Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1710: Wusen Prairie

After the joy of breaking the realm passed, Zhou Fan calmed down, and he felt a little bit in his heart. This time, he was able to cross the calamity so smoothly because he mastered the three types of kitten smashing ground and sky smashing.

If it weren't for this, he might not be able to go so smoothly, and the Primordial Spirit Tribulation would be unbelievably powerful.

Of course, the ground-splitting and sky-slicing styles he used did not violate the rules of the Primordial Spirit Tribulation, because those were the martial arts he used the power of his Primordial Spirit to activate.

Zhou Fan calmed his mind. He sat down with his legs crossed, and used the exercises to sort out the somewhat disordered True Essence in his body. The exercises in the Primordial Spirit Realm were still used in the Outbound Realm, and there was no specific exercise in the Outbound Realm.

He only opened his eyes when his true essence was running freely. This time he entered the travel world and gained a lot. Not only did his strength increase, his primordial spirit broke through the distance limit, and his lifespan was increased again. His lifespan has now been Reached five hundred!

Five hundred years of life, if such a lifespan is not in danger, it can barely be described as long.

What he is worried about now is the life span of Zongniang and Mengmeng. Because of the relationship between the Wei royal family, Zongniang and Mengmeng can only live to be three hundred years old, and it is difficult to break through the limit.

Father and mother's words are simpler. With his speed of progress, as long as his strength is strong enough to find a way to increase his lifespan, his father and mother should have no problem even if they want to break through the age of 300.

But Insect Girl and Mengmeng... He frowned and thought for a while, but he didn't think about these things. After all, there is still the coming catastrophe. If the catastrophe cannot be overcome, then everything will be over. These problems can be solved. After the catastrophe is over, slowly think of a solution.

He stood up, put the talisman back into the storage bag, summoned the little sister, and with the help of the little sister's broken bones, he entered the realm.

After traveling between the domains and coming out again, he has already appeared on the vast and vast grassland.

He flew up, and after flying high, he quickly observed the surrounding terrain, took out a map for comparison, and confirmed that this was the west of the Wusen Grassland in Yunniu Prefecture, Tiannan Road.

Confirming that he didn't deviate too far from where he was going, he took out the message symbol and sent a message.

He sat cross-legged and waited patiently. After half a column of incense, dozens of horses appeared in Zhou Fan's sight.

The warrior monk on the mount quickly dismounted and saluted Zhou Fan.

These people were sent by the Yiluan Division to be stationed on the edge of the Wusen grassland for investigation.

After all, there is such a powerful and strange thing in the Wusen grassland, how can it be impossible for no one to inspect it?

The seventy-one princes, Wang Daozi, and the others may be in the Wusen grassland, and they are still secret, and they have not been let these people know.

However, before Zhou Fan came over, he had already asked Yi Luan to order him to search for strangers who might appear in the Wusen grassland.

"Have you discovered the existence of a strange team?" Zhou Fan looked at these people and asked.

His spiritual thoughts unfolded silently, and it has been confirmed that these people are only warriors, and there is no major abnormality.

"Master Hui, we searched this area and found nothing." The warrior replied respectfully.

This is not surprising. The Wusen grassland is very large. If you really rely on this person to search, you will not be able to search it completely in less than a month, and the other party will not be foolish to stay in place and wait for them to find it.

"What about the group of monsters? Is there any trace of them?" Zhou Fan asked.

The group of monsters was wandering in the Wusen grassland, and only went out for food when needed. According to the information given by Shi Jiayuan and the others, Wang Daozi and the others came here to reach a cooperation agreement with the group of monsters who were suspected of being a group of intellectuals.

This kind of idea is too bold. If it wasn't for Shi Jiayuan and the others, he wouldn't believe it at all.

Of course, it could also be that Shijiayuan's information was wrong.

No matter what, find that group of monsters first, Wang Daozi and the others may be dealing with that group of monsters.

"Sir Hui, we didn't find that strange group." Someone replied that they received the order from the government for a short time, and they could not go deep into the Wusen grassland to search.

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly: "You have never seen that group of weirdos, have you?"

Everyone bowed their heads with guilt on their faces.

When the group of monsters went out to hunt the human settlements, there was no survivors left. The previous expedition teams that entered the Wusen grassland did not hear back and disappeared. Their team was only stationed outside the border of the Wusen grassland. In the face they no longer asked to search for the traces of that strange group.

I just want them to make some preparations. Once they find that strange group, they should report it immediately, so that the official family will not be in a passive state anymore.

However, the Wusen Grassland is so big, why did such a search team have been sent? It was because the signs of catastrophe appeared. The Yiluan Division really had no spare capacity, and sent dozens or hundreds of search teams to guard against that strange group.

At present, the disaster level of that mysterious group of monsters is not high, and every time they hunt for food, they will return to the Wusen grassland.

And there is no need to send so many search teams, because the direction they are currently guarding is the direction where the monster group is most likely to hunt for food next time, and there are only five villages in this direction, and the villagers in the other directions are all eaten up.

Zhou Fan also knew about these situations. After thinking about it, he let them stay on the edge of the Wusen grassland to continue to observe, and contact him if they found anything.

He wants to enter the Wusen grassland to search by himself. With the range that his spiritual mind can cover now, it is much more efficient than these dozens of people. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com and based on the information I know so far, the number of monsters is huge, and it is not an easy thing to hide in the Wusen grassland.

The expedition team didn't know who Zhou Fan was, but they were told to obey Zhou Fan's orders, and they didn't dare to go against it, so they all agreed.

Zhou Fan left the expedition team, and then his spiritual thoughts spread and searched. He was not afraid of Wang Daozi and the others who found their spiritual thoughts search. With his current state, if he were to encounter Wang Daozi and the others in Wusen grassland, then Wang Daozi would They don't have the chance to escape.

The only thing he needs to worry about is the strength of the monsters.

If it is too strong, then he can only avoid its edge first, no matter what, with his strength, it is impossible that he will not even have the chance to escape.

Zhou Fan sprinted on the grassland, followed by his little sister, and the spreading spiritual thoughts did not find any trace of strangeness.

This situation is not surprising. After the monster group appeared in the Wusen grassland, all the monsters in the Wusen grassland either died or escaped from the Wusen grassland.

This Wusen grassland has become the territory of that strange group.

It wasn't until the night fell that he gathered his spiritual thoughts and prepared to rest. He was not too anxious. As long as the monsters were there, as long as Wang Daozi and the others did not leave the Wusen grassland, they could always be found.

If the strange group left the Wusen grassland to hunt for food, he would also soon get a report from the Yiluan Division, and then use the little sister's broken empty bones to send it there.

After the busy work, Zhou Fan lay down and fell asleep and appeared on the ship shrouded in gray fog.

"That's right." The Emperor of All Nations looked down at Zhou Fandao, Zhou Fan did not disappoint him, he had passed the Primordial Spirit Tribulation and entered the travel realm.

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