Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1748: return trip

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After Zhou Fan cleaned up Fei Anyi, he put all the medicinal pills in the pill room into the storage bag.

Even if the pills in this pill room can't play a big role for him, it is still a small income.

He went out of the pill room to continue searching.

The little sister barked suddenly, pointed her paw in one direction, and she ran in that direction.

Zhou Fan knew that the little sister must have found something, so he followed behind the little sister. Soon, he found Xie Chunshui.

"Brother Zhou." Xie Chunshui smiled and said, "I knew Brother Zhou would be fine."

"Brother Xie, how long have you been out?" Zhou Fan asked curiously.

"I just came out, and I met Brother Zhou before I walked a few steps." Xie Chunshui said, "Brother Zhou, have you been out for a long time?"

"It didn't take long for me to walk around, looking for you, and then I found my dog, and then my dog ​​took me to find you." Zhou Fan said calmly.

If Xie Chunshui hadn't lied, it seemed that everyone came out of the door of fear at a different time.

After discussing a few more words, the two decided to search separately, and agreed to gather here at the time.

Zhou Fan and Xie Chunshui separated, and he successively found some things that were not too precious, but he still couldn't find the library of the Yansha faction. I vaguely see some buildings of the Yansha faction, and I can't tell which buildings are special.

If not, it would take so much trouble to find it.

After the time was almost up, Zhou Fan took his little sister back to the place agreed with Xie Chunshui. He not only saw Xie Chunshui, but also Miao Xuehua.

The three of them gathered together, Miao Xuehua said in a low voice, "It seems that there are only three of us left."

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, Fei Anyi was killed by him, and no one has seen Gu Changsui yet, so his hope of coming out of the gate of fear alive is very slim.

It is already very lucky that four of the five of them can survive from the gate of fear. Of course, this has a lot to do with the strong Yuanshen of all of them.

If the cultivator who travels below, maybe the fear in his heart will be disintegrated by the fear gate.

"Continue to look for them, maybe the two of them are still alive." Xie Chunshui sighed and said so, but he didn't have much hope in his heart.

This is also the case. They searched the entire Yansha faction and found the library of the Yansha faction, but they never found any trace of anyone else.

After the three searched, they did not stay in the Yansha faction, but left the Yansha faction. They told Wuci Country about the Fear Gate, and asked Wuci Country to ban Ziyu Mountain until it was confirmed that the Fear Gate had left. until.

On the way back, the three of them seldom spoke. When they returned to Jie Laohui, he returned to life. After Jie Laohui knew it was the door of fear, he did not blame them. The law obediently pushed the door and left.

Fei Anyi and Gu Chang died, and it can only be said that they were unlucky.

Since they brought back the Yansha faction's collection of books, the three of them were all assigned a certain merit point.

Miao Xuehua stayed at her residence for a long time. At night, when no one noticed, she left the Old World Association and came to a courtyard in the Heavenly City of the Barbarian Realm. She waited patiently for a while, and a middle-aged man walked in. courtyard.

"I heard that the man is still alive." The middle-aged man said with a cold expression.

"Yes." Miao Xuehua did not deny it, and threw a storage bag to the middle-aged man, "I didn't find a suitable opportunity."

The middle-aged man just grabbed the storage bag, which contained part of the prepaid Miao Xuehua's reward, and now that the mission failed, Miao Xuehua returned the reward, "Sect Master will be very unhappy if you do this. "

Miao Xuehua's face showed a trace of fear, but she quickly calmed down: "I once said that if I find an opportunity, I will definitely shoot, but if there is no chance along the way, I will not force it, if I fail, What can it do for you?"

The middle-aged man glanced at Miao Xuehua, and he put away the storage bag, "That's it, you know the fate of leaking secrets."

The middle-aged man turned and walked away.

In fact, even if the middle-aged man didn't say it, Miao Xuehua didn't dare to mention it to the outside world, unless she didn't want to live, she stood for a while before leaving the courtyard quickly.



Zhou Fan returned to his place of residence, his eyebrows raised slightly, he did not expect this trip to be such a result, Tong Kaiji actually wanted to kill him.

What about Lin Hao, the Sect Master of Tailing?

He had some doubts in his heart that Lin Haogan might have made arrangements, and that Gu Changsui, who Miao Xuehua had died, was the one arranged by Lin Haoqian.

As for Xie Chunshui, it is unlikely that after he killed Fei Anyi, he met Xie Chunshui.

Of course, it is still possible that Lin Haogan did not arrange for someone to kill him. After all, even if he was from the Great Wei Dynasty, he was only a cultivator in the travel world. A big man like Sect Master Tailing might not take him seriously.

Such a fluke is not desirable, even if the Tailingzong has no intention to deal with him now, if Lin Haogan knew about the Tailingzong's extermination of the Zhou family, Lin Haogan would definitely not let him go.

After all, such a big hatred, if he doesn't die, Tailingzong will not be relieved.

Therefore, it is still necessary to improve their cultivation realm as soon as possible.

The corner of his mouth twitched when he thought of the Red Vine Talisman Pillow, but he had no choice, so he could only choose to dream and hone his Yuanshen, otherwise there would be big problems with the Dao Heart.

But there is no alternative, it doesn't mean he can't make some preparations.

Appearing on the boat in a deep sleep at night, he looked at the emperor of all nations and said: "The great heaven and earth of all Tomorrow I will fall asleep again to train my soul, do you think I will appear in the last time? In a dream?"

When he enters a dream to train his Yuanshen, there will only be two situations. The first is to change to a new dream, and the second is to still have an old dream, which means that he may appear in the bone ancestral hall.

"It's impossible to say." The Emperor of All Nations pondered for a while and said, "It's not impossible."

"If it appeared in an old dream, the White Bone Ancestral Hall is a closed space. Is there a way to get me out of that closed space?" Zhou Fan asked with a serious face.

The last time he was lucky, the rotten one was willing to help him, but this time he may not be willing.

The Emperor of All Nations said that he could not reduce the danger of his nightmares, but if he could instruct him to escape from the White Bone Ancestral Hall, it would be enough, at least he wouldn't have to worry about dying in the White Bone Ancestral Hall.

The Emperor of All Nations thought for a while and said, "It depends on what the situation is. If it is a strange ban on teleportation, then you can only find its rules and escape."

Infant God... an unknowable slander that the Emperor of All Nations has never heard of, if it was done by slander, the Sovereign of All Nations would have nothing to do.

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