Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1750: break through

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The rotten one looked at Zhou Fan searching the northwest corner, he just said indifferently: "I have been searching for so long and can't find it, you are too confident, is this the only way for you?"

Zhou Fan did not find it after searching it again, his face was thoughtful, "This is impossible, it must be here."

Who is the emperor of all kingdoms, how could he be wrong?

"You said it was impossible, but isn't it true that the Array Eye is not there?" The Rotten said impatiently.

"If the array eye is in the ancestral hall, the Infant God Sect monks who built this ancestral hall definitely don't want the monks trapped here to find it, they will hide it in some way..."

"What you are talking about is nonsense, it's just a waste of time." Rotten interrupted coldly: "Of course I know this, but I have tried all methods to check the array eye, but I can't find it, which shows that even if the array eye is really there , I can't find it either."

Zhou Fan's body was rotting, and pieces of meat fell, he tried to calm himself and said: "You used to put the scope in all parts of the ancestral hall, and now if you put it in the position I said, then exclude the ones you used before. Can you think of any other way to make the formation eyes appear?"

The rotten person was silent for a while and shook his head: "I can't help it. You should know that I swear to you. If I think of a way, I will definitely use it immediately. In the past ten years, I have really tried everything."

This person is really useless... Zhou Fan thought a little annoyed, he looked at the white bones hanging in the northwest corner, and suddenly said: "Why do you keep these bones all the time?"

Could it be that after so many years, the rotten ones didn't suspect these bones when they were looking for the eye?

"It's useless, these white bones are just ordinary white bones. I have checked every one of them, and destroyed a few of them, but I didn't find anything special." The rotten man shook his head to deny Zhou Fan's idea, "Let's talk about this. The bones are all people who died earlier than us in the ancestral hall of the bones, how could there be problems with the bones..."

"No." Zhou Fan frowned and said, "There is nothing in this ancestral hall of bones, just the bones and the painting, and the walls are so strong that they cannot be destroyed. The most likely problem is the bones or the painting."

"The bones are not necessarily left by the people who died on the curse of the White Bone Temple, they may also have been deliberately placed in when the White Bone Temple was built."

"I said I've checked every bone." The Decayer sneered, "Are your ears okay?"

"But you just look at them separately, have you ever thought about looking at the bones in the northwest corner as a whole?" Zhou Fan said coldly.

The rotten man was stunned, he quickly looked towards the northwest corner, and quickly said: "If you look at the overall orientation, there are indeed some problems with their placement."

The Decayer waved his hands, and some bones in the northwest corner flew up and switched positions.

It's just that nothing happened, and the rotten looked at Zhou Fan again, "Your thinking is wrong."

"Why is my idea wrong?" Zhou Fan asked back, "Didn't you see that there is a problem with their placement? It means that my idea is right, but something is missing."

"What's wrong?" The Rotten asked inexplicably.

"You're not the first person to be imprisoned here." Zhou Fan coughed up blood due to rotten internal organs, "Those people who were imprisoned here must have thought of various ways to save themselves, and I don't know how many times these bones have been exchanged. already."

"Even if those people are not exchanged, the Infant God Sect cultivator who is setting up the formation will not just put all the bones in the northwest corner of the formation."

"You're right." The rotten one laughed: "But there are hundreds of bones here, and I swore I wouldn't delay if you had a way, but now I'll try these bones one by one. , it's too late to save you."

Zhou Fan calmly glanced at the rotten person. He felt that the rotten person had been trapped here for so long for no reason. It was estimated that his brain was about to rot. "What would happen if the bones that acted as the eyes were destroyed?"

"That means the formation eye has been destroyed, so the bone material that serves as the formation eye will definitely not be destroyed so easily. You just checked the authenticity of these bones before, but there are monks here who have already surpassed the immortal realm, and some are Strange skeleton, even if the bones are hard it won't arouse your suspicion."

"But the material used as the formation eye must be the hardest. Just try your best to destroy these bones. It is the formation eye material that is difficult to destroy."

If all of them are destroyed, then this array will be destroyed.

"Amazing, I admire it." The rotten sighed, his left hand clenched into a fist, most of the bones in the ancestral hall were shattered, only fifteen skeletons remained.

The fifteen skeletons were all pulled by the rotten one's spiritual thoughts and flew to the northwest corner and landed in different positions.


A cloud of silver light emerged from the northwest corner.

The rotten one looked at the silver light, and he sighed, "I didn't even think of this, it's really not wrong to be trapped here for ten years."

"If someone hadn't pointed it out, let's try the location in the northwest I'm afraid things won't be so easy." Zhou Fan said with a smile. Going on that road, the difficulty has been reduced too much.

The Rotten One stretched out his right hand, and the picture scrolled up and landed on his hand.

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, he didn't know why the rotten people took this painting away, but he was only a mortal and couldn't stop it.

The rotten one is a little bit of silver light again, and a silver door of light is transformed. He smiled and said, "Let's go."

The rotten one stepped into the door of light and walked out.

Zhou Fan's eyes flickered, and he quickly walked through the door of light.

The sun is shining outside.

Zhou Fan felt his body warm. He turned around and saw that the silver door of light had closed, and behind him was a hideous building made of white bones.

"This is the White Bone Ancestral Hall." The voice of the rotten one came, and his face was full of smiles that couldn't be concealed.

Zhou Fan looked at the rotten one, "Congratulations on regaining your freedom."

"This is a lot of help from you." A strange smile appeared on the rotten's face, and he raised the scroll in his right hand, "If this scroll hadn't been destroyed, do you think you would continue to enter this world?"

"Or if it is destroyed now, will you never be able to go back?"

This is not right. I appeared in the nightmare world through the red vine talisman. As long as the time is up, I will definitely be able to escape. If I can get distracted this time, I will never have to come back here again... Zhou Fan's mind turns, he Sighing, "What do you mean?"

"It doesn't make any sense, but I hate others forcing me to make an oath." The rotten man's smile became colder, "even if you saved me, so I will punish you..."

"You made an oath in the ancestral hall not to do anything to hurt me." Zhou Fan interrupted.

He does not believe that the rotten dare to violate the oath he made.

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