Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1726: be careful when walking

The Emperor of All Nations has no choice, so unless he does not hesitate to weaken his primordial spirit and force his distraction, he can only wait patiently for a hundred years?

Looking at Zhou Fan's frowning face, the Emperor of All Nations said lightly, "I have no choice here, but the boat just told me that there will be a solution to the distraction you want in the river."

Zhou Fan was immediately refreshed, and he said that he hadn't fished for a long time, that was because the Emperor of All Nations was too good to talk.

"Is this the river?" Zhou Fan asked.

"No, you need to travel a thousand feet to get what you need, and after a thousand feet, each bait requires five million large gray worms, so do you want the boat to move forward?"

Going forward a thousand feet, every time you fish, you need five million big gray worms... Zhou Fan's eyes jumped, if he didn't make one million a day now, this fish would be impossible to catch.

"Please let the boat move forward." Zhou Fan said quickly, he had no choice but to choose fishing to find a solution to distraction. If he couldn't catch it, he would have to wait for a hundred years.

It only takes hundreds of big gray worms to make the ship go thousands of feet. This big gray worm is completely worthless. The Emperor of All Nations transformed Zhou Fan's glass ball and deducted the large gray worm. His palm is covered with gray The light appeared, the palm turned over, and the gray light disappeared on the deck.

With a humming sound, the whole ship trembled slightly, black iron masts rose from the deck, and the gray fog in the air gathered around the black iron masts and turned into gray sails.

There was an instant wind on the river.

"Catch, don't let the boat go down." Zhou Fan hurriedly reminded his three sons.

The three Xiaobai brothers all stopped to practice and caught the mast like Zhou Fan did.

A guide once warned Zhou Fan that the outside of the ship is very dangerous. Even if you can fly, don't leave the ship rashly. There were once boarding people who mastered the flying technique and insisted on exploring, and they flew out and never came back.

Zhou Fan had never thought about flying off the boat to explore the space of the Grey River. If nothing else, the strange soul fish monsters in the river were very dangerous creatures to him.

The wind was blowing, and the boat quickly jumped up from the river. It was the first time Zhou Fan saw the boat leap such a long distance.

The ship leaped very high, as if they could reach out and touch the huge blood spheres hanging in the sky. Of course, this was just an illusion. In fact, they were still far away from the blood spheres formed by the corpses.

Don't know what's in the blood cells?

Zhou Fan suddenly remembered that the old man Wu had mentioned something that might exist inside the blood cell of the corpse.

The boat quickly landed on the Qianzhang River accurately, splashing countless gray river water, like a rain, and in the wavy river, there were still things that could not be seen swimming.

During this process, the emperor of all kingdoms had been sitting on the throne, motionless. When the gray river water was about to splash on him, he would also be bounced off by invisible forces. After the boat stopped shaking, he waved his hand. There are seven more fishing rods of different colors on the table.

Zhou Fan glanced at the seven fishing rods and said, "The great heaven and earth of all nations, did the boat say what fishing rods to use?"

"Golden fishing rod." The King of Nations said.

Golden fishing rod... Zhou Fan twitched the corner of his mouth, and he said with a bitter face: "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

The golden fishing rod was the last fishing rod he didn't want to use, because it was nothingness fishing, there would be 90% chance of empty fishing, and he had used the golden fishing rod very few times.

"What's the problem with saying it sooner?" The King of Nations said with a stern face, "Could it be that if you say it later, you will give up such an opportunity?"

Zhou Fan was silent, he really didn't. He glanced at his glass ball, and the floating glass ball recorded the number of his giant grey worms, about 20.5 million giant grey worms, and he only had four chances. If it doesn't work this time, it's only after five days.

There will be nine empty fishing out of ten times, but if you are lucky, you may catch it once, but if you are unlucky, you may not catch it twenty times. This fact is too face-lifting.

"Although I usually brag that I am the king of fishing kings, it doesn't mean that my luck has always been good." He thought with a guilty conscience, but he couldn't give up such an opportunity and wait for a hundred years to get distracted and change any cultivator. Given the opportunity to be able to be distracted smoothly, the primordial spirit will not be weakened, and they will be willing to gamble.

"Can I ask a question?" Zhou Fan didn't rush to get the golden fishing rod, and said to the King of Nations: "The guides I met before all said that if you want to get off the boat, you need to keep the boat moving forward to reach the other side."

"They say this is what the boat said to them, is that true?"

The Emperor of All Nations said that he and the ship are in a cooperative relationship, so what does he think of the other side?

The Emperor of All Nations has always believed that he is cooperating with the ship. He can disembark at any time if he wants to. Even in Zhou Fan's mind, this is just a self-hypnosis statement of the Emperor of All Nations. It is not true, but it does not prevent it. he asked.

"I also heard other boarding people say this." The Emperor of All Nations said lightly: "I don't know what agreement those guides have with the ship, and how they boarded the ship."

"But I think those guides should be recruited to train qualified subordinates for me and the What they said about the other side, according to my understanding, is just a false point."

"When I cultivate enough subordinates to help me save the world, then I will naturally reach the other side, and they will be freed when the ship arrives."

This... Zhou Fanqiang resisted the urge to cover his face, and I have to say that every lunatic has a set of logical self-harmonious theories.

Zhou Fan walked over and picked up the golden fishing rod.

The three Xiaobai brothers were indifferent to this at first, and after the ship stabilized, they continued to practice, but Zhou Fan glanced at them and said, "Come here you three, don't think about cultivation all day."

The three brothers Xiaobai came over obediently, wanting to see what their father wanted them to do.

"Xiaohei, where do you think I should throw my fishing rod better?" Zhou Fan asked Zhou Xiaohei.

Zhou Xiaohei was stunned, he looked at the river at a loss.

"Don't think too much, if you don't know, just point it anywhere." Zhou Fan smiled: "This kind of thing is more of a feeling."

Zhou Xiaohei quickly pointed out a river on his left.

"Good boy, look at Daddy." Zhou Fan flicked his fishing rod, and the golden fishing line appeared, dipping into the river that Zhou Xiaohei pointed to.

A whirlpool appeared on the gray river, but the golden fishing line was not taut, and the whirlpool quickly dissipated, which...represents empty fishing.

The golden fish line quickly disappeared without a trace, and five million large gray worms disappeared at once.

Zhou Fan said with a serious face: "Xiao Hei, you should pay more attention to your feet when you walk in the future, and be careful not to fall."

Zhou Xiaohei: "???"

"Dad, why do you say that?" Zhou Xiaohei asked in confusion.

"Because your luck doesn't seem to be very good, you may fall easily when you walk." Zhou Fan coughed lightly, "Xiao Lan, where do you think it's best to go fishing?"

He was wrong, of course Xiao Hei had a dark face. Since he still asked Xiao Hei, but Xiao Hei had a dark face, Xiao Lan would never have a dark face, right?

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