Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1749: re-enter the dream

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"What if it was done by a human?" Zhou Fan asked. The weirdness made it impossible to teleport. Only by knowing the weirdness and finding out the rules can we go out, but what about a human?

"If there is a restriction imposed by the monks, there is no way out." The King of Nations said lightly: "Most of these restrictions are arranged through the formation, so you only need to find the eye of the formation to get out of there."

"How to find the formation eye?" Zhou Fan asked with concern.

The King of Nations shook his head and said, "You can't do it, don't forget, you are just a mortal in a nightmare, and mortals have no power..."

He paused for a while when he said this, and realized, "You want to borrow the power of that rotten one to find the Array?"

"That's what I think." Zhou Fan nodded.

"This idea is really good." The Emperor of Ten Thousand Nations nodded in appreciation: "Life and death are often two sides of one body. Like this kind of death formation, there must be an eye of vitality, and this eye of vitality can only be placed within the formation. The law takes shape."

"But have you ever thought that the rotten person you mentioned should also understand this truth, so it's not that this death formation is very special, he can't find the formation eye, or it may not be arranged by people, but strangely arranged. "

"I know this too." Zhou Fan said with a wry smile: "But Wei Wei can't do it for the time being, so I can only assume that it was done by humans."

"Let's take a look at the white bone ancestral hall you saw first, maybe I can help you find the eye." The Emperor of All Nations did not talk nonsense any more.

Zhou Fan stimulated Wang Zhi's quirky thoughts and transformed the white bone ancestral hall in his memory.

The Emperor of All Nations looked at the White Bone Ancestral Hall. Of course, this was just an illusion, so many things hidden inside could not be seen. Because it was Zhou Fan's memory, he couldn't remember so much in a hurry, so some places were vague.

The King of Nations shook his head and said: "This doesn't look like a formation restriction arranged by the monks, and the orientation is very strange, but if it is a formation restriction... The formation eye should be in the northwest corner, you can try to find one in that direction. Find."

Hearing the Emperor of All Nations say this, Zhou Fan's heart sank slightly. It didn't seem like it was forbidden by the cultivator's formation, but it might be the imprisonment of the baby **** that the rotten one said.

And the Infant God not only has not heard of the Emperor of All Nations, but he has inquired about it before boarding the ship tonight, and no one has heard of the strange name of the Infant God.

If the unknowable-level weirdness had ever appeared, it would have been recorded quickly. No one in the baby **** had heard of it. This might have been a fictional rumor from a nightmare.

After he came out, he recalled the whole dream, and he doubted in his heart whether this dream was real like some of the dreams he encountered before. Existing, it doesn't mean much to him, he still has to think about getting out of the predicament.

He thought about it for a while and didn't think about it any more. After all, it was not known whether he would appear in this dream, and it was enough to make these preparations.

The next day, after he asked the Prime Minister for leave to retreat, he returned to his residence, and after exhorting Xiaoxuan and Xiaomei, he took out the red rattan talisman pillow, rested his head on the talisman pillow, and closed his eyes.

Sitting on the head of the little sister's dog, Xiao Ling said nervously: "Little sister, why does the master always like to die?"

"..." Zhou Fan was so angry that he almost sat up and played a small meal, but the effect of the talisman pillow occurred, and he quickly fell asleep.

When he opened his eyes again, he had turned into a flat man, and he reappeared in the painting, an old dream, indeed an old dream.

"It's you." The rotten man looked at Zhou Fan in the painting, his eyes flickered, and then he reached into the painting, pulling Zhou Fan out of the painting as he did last time.

As soon as Zhou Fan came out of the painting, he changed from a flat paper figure back to his original appearance.

The rotten one smiled grimly and said, "I thought you would die last time, but I didn't expect you to leave here at the last minute, not only that you didn't die, but I didn't expect you to come back again."

Zhou Fan glanced at the painting, and he sighed, "Maybe if I destroyed this painting before I left last time, maybe I won't come back here again."

"You must tell me, how did you leave the ancestral hall?" The rotten man's swollen and rotten face looked a little hideous, "Or I will kill you."

Zhou Fan glanced at his arms, which were already beginning to show signs of decay, he calmly said: "If you want to leave the ancestral hall, you are reluctant to kill me, and besides, you want me to die, this is a very simple thing, just don't give me I might not have had time to wait for the last pill to die here."

The rotten one was silent for a while and said: "You are right, of course I am not willing to kill you, but I have many ways to make your life worse than death, you are just a mortal, so you better tell me the truth of the matter. "

"You don't have to torture me, I'll tell you." Zhou Fan smiled and said, "It's just that time is precious, and you can't provide medicine pills to help me delay time. I'll make a long story short. In short, I don't belong to this world. I'm from another world, so just delay enough to get out of here."

"Then why are you here?" The Decayer asked.

"You can think of it as a dangerous experience." Zhou Fan said.

The rotten stared at Zhou Fan with his whitish eyeballs, and said sternly, "There is still a lot to hide from what you said, do you think I can't hear it?"

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows and said, "There are some things I didn't say, but they have nothing to do with you. I don't think you need to worry about this kind of thing. You and I both want to escape from this bone ancestral hall, because this time is definitely not enough for me to escape from this. World, I have a way to help you escape from the Bone Ancestral Hall, you don't want to know, do you have to worry about my origin?"

The rotten one's white eyes rolled, "What way?"

"I may not be able to guarantee success, but I need you to swear that once you successfully escape from here, you can't shoot at me, otherwise I'm just a mortal. If you want to kill me from here, I can't resist." Zhou Fan's voice changed. In a hurry, he didn't want to waste too much time, "And as long as you find a way, you can't delay, you have to act immediately to take me out."

He was afraid that after he said the solution, Rotten will deliberately delay the time and wait for him to die in the ancestral hall.

"Okay, no problem, I don't have any hatred with you, what's the point of killing you?" The rotten one made an oath without hesitation.

Zhou Fan had already confirmed that the rotten person was a monk. When he saw the rotten person making an oath, he asked: "Tell me first, is this ancestral hall prohibiting teleportation due to the monk's talisman formation or the influence of the baby god?"

"It should be caused by the formation of the formation of the Infant God Sect cultivator." The rotten replied without hesitation.

Zhou Fan's face showed a happy expression, "The formation eye like this must be in the ancestral hall. After I went out, I asked a powerful monk for help. The monk had seen the layout of the ancestral hall, and he said that the formation eye was in the northwest corner."

"Is this what you said?" The rotten one looked disappointed, "Do you think I don't understand this? I have been imprisoned here for ten years, and I have searched every corner of the ancestral hall countless times. You can't find an eye."

Zhou Fan went to the northwest corner to search carefully, "Of course I know that you have searched many times, but if this is the formation created by the Infant God Sect cultivator, it will definitely not be without eyes, I believe that person will not be wrong, unless this is not an infant. The formation set up by the monks of Shenzong..."

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