Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1720: old society

"The Zhou Qing family may not know that there are hundreds of countries in the barbarian star world, and most of these countries have cultivation sects as their backers. Of course, the cultivation sects provide shelter for these countries, and these countries need to pay a price, which is average. It is to make offerings to the cultivation sects and provide the cultivation sects with what they need for cultivation.”

"There are only a small number of countries that are not sheltered by the practice sect, and the small number of countries that do not have the protection of the practice sect, some are too poor and remote, and the practice sect does not look down on them, and some are for various other reasons. "The voice of the Great Wei Emperor came from the sound transmission jade talisman.

Zhou Fan listened attentively. What the Great Wei Emperor said must have a lot to do with the saint's letter. He asked curiously, "Then what is the reason for our Great Wei and Liang Yue?"

The cultivation sects mentioned by the emperor of the Great Wei are the kind of cultivation sects that shelter a country. The academy and the Great Buddha Temple are only sects under the rule of the Great Wei royal family, they are not that kind of sects.

"Although our Three Kingdoms are a bit remote, the resources are not bad, so there will be some sects who will take their fancy." The Great Wei Tianzi explained: "Before our Great Wei established the dynasty, there were cultivation sects behind the Three Kingdoms."

"But after Emperor Taizu established the dynasty, the cultivation sect was chased away by Emperor Taizu, and even the sects in the Liang and Yue regions did not want to stay. constraint."

The corner of Zhou Fan's mouth twitched. Emperor Taizu owned a sky mirror. This result is not surprising, even the countries of Liang and Yue at that time were also unlucky.

"The country has a practice sect to provide shelter, which has both advantages and disadvantages." The Great Wei Tianzi over there took a sip of wine and said: "The advantage is that if you encounter a powerful monster, the practice sect will help, or even a catastrophe. The practice sect will also provide some help, so that the country it shelters will not be destroyed because of this.”

"Of course, this kind of protection is limited. If you want to make those cultivation sects pay too much price, it would be easier for them to support a new country there after the disaster."

It is normal for the sect to do this kind of thing. After all, they are very powerful. Of course, it is up to them whether to protect the country or not... Zhou Fan thought to himself.

"The disadvantage is that the country supports the cultivation sects, and a large amount of resources flow into the cultivation sects every year, so it is not an easy task for this country to seek prosperity for the country and the people." It is good for the country to maintain stability, in fact, it seems that our great Wei products and resources belong to us, and our national strength can also be ranked in the forefront of the barbarian star realm."

"If you don't look at the influence of the practice sects, the strength of Liang and Yue can also be ranked in the upper middle and upper reaches, and the countries sheltered by the practice sects are constrained a lot."

In other words, the cultivation sects exploited these countries too much and affected the development of these countries. If you look at it this way, it is hard to tell the difference between the good and the bad. Of course, it would be best for a royal family like the Great Wei to have a sky mirror to protect themselves. Therefore, it is not surprising that Dawei's national strength ranks among the top among so many countries in the Barbarian Star Realm.

But what does these have to do with the saint's letter... Zhou Fan frowned and thought.

"It's a little too far." The Great Wei Tianzi smiled and said, "But if you want to travel, it's also good for you to understand these things. These sects of cultivation are independent, but many years ago, in order to resolve differences peacefully , These powerful monks from the sect formed an organization."

"This organization is composed of the most powerful cultivators in the Barbarian Star Realm, and their status is also above all the cultivation sects in the Barbarian Star Realm. It is called the Jie Laohui, and those cultivators are also called Jie Lao."

Jie Laohui... Zhou Fan was stunned for a moment and said, "The sage said that I should go on a trip, does he want me to go to Jie Lao?"

Dawei Tianzi couldn't help laughing and said, "Of course not, the travel realm is good, but it's not enough to want to become a Jie Lao. To be more precise, Lin Sheng wants you to join the Jie Lao Association and become one of them."

"There seem to be only a dozen or twenty people in the Jie Lao Association. They are usually busy with cultivation. Unless they encounter a major event, they will not be disturbed, but some trivial things always need others to do, so Jie Lao still needs to do it. The friars are in charge of the institutions that deal with such matters."

"But why did I leave Dawei to join the Jie Laohui?" Zhou Fan said with a strange look on his face.

Now it's different. He has enough big gray worms, so he doesn't have to worry about cultivation resources.

Especially when the catastrophe is approaching.

"I don't know what Lin Sheng thinks about this." The Great Wei Tianzi said, "It is not easy to join the Jie Laohui. Most of the people there come from various cultivation sects or powerful countries in the Barbarian Star Realm."

"We need a strong force to recommend and also need a cultivator to reach the travel state. We have such a place in Wei, but no one has used it for a long time."

"As for the benefits... After you join, you will have access to more cultivation resources than if you stayed in Dawei. It's up to you whether you want to go or not."

"Actually, Da Wei lives in a corner. I only occasionally hear about things outside, and I only know so much about the Jie Laohui."

Dawei Tianzi will not leave the Jinggong, so he is not very interested in the outside world, and he really doesn't know much about Jie Laohui.

Zhou Fan understood that the sage asked him to come to the Great Wei Emperor because the Great Wei Emperor had a recommendation quota and his realm met the requirements.

Dawei Tianzi asked him to think about it and then tell him, and ended the Zhou Fan thought carefully, he quickly picked up the sound transmission jade, and talked with Dawei Tianzi about the Jie Laohui The matter was told to Mr. Duanmu Xiaohong.

"Jie Laohui..." Duanmu Xiaohong was a little surprised: "It turns out that the teacher wants you to join the Jie Laohui. I heard the teacher say before that the Jie Laohui is the most powerful organization in the Barbarian Star Realm, but because the Jie Laohui is the most powerful organization in the star realm. The elders of the Laohui come from various powerful cultivation sects and have their own interests to consider, so this organization is relatively loose."

"Doing things for the Jie Laohui will not have too many constraints, and you can also come into contact with a lot of cultivation resources. This should be the reason why the teacher wants you to join the Jie Laohui."

Zhou Fan has already traveled to the realm. The cultivation resources needed in this realm are very scarce, and he cannot provide much help to Zhou Fan. The teacher should want Zhou Fan to grow up as soon as possible.

"But is it appropriate for me to leave at this time?" Zhou Fan understood that even if he had the Great Grey Worm, there would be some benefits to joining the Jie Laohui. It was a good thing to be able to get in touch with monks other than Great Wei.

But when the omen of catastrophe appeared, he was always a little worried.

When Zhou Fan thought of this, he suddenly snorted. This may be a problem for others, but for him, it is not a problem. He can travel between domains, even if the distance is too far to return instantly, but Definitely don't spend too much time on the road.

He is equivalent to working in front of the house and can run home at any time.

If that's the case, what does he want to do?

"Mr. Da, do you have any information about the World Elders Association?" Zhou Fan asked. He decided in his heart that if it was really good to learn more about the World Elders Association, then he might as well listen to what the saint said and join the World Elders Association.

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