Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1709: robbery

The more and more dark clouds gathered, they became thick and black as ink, and the energy of the clouds became more and more terrifying.

Zhou Fan just raised his fist, and a huge golden fist smashed the coming purple thunderbolt. He couldn't use anything to transcend the tribulation, and could only rely on his own primordial spirit to resist.

Soon there was black water splashing from the clouds again, this is the water of the **** of eclipse.

Zhou Fan's power of the primordial spirit turned into a golden umbrella. He held the golden umbrella and let the black water that can corrode the primordial spirit wash the golden umbrella.

The blue wind and red fire appeared from the black cloud at the same time, and the fire rose with the wind, burning the entire sky.

Zhou Fan still held the golden umbrella, the black and red wind wrapped around his body stopped the blue wind, and the dark flames on his forehead swallowed up the red fire that dared to strike.

The purple thunderbolt as thick as a human body kept slashing down.

At the beginning, all the four tribulations of wind, thunder, water, and fire have all appeared, which made Zhou Fan's heart tremble. He quickly calmed his mind and dealt with the four tribulations.

After the four tribulations of wind, thunder, water and fire could not help Zhou Fan, they took a new change, rolled into four groups of purple, black, blue, and red, and there were strands of robbery force drilled out of the black cloud, which were added to the four groups of robbery force. middle.

Zhou Fan threw out four punches in a row, but the change of robbery force suddenly accelerated. They turned into four human-shaped robbery forces, and they all threw out one punch, dissipating his fist marks.

Zhou Fan's face was slightly condensed, knowing that the four tribulations of wind, thunder, water and fire have become more difficult to deal with than before.

The black and red double winds that wrapped around him turned into a large and a small pair of knives. The shapes of these two knives resembled his star-frost rust knives and German-shaped knives.

The body of the humanoid robbery of wind, thunder, water and fire suddenly flashed, attacking and killing Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan let out a long roar and greeted him with two swords.

Everything was blurred in the high-speed battle. Five figures collided in the air, and the huge energy turbulence swept away like a gust of wind.

Thunder roared and exploded continuously.

The little **** the ground barked wildly. Xiao Qian raised her head and looked up. The colorful energy in the sky exploded, making her face pale, "Master, don't die."

The black robbery cloud rolls endlessly, and it constantly replenishes the energy of the four humanoid robbery forces.

Chi Chi Chi!

In the end, the four golden sword lights shattered the four human-shaped robbery forces, which could no longer be bridged.

Zhou Fan gasped for breath. There were scars on his Primordial Spirit body, which were scars caused by Jie Li.

The smashed robbery power is still wandering in the air, and new wind, thunder, water, fire and four tribulations are constantly drilled out of the clouds to supplement these robbery powers.

Zhou Fan's face became solemn, which indicated that the Primordial Spirit Tribulation was not over yet.

With the support of the rolling tribulation clouds, the four tribulations of wind, thunder, water, and fire fused together, turning into a three-zhang-tall giant mixed with blue, purple, black, and red.

It was looking down at Zhou Fan, and Zhou Fan seemed insignificant compared to it.

Zhou Fan's face was calm, but he had no way out. Either he was killed by Jie Li or he was killed by Jie Li. He took a deep breath, and the power of his primordial spirit surged out from his golden body.

The robbery giant waved the giant hand that seemed to cover the sky and the sun, and five huge black cracks were shot in the space by that palm.

Zhou Fan's eyes were sharp, and his two knives crossed and slashed out!

Kitten's three-style first style, splitting style!

A golden gigantic sword light slashed out from the bottom up, and the gigantic hand that was shot was broken inch by inch, until the light went along the huge arm and smashed the giant's head into pieces.

It's just that the robbery giant is still trying to recover.

Zhou Fan made a second strike!

The cat's three poses, the second pose, the sky-killing pose!

Two huge golden sword beams crossed out, and the giant that was shattered and healed was cut apart and shot away, and smashed on the robbery cloud. The dense robbery cloud was also cut into several pieces.

Everything shattered under the pure and powerful slash of the sword light, until the clouds dispersed and the sky was clear.

Zhou Fan's body was shaky, but he was still suspended in the sky. When the calamity power collapsed, the energy floating in the air poured into his primordial spirit.

The wounds on his Primordial Spirit were healing rapidly, his Primordial Spirit's aura was rising steadily, and he saw some strange pictures.

He could only vaguely see his own figure in the flashing picture, but he couldn't see more clearly.

No one told him that such a thing would happen after he entered the outbound territory. What's going on?

Zhou Fan was surprised. He suddenly thought of the pre-reincarnation memory that Zhou Xiaomao had mentioned before. Is it also the deep memory that Zhou said he didn't dare to read?

Are those memories awakened?

However, the glimmering picture quickly disappeared, and it was difficult for him to see it again.

This made him silent for a while. He quickly shook his head and ignored it, because even if it was true, it was in the past. If his realm is high enough in the future, he will definitely know what the so-called deep memory is about...

It is useless to think too much now.

The primordial spirit is bathed in the primordial energy of heaven and earth, and it feels warm. This feeling is very comfortable. When he was in the primordial spirit realm, the primordial spirit always had an indescribable sense of isolation from the world. Now this sense of isolation has disappeared. Heaven and earth seemed to accept him.

This allows him to roam the world with the body of the primordial spirit at will.

With a thought, he looked at the flesh body that was covered by the talisman formation on the ground. The flesh body could no longer limit the primordial spirit. Even if he left the flesh body for a long time now, he would be fine. Of course, no monk would do this, because if he left for too long, Flesh may rot.

The cultivator's physical body is still very If it wasn't necessary, no cultivator would be willing to give up the physical body.

The primordial spirit without a body is like water without a source, it will eventually wither and deplete one day, unless a new body can be found before it depletes, but it is very troublesome to do so, even if a new body is found, it will be lost. Many things, even if you re-cultivation, some things are difficult to regain.

For example, some cultivators' deceitful talent does not follow the primordial spirit, but follows the body. Without the body, this deceitful talent can no longer be used.

For Zhou Fan, it was even more so. His devious talent, the scorpion, the anti-wheel body, and the blood of the dragon **** were all within the body. Without the body, it was completely unacceptable to him.

And it is said that once the body is gone, it will have a great impact on the realm in the future.

Entering the travel realm, the connection between the physical body and the primordial spirit became closer. When his mind moved, the primordial spirit disappeared in a flash and returned to the physical body.

When the Yuanshen returned, he found that the true essence in his body was soaring, which was doubled compared to when the Yuanshen realm was complete.

Zhou Fan felt this when he was in the primordial spirit state before, but it was not as obvious as when he returned to the physical body.

With a smile on his face, he entered the travel realm. Even if he encounters the academy saint and the old head of the Great Buddha Temple, who should be in the distraction realm, he doesn't have to be afraid at all.

Of all the Great Wei who might hurt him, only the Great Wei Emperor of the Jinggong Palace was the only one.

Xiao Ling cried with joy when she saw that Zhou Fan had successfully survived the calamity. It's great, she doesn't have to follow her master to die. I hope this kind of thing won't happen again in the future.

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