Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1711: Yuanshen skills idea

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"The great world of heaven and earth, I don't know something, I hope you can help me." Zhou Fan said something strange that he saw after his breakthrough today.

"As far as I know, such a situation will not occur when entering the travel territory." The Emperor of All Nations thought for a while.

Zhou Fan also talked about the deep memory that the boat said and the seal memory of the reincarnated person speculated by Zhou Xiaomao, which he had never told the emperor of all nations before.

"A memory that the boat does not dare to look at?" The Emperor of All Nations revealed a strange look, "If it is just the sealed memory of the reincarnated person, why does the boat dare not look at it?"

"I don't know either." Zhou Fan said helplessly.

"I don't know the reason, but from your description, it does seem to be because you entered the travel realm, and the sealed memory loosened, allowing you to see some memories." The King of Nations said: "This kind of In fact, don't worry about it, if it is really reincarnated to seal the memory, when you reach the realm of cultivation, there will be a day to unblock it sooner or later."

Zhou Fan said: "Is there a way for me to see the sealed memory in advance?"

"This involves your human soul, and you can only rely on yourself."

Zhou Fan felt a little regretful when he heard the answer of the Emperor of All Nations, but he shook his head quickly, it might be a matter of his previous life, why should he care too much, just like the Emperor of All Nations said, when the realm comes up, there will always be someone who knows One day, we can only wait patiently.

"How is your Primordial Spirit Skill?" asked the Emperor of All Nations.

Primordial Divine Skill... Primordial Divine Skill... Not to mention the Emperor of All Nations, Zhou Fan almost forgot about it. He entered the travel realm, but the Primordial Divine Skill still hadn't come out. He laughed dryly, "I'm thinking."

"Tell me, what did you think of?" The King of Nations seemed like a teacher who wanted to check his homework.

Zhou Fan: "..."

Zhou Fan had already read the book "Yuanshen Skills", and he didn't really think about Yuanshen Skills. After all, there are many skills that do not overwhelm him, so he did have some ideas. He organized the language and said up.

"My Yuanshen skills must be derived from the laws I master. This is a premise that I can't get around, and it's not a Yuanshen skills derived from laws, so it doesn't mean much to me."

The King of Nations just nodded slightly, this is indeed the premise.

"The four laws I currently have are the time laws of the Dragon God's language, and there are three kinds of changes: time stop, time acceleration, and time deceleration."

"The old law, this is another special time law."

"The law of the heart, what the heart desires is transformed by heaven and earth, and it is omnipotent, but pay attention to the boundaries of the heart."

"Finally, there is the conspiracy of the king, which is a powerful law of illusion."

Zhou Fan pondered for a while and said, "I can only use these four laws to create my own Primordial Spirit Skills. It's like cooking. The ingredients are already prepared, so I don't have many choices."

"I thought about it and thought that it would be difficult for Wang Zhiwei to integrate with other laws and become my Primordial Spirit Skill." Zhou Fan shook his head and said, "So I put Wang Zhiwei aside first and no longer think about it. it."

"Dragon God's language and the old law are both time-related, which made me have the first idea to use the dragon's language time acceleration to speed up the old law."

"If the old law is cultivated to a strong point, I can go back to the old time to kill the enemy who was still weak in the past. Now I am still far from reaching this level, and time accelerates the old law, maybe Let me get to that state for a while.”

"Dragon God's language time acceleration may speed up the old law, and it reminds me that maybe it can also strengthen the old law through the law of inspiring the heart to achieve a similar effect. This is my second thought."

"The third thought is that the defect of the law of the heart lies in the existence of the boundary of the heart, then can I use the old law to create a kind of principle that allows the law of the heart to reach its limit and then go back in time to the state of using the law of the heart. Magical skills?"

"The fourth idea is the law of the heart to strengthen the Dragon God's language, so that the stop, acceleration and deceleration of the Dragon God's language are strengthened."

When Zhou Fan said this, he paused and said, "I only have these four ideas at the moment."

Simply put, the Dragon God language accelerates the old law, the law of the heart strengthens the old law, the old law protects the law of the heart from reaching the limit, and the law of the heart strengthens the dragon **** language.

The King of Nations said, "And then what?"

"..." Zhou Fan said: "No, I'm still thinking about what to do next."

Creating Yuanshen Skills is not about eating and drinking. His current thoughts are just fantasies, not even prototypes.

"Your four ideas..." The Emperor of All Nations showed a thoughtful look, and he quickly said: "The law of the heart is the easiest to achieve, but the power will not be ideal."

"The idea that the old law protects the law of the heart from touching the boundary should not be realized. Once the law of the heart touches the boundary, even if it flows backwards, it will not work, so the idea that you want to ignore the boundary of the heart and use the law of the heart indefinitely is not true. "

"As for using the Dragon God language to speed up the old law and the law of the heart to strengthen the old law, these two ideas are Really successful, can achieve good results, you can try in these two directions ."

Zhou Fan nodded slightly, pretending to agree, but in fact he didn't know what to do next.

"How to start is still too difficult for you." The Emperor of All Nations said slowly again: "So starting from tonight, if it's all right, you can try to create your own primordial skills in front of me, and I can give you pointers. , let you take a few detours."

Zhou Fan raised his head in amazement, and was overjoyed, and quickly agreed.

"What are you looking at me to do, try it yourself first." The Emperor of All Nations said lightly, "I'm only responsible for giving some pointers. How you come is up to you."

Zhou Fan snorted, he decided to try the idea of ​​the Dragon God language time to speed up the old law first.

He attached the old law to the Starfrost Rusted Blade, and the Starfrost Rusted Blade made a humming sound, trembled slightly, and a dark green light appeared.

He rarely uses the old law like this. The body of the primordial spirit can use any law he has. Even the old law does not need to be transformed into a chaotic old demon body first, and can be called directly.

A mysterious syllable spit out from his mouth, and the starfrost rust knife shrouded in dark green light was soon shrouded in a layer of golden light.

The two very different rays of gold and dark green are trying to merge.


The huge energy exploded, and Zhou Fan was also shrouded in it.

The three brothers Xiaobai stopped cultivating and looked over worriedly.

"Don't worry, he's fine." The King of Nations waved his hand.

The energies of the dark green and gold colors dissipated immediately, and Zhou Fan's Primordial Spirit had been blown up to the point where he lost his head.

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