Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1712: acquaintance

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There was a little bit of light particles generated at the head that was blown off, and it quickly returned to Zhou Fan's original appearance.

After a while, Zhou Fan was afraid that the fusion of the laws of the Primordial Spirit Skill would be too terrifying, and just now, his Primordial Spirit was injured.

Of course, this is on a boat, let alone being injured, it doesn't matter. It has to be said that the boat is a very suitable place to try dangerous moves.

"Continue." The King of Nations said, "You have to pay attention to the fusion of your laws, and try not to let failure hurt your primordial spirit."

Zhou Fan nodded slightly, indicating that he knew, after all, if he died, he would immediately escape from the ship. If he died too quickly, he could try a lot less that night, so it was necessary to protect himself during the test.

Even so, after five consecutive failures, Zhou Fan's Yuanshen collapsed and "died" and escaped from the boat.

When he woke up in the morning, Zhou Fan felt a stinging pain in his head. After a while, the stinging pain disappeared. This was a little sequelae of Yuanshen's death on the boat last night, but fortunately it was nothing more than that.

After dealing with some trivial matters, he continued to search in the Wusen grassland.

In a blink of an eye, another two days passed. During the daytime, he mainly searched for the traces of Wei Jingqun and Wang Daozi, and at night, he practiced Primordial Spirit Skills.

The Wusen Prairie was so huge that he didn't find anything in the past two days. Until the morning of the third day, when he just started searching for a while, his spiritual sense heard a strange hissing sound from the northwest.

This made him refreshed, he hurriedly flew to the northwest, his mind changed, and he deliberately restrained his spiritual thoughts. In the case of discovering something, he did not need to let his spiritual thoughts go so far.

Even with his methods, you don't have to be too afraid of too many things, but you can still not be discovered if you don't know the situation.

He used an illusion to hide his body. He sent a message to the little sister, and the little sister also slowed down and stopped following too closely.

Flying in the air, he quickly stopped, and in front of him were dense halflings.

Halflings have only the left half of the body, the left eye, the left arm, the left hand, and the left foot.

Zhou Fan looked at the left half of his face, he took a breath, it was half of Liao, he didn't expect to meet half of Liao here.

He was deeply impressed by Liao Banyan. When he was in the Land of Baiqing, he was curious about how Liao Banban could survive with only half of his body left. Later, he encountered the quasi-unknown monster, Heihe Chi, and he escaped. He didn't know half of it, he thought that half of Liao was dead.

Unexpectedly, half of Liao was still alive.

It's just that there are so many Liao half on the grassland now.

Could it be caused by the influence of black and white chi or fat tadpoles?

Zhou Fan became vigilant, if it was related to these two quasi-agnostic levels, then things would become very dangerous.

Zhou Xiaomao once said that there is no difference between quasi-agnostic and unknowable cultivators at his level, they are equally dangerous, and he has personally experienced the power of Black and White Chi, and now he will not be Black and white Chi's opponent.

He decided to observe first, and if half of the Liaos were really Black and White Chi or Fat Tuo, then he would just leave and tell the Emperor Wei of the matter to see if the Great Wei Emperor could kill the Black and White Chi or Fat Tuo.

It should be only a projection from the fat tao, and the black and white chi can't easily come out of his own domain. These two quasi-agnostic levels may have a solution.

He remembered how Heihe Chi had pulled him into the black and white realm, and he flew even higher. If something went wrong, he would flee quickly.

Of course, as long as he is not discovered, Black and White Chi should not be able to pull him into that strange black and white space.

So many half of Liao, according to the information obtained by the Secretary of Yiluan before, the strange group must be referring to these half of Liao.

Half of Liao's eyes were closed, and they occasionally hissed.

Zhou Fan found that the hissing sounds were consistent, and their movements were also the same, even the smallest movements.

Is this a person or is it just a joke?

He flew slowly at a high altitude and estimated that half of the Liaos on the grassland had exceeded 10,000. His pupils shrank slightly. He found that behind the half of the Liaos, there was a camp, which was enough to accommodate a hundred people.

He flew towards the camp, but did not cast his spiritual thoughts, but observed with his eyesight alone, so it was not easy to be noticed.

In the center of the camp, there was a table, sitting on one side of the table were Prince Seventy-One, Wang Daozi, and Ye Gaoshan, and on the other side was half Liao.

The two sides are talking.

"Senior Liao, how are you thinking about it?" Prince Seventy-one asked with a serious expression.

Wang Daozi and Ye Gaoshan were also looking forward to looking at Liao Banyan.

Liao Banban sighed and said, "My situation is no different from death. I really don't want to get involved in this kind of thing. Please come back."

"Otherwise, when I'm hungry, you'll all be eaten by me, and I feel like I'm getting less and less time awake."

"We are very aware of Senior Liao's problem." Ye Gaoshan coughed and frowned: "But as long as Senior Liao helps we will definitely try our best to help Senior Liao solve this problem."

"Can it really be solved?" Senior Liao looked back at the densely packed self behind him, and half of his face trembled slightly, "I'm no longer different from Wei Jing, just a Wei Jing who wakes up briefly every day. , how can you solve it for me?"

"Senior Liao, before we came here, you didn't even have this brief time of sobriety." Wang Daozi was still stern, "We can make Senior Liao sober for a short time, so there must be a way to keep Senior sober in the future."

Liao Banban was silent for a while. Indeed, without their help, he could not even maintain his sobriety, and he became a completely irrational monster. He quickly said coldly: "You are just talking in vain, I used to be in Baiqingzhi. Damn, this kind of empty vernacular is heard a lot."

"So it's not enough for me to help you."

"Then I don't know how Senior Liao believes in us?" Prince Seventy-One asked.

"I want you to make a ghost oath or oath to promise that I will help you. You must do your best to help me solve the problem of losing my mind. The deadline is within one year. If you can't do it within one year, you will die. "Liao half said.

The seventy-one princes, Ye Gaoshan, and Wang Daozi all had slightly gloomy expressions on their faces. Such an oath was too harsh.

"Senior Liao, we can only promise you, we will try our best to solve the problem for you, but we can't promise this one year." Wang Daozi said.

"There is no deadline. If I try my best to help you, but I completely lose consciousness, what does that mean to me?" Liao Banyan said coldly: "Only when the deadline is added, I will help you, and this is fair. ."

"I die and you die, and I live and you live, so that we can be regarded as people on the same boat."

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