Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1719: have traveled

Of course, Zhou Fan also knew in his heart that this kind of plan to cut leeks might not last long when the signs of catastrophe appeared, but he could cut them for as long as he could.

He temporarily solved the big gray worm problem, so he began to focus on cultivation. With the wealth and wealth, he exchanged the cultivation elixir Shenlingdan from the Emperor of Ten Thousand Kingdoms, which could greatly save his cultivation time.

According to the King of Nations, Shenling Pill is the best medicine in the travel world. With the support of enough Shenling Pills, it only takes a month for him to go from the early stage of the travel world to the later stage of the travel world.

While cultivating and harvesting leeks, Zhou Fan also paid attention to the changes in various places in Great Wei.

The situation in Dawei is very bad.

The red-bone monster from the Desolate Pond in Tiannan Road was stalking and killing people everywhere. The Tiannan Daoist was wounded and almost killed by it, and the nightmare of Qianhuan Snow Mountain eroded more and more widely.

The white bone flowers scattered in the Heavenly Spirit Dao continued to spread, and no one was spared wherever they passed.

The Rakshasa desert of the Wild West Road has changed, showing black and white, which will accelerate the aging of people and make people rejuvenate. It is still unclear why, and the desert will still move.

The White Bone Hill on Tianmu Road has a strange giant gate inlaid with four eyeballs of different colors. Every time it is opened, it will bring huge disaster.

There are more and more strange things like this, making the Wei officials tired to deal with them.

But this is only a sign of the great calamity, not even the early stage of the great calamity. He used to be puzzled about this, but he soon learned from Mr. Da and the others that the reason why he said this was just a sign of the great calamity was because there was no A large number of dead people, the official family of the Wei Dynasty believes that the sign of the real beginning of the catastrophe is that hundreds of thousands or even millions of people will die every day.

Dozens of millions of people died... This is an unimaginable level for those who have not experienced the catastrophe.

In fact, no one in the Great Wei has lived from the last round of the catastrophe to the present, but the relevant records of the catastrophe have already been sent to Zhou Fan, these powerful monks of the great Wei, and he knows how terrifying the catastrophe is.

The endless emergence of all kinds of strange things is really just a sign of the catastrophe, not the real catastrophe.

The last round of catastrophe was also known as the Bubble Disaster. The white foam covered the entire world and swept countless creatures in the world. Anyone touched by the foam would rot and turn into bones.

Whether this kind of white foam is weird or not, I still can't figure it out, I just know that there are few things that can stop the erosion of the white foam. Even the formation can't last for too long. Only the Tongtian Mirror can resist this kind of erosion. , Few people survived outside the Mirror Palace.

The last round of catastrophe was called the disaster of the black sun. Thirty-three rounds of black sun appeared in the sky, the whole earth was scorched, and all living creatures and vegetation were turned into fly ashes. Likewise, only a small number of people survived. , that time was also a big test for the newly established Dawei.

The strange thing is that whether it is the disaster of the black sun or the disaster of the bubble, the impact on the monsters is not large, and more people die. Therefore, after the disaster, the lingering human beings have to face the survival brought by the monsters. threaten.

As for what will happen this time, no one can tell, because the sages and sages of the Great Wei traveled to the barbarian star realm, knowing that the calamity is different every time, it is difficult to say for sure, living in the era when the calamity is coming is the best unfortunate thing.

"The world is afraid of comparison. People in the war years are much happier than those in the era of the great calamity." This is Du Ni's impression after reading the materials of the great calamity.

Zhou Fan also agrees with this, but no matter what, at least he doesn't have to worry about the safety of his family. As for the commoners in Dawei... He can only do his best to do something.

It took a while to be dazzling, and it soon entered autumn. For many places in Hanbei Road, the four seasons are like winter, and for them, the four seasons are not much different.

Zhou Fan in the Hanbei Daoist's mansion just activated the sound transmission jade talisman, "Mr. Da, did something happen?"

If it wasn't for something, Mr. Da wouldn't contact him at such a busy time.

"I just received a letter from the teacher." Duanmu Xiaohong on the other side said in a low voice.

"What did the sage say?" Zhou Fan asked in surprise. He couldn't say that he liked the sage, but he couldn't say that he had much dislike.

"The teacher said that there are signs of catastrophe in the countries he traveled to, and the situation is not better than that of Da Wei. There are chaos outside..."

Zhou Fan's mood also became heavy. Of course, the catastrophe would not be only aimed at the Great Wei or the nearby two countries. If so, the Great Wei and the Three Kingdoms could be relocated and far away. The great catastrophe covered a wide range, covering the entire barbarian star world.

Compared with other countries, Dawei is very happy to have the Mirror of Heaven.

"The teacher also asked about your situation." After Duanmu Xiaohong finished talking about the general situation of the country, "he said that if you have already traveled, you should be traveling."

If you have already traveled, should you be traveling?

Zhou Fan was startled and said, "What's the meaning of this?"

"Have you entered the travel territory?" Duanmu Xiaohong asked.

"I have encountered some opportunities recently and have already entered the travel world." Zhou Fan thought for a while and said.

"It's already out of the travel realm." Duanmu Xiaohong over there was silent for a while, and he felt a little bit. The primordial spirit realm is only one level away from the travel realm, but this realm has to go through the primordial calamity, which is too difficult for monks. , he never took that step.

The sword without a blade, the sect master of Jianzong, and the first seat of the Little Buddhist Temple did not take that step.

But Zhou Fan has made great It took a long time for him to enter the Primordial Spirit Realm, and he has already entered the Travelling Realm.

In Dawei, the emperor of Dawei was excluded, and the only one who could fight against Zhou Fan was Eunuch Eun. The teacher's opinion may be correct, Zhou Fan is the only chance of life.

Duanmu Xiaohong thought about these things, and he said, "The teacher asked in the previous sentence whether you have entered the travel world. I don't understand the second sentence very well."

"But he still has something to say. If you don't understand when you enter the travel world, you can ask the sage."

Ask the Great Emperor Wei?

Duanmu Xiaohong said a few more words to Zhou Fan before breaking the conversation.

Zhou Fan pondered for a while in the room, and then picked up the sound transmission jade talisman to contact the Great Wei Emperor. Of course, his current position of strength is qualified to directly contact the Great Wei Emperor.

"Your Majesty, I have entered the travel territory." Zhou Fan said after a brief exchange.

"So fast..." The Emperor Wei was also a little surprised, "Zhou Qing's family, you are definitely the strongest genius I have ever seen."

For a traveler who is less than 20 years old, this talent is too terrifying.

Zhou Fan humbly said a few words, but Emperor Wei didn't say anything, he hesitated and said, "Sir, Mr. Da said that the sage sent him a letter, mentioned me, and said that if I have entered the travel territory, Then I'll come to you."

"Why are you looking for me?" Emperor Wei asked in confusion.

"The sage said that if you have already traveled, then you should travel." Zhou Fan said, "But I don't understand what he means."

"I understand." The Great Emperor Wei over there was silent for a while.



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