fine." Zhou Fan felt a little comfort in his heart, at least Xiao Ling knew he was worried about his safety.

There is danger... Xiao Wan shivered, she forced a smile to persuade: "Master, since it is dangerous, then don't cross the calamity, what kind of calamity, let's go, let's eat duck legs, don't duck legs taste good?"

"..." Zhou Fan said, "You really don't need to worry about me."

Xiao Ling immediately hugged Zhou Fan's big legs and cried: "Master, we are linked by life, if you fail to survive the tribulation and die, I will be finished, don't go to the tribulation, at most I will eat less in the future. Duck legs."

Is this a problem with eating less duck legs? Zhou Fan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "You little bastard, I usually run into danger and you run faster than anyone else. Why didn't I see you thinking of this? Instead, I remembered that I was connected to your life today?"

"How can it be the same?" Xiao Qian cried and chirped: "That's impossible, of course you have to run when you are in danger, but now the master is taking the initiative to send her to death. Isn't that tricking me?"

Zhou Fan twitched at the corner of his mouth, "I'm sure, how can you say it's a death sentence?"

"I'm sure, there's still danger." Xiao Qian wiped away her tears, "I'm a hard worker, and with a master like you, I'm usually stubborn, I can't wear warm clothes, I can't eat enough, and I often suffer from life and death. Difficult……"

Before wiping away her tears, she burst into tears.

Zhou Fan: "???"

After Zhou Fan promised Xiao Wan a thousand duck legs, Xiao Wan stopped crying.

Zhou Fan didn't pay attention to Xiao Ling anymore, he started to set up a defensive formation. For his Primordial Spirit to transcend the calamity, he needs to think about protecting his body, lest the Primordial Spirit transcends the calamity and the physical body is destroyed, which would be miserable.

After arranging a hundred layers of symbol he felt relieved.

He glanced at Xiaomei and Xiaoxuan again, and then sat down with his legs crossed, closing his eyes and leaving his soul.

The Yuanshen villain quickly became as tall as Zhou Fan, his body was surrounded by black and red wind, there was a cluster of pitch-black flames in the center of his forehead, and his golden pupils glanced at his own body.

The primordial spirit formed a seal, and the flesh body followed suit, and the overlapping talisman formations opened.

Zhou Fan's primordial spirit flew out of the rune formation, he made a seal with his hands again, and the rune formation closed again.

Zhou Fan flew towards the sky, flying higher and higher, the earth began to shrink in his eyes, and he saw mountains and rivers.

The so-called Yuanshen travel is to break through the limited distance of the physical body, and once you break through the limited distance of the physical body, you will encounter catastrophe. This is the Yuanshen Tribulation.

Only when the primordial spirit is complete can one dare to try to transcend the calamity. Once the calamity is over, the body can no longer bind the primordial spirit, and the primordial spirit can roam the world.

Zhou Fan had already sensed that the distance between his physical body had reached the limit, so he stopped. He knew that if he went up a zhang, he would encounter the Primordial Spirit Tribulation.

"What kind of person am I?"

He did not come up with a clear answer to the question of the King of Nations, but he laughed, and he continued to rise, beyond the limit of the distance between the flesh and the primordial spirit.

Above the sky, there are dense clouds, lightning and thunder, like thousands of purple light dragons cruising in the dense clouds.

Under the clouds, there is a dense and terrifying accumulation of energy, causing the monsters hidden in the air to be crushed to death and sprinkled on the ground.

He looked at the dark clouds indifferently.

"I don't know who I am, but I've never been one to wait!"

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