Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1727: longevity

Zhou Xiaolan looked at the gray like a mirror river surface seriously, he pointed to the river surface and said, "Dad, the river water there is a little different."

Zhou Xiaolan was born with a grasp of the laws of water, and he could sense that the current on the river was different from other places.

Zhou Fan hurriedly threw his fishing rod, and the golden fishing line dipped into the river surface that Zhou Xiaolan said, and the river water created a bigger vortex around the golden fishing line.

Zhou Fan's face lit up with joy. It seemed that he might actually catch something, but he was dumbfounded. Because the vortex of the river suddenly slowed down, the golden fishing line also did not tighten until the river level calmed down and the golden fishing line disappeared.

A three-headed soul fish floated up from the water, blew a mouthful of bubbles, and sank into the river again.

Zhou Fan turned to look at Zhou Xiaolan, he understood, what Xiaolan said was a little different, it should be because of the three-headed soul fish.

Zhou Xiaolan lowered her head in shame.

"Xiao Lan, don't feel too guilty, but you have to be careful when you walk in the future." Zhou Fan comforted him, then looked at Xiao Bai, he hesitated and said, "Xiao Bai, it's your turn."

Even though he now feels that his sons' luck is not very good, he can't favor one over the other. Xiao Hei and Xiao Lan have given him a chance. If he doesn't give Xiao Bai a chance, how can this be done?

Zhou Xiaobai hesitated, the two brothers were planted, he felt the pressure, but he couldn't let the old man go fishing again, he walked a few steps, and after thinking for a while, under Zhou Fan's expectant gaze, he was apprehensive and designated the fisherman on the river. one place.

Zhou Fan decided to trust Xiaobai, he immediately threw out his fishing rod, and the golden fishing line landed exactly on the river surface pointed by Zhou Xiaobai, but soon... empty fishing.

Zhou Xiaobai's face flushed.

Zhou Fan looked at the three sons who bowed their heads as if they had made a big mistake. He coughed lightly, "Excuse me, you all go to practice."

The three Xiaobai brothers were relieved and hurried to the side to practice.

Zhou Fan's heart was bleeding, so 15 million big gray worms disappeared, and now he has only one chance left.

If this fishing is empty again, then he can only try after collecting five million big gray worms.

Zhou Fan glanced at the calm, mirror-like river surface. He turned around and walked to the other side of the boat. He cast a great shadow on the river surface this time, and did not dare to fish here again, just like a gambler who often loses bets. , it is better to get up and change the position, this is called Feng Shui theory.

The Emperor of Ten Thousand Kingdoms just scoffed at Zhou Fan's behavior. In his opinion, this luck is related to the law of fate, but fishing on a boat, even the law of fate can't play a role.

Zhou Fan walked back and forth along the side of the boat, and suddenly he saw a part of the river that was particularly pleasing to the eye. He didn't know why it was pleasing to the eye, but he felt that there must be something there. This is the feeling.

He took a deep breath, then threw out the fishing rod, and the golden fishing line appeared again, dipping into the gray river water.

With the fishing line as the center, the gray water rolled up a vortex, but this vortex was smaller than the previous three.

Zhou Fan became nervous, shouldn't this be empty fishing?

When he was thinking this way, the golden fishing line suddenly tightened. He was startled for a moment, his heart was beating violently, he quickly lifted the fishing rod, split into five claws and caught a round gray fruit at the end of the golden fishing line.


The fishing line swayed back, and he quickly grabbed the gray round fruit, only to discover that the surface of the round fruit was covered with a layer of golden moiré.

This is somewhat similar to the longevity fruit he caught before, but the color is completely different.

Zhou Fan hurriedly looked at the Emperor of All Nations.

The Emperor of Ten Thousand Kingdoms was also looking at the fruit in Zhou Fan's hand, and he quickly said, "This is a longevity fruit that can add a hundred years of life."

The longevity fruit that increases the life expectancy of one hundred years... Zhou Fan snorted, not to say that the longevity fruit is not good, but what he wanted was a way to get distracted without having to wait for a hundred years without weakening the primordial spirit.

"Could this longevity fruit be what the boat said?" Zhou Fan couldn't help asking.

If you add a hundred years to his lifespan, then even if he slowly trains for a hundred years, his lifespan will not be reduced?

"It shouldn't be, you can ask about the ship." The Emperor of All Nations also suggested not sure.

Zhou Fan nodded, of course he wanted to ask clearly, if the longevity fruit was what the boat said, then he wouldn't have to use the countless golden fishing rods in this pit of gray worms. The 9 out of 10 empty fishing rate is really exciting.

The ship quickly gave a negative answer.

This made Zhou Fan relieved, but at the same time, he was a little tangled in his heart. He was relieved because there would still be distracting things he wanted in the river, but the tangled thing was that he didn't know how many big gray worms he had to put in to catch that thing. It is simply a bottomless pit.

He glanced at the longevity fruit in his hand and asked, "Can this longevity fruit be eaten by one of the three of them?"

He still has a lot of life to live. It doesn't matter if he gives life fruit to one of his sons. It's just that the three brothers Xiaobai are very special, so he doesn't know if it's appropriate.

"It's best not to." The King of Nations shook his head and said, "They are different from ordinary people. It's hard to predict what kind of changes will happen after eating them. With their natural ability to master the law, they don't need to eat longevity fruit."

Zhou Fan nodded slightly, this longevity fruit was caught by the emptiness. Wu once said that it cannot be taken out, and can only be taken on the boat, so it cannot be eaten by parents outside.

Zhou Fan no longer hesitated to eat it three times or two times. For him, 20 million big gray worms could be earned in 20 days, and it could be exchanged for the longevity fruit that increases his lifespan by a hundred years. loss.

After eating the longevity fruit, his life span reached six hundred and seventy years.

"This is considered to be enough to make up the lifespan of my short-lived species all at once..." Zhou Fan thought silently, now generally speaking, there are few monks in the later stage of the travel world who can live longer than him.

It's just that the big gray worms he accumulated will disappear after four strokes, and the problem of distraction has not been solved.

We can only wait five more days.

Waking up early the next morning, after having breakfast, he took his little sister to the main hall of the Prime Minister's Office, and finished the meal.

It was Xie Chunshui who was in charge of ordering the Mao. By the way, a man named Meng Tianlu was in charge of the Prime Minister's Department, but that old man Meng Tianlu didn't mention Zhou Fan, even Xie Chunshui had only met once.

Generally speaking, Jie Lao is relatively free. If there is nothing wrong, it is normal to show up once a year.

Of course, if he went into seclusion and practiced because of certain things, he would also hand over the things he was responsible for to the other idle elders.

"When it seems that the sign of the catastrophe is coming, the seniors who are in retreat have already left, but they are all from the great forces of the barbarian star realm and have their own things to do. If it wasn't for their rotation, they might not be able to. In the Heavenly City of the Barbarian Realm." Xie Chunshui explained.

Speaking of the omen of the catastrophe, Xie Chunshui's face was slightly condensed. The catastrophe is coming, which is definitely a big blow to the barbarian star world. I don't know how many countries will be destroyed in this catastrophe.



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