Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1751: True and false dreams

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"Of course I can't hurt you." The rotten man still had a smile on his face, he just patted the back of his hand and took out a ghost oath from his storage space, "But that oath is in a hurry, I force you Make a ghost oath, as long as you don't lie, this ghost oath can't hurt you."

"If you lie, you will only hurt yourself, and it has nothing to do with me."

"I see." Zhou Fan said calmly, "You want to ask me something, but you're afraid I won't answer, right?"

Two rotten and swollen people are facing each other, which is very strange.

The Rotten nodded slightly, admitting it.

"But have you ever thought that you can't hurt me, why should I make a ghost oath, you can still force me to fail?" Zhou Fan frowned slightly.

The rotten one's face turned cold, "But I have this painting in my hand. If I destroy this painting, what do you think will happen to you?"

"The painting is in your hands, it is up to you whether it will be destroyed or not." Zhou Fan glanced at the painting, if he didn't believe that it was destroyed, he would not be able to go back, "But you have to think about it, maybe this painting is destroyed. , I will die, then you have broken your oath."

The rotten person had a gloomy face and dared not do anything. He suddenly showed a look of shock, "Your body is still rotting."

Zhou Fan's attention was still on the rotten one. When he heard the rotten one say this, he immediately looked at his arms and found that the rot was still spreading, and there were still pieces of flesh falling off his body because of the rot.

The rotten person's face changed greatly, "My body is also rotting."

He never noticed it, because he was used to using his true essence to resist this kind of corruption, and he was busy dealing with Zhou Fan just now, but he didn't realize it.

This curse has not been lifted, but they have clearly left the Bone Ancestral Hall, why is this happening?

"No matter what, I have already escaped from the ancestral hall. I must have a solution to this curse." The rotten one quickly calmed down and said, "But what about you? Do you want a pill?"

He has real energy to resist corrosion, even if he won't die for a few years, why should he be too afraid.

"What do you want to say?" Zhou Fan tried to calm himself down, the rotten ones weren't afraid, but he couldn't last long.

He didn't expect to leave the White Bone Ancestral Hall, and the curse was still not lifted.

"I won't hurt you if I don't save you." The rotten person took out an elixir, the elixir that Zhou Fan took last time, "You should know that this elixir can make you live longer, I can I'll give you two, so you can definitely survive until you leave our world."

"But this is not given to you for no reason. You have to pay the price. The price is to voluntarily make a ghost oath and tell me your origin."

Zhou Fan was silent for a while and said, "I don't believe you, what if you take the medicinal pill back again?"

"You junior is really suspicious." The rotten one smiled coldly, "I swear I will never take the medicine pill back from you again. In fact, there is no hatred between us, so why do we have to kill you?"

The Rotten One soon took the oath.

Only then did Zhou Fan take the ghost oath and make a ghost oath. He got two medicinal pills from the rotten one, he took one of them, and he was relieved after confirming that the rot was slowing down.

"You want to know, but it's better for you to stabilize your mind." Zhou Fan said helplessly: "Actually, this is a nightmare for me. I entered here through a red vine talisman pillow to experience. …”

Zhou Fan couldn't lie, because he guessed that if he dared to lie, even in a dream, the ghost oath would still work. After all, it was a nightmare for him, and nightmares usually came about how dangerous they were.

So he told everything.

The rotten man's rotten face turned hideous, and he couldn't believe it: "You didn't lie to me?"

"If I lied to you, the ghost has already killed me." Zhou Fan calmly said, in fact, he didn't want to say that he was afraid of causing unknown variables, but now that's the case, he can only say it.

"So you think I'm a fictional person from a nightmare?" The Rotten said with a weird smile: "But how is this possible? I remember things from childhood to adulthood, I know who I am, you say I'm just a fictional person in a dream , that's too funny."

Now it's Zhou Fan's turn to be stunned. If the rotten person didn't lie, then this is not a nightmare, but a guess like his previous guess, this is a real world?

How is this going?

The red vine talisman pillow does have the effect of tempering the primordial spirit. He knew it after he went back last time. The Emperor of All Nations also said that the red vine talisman pillow can introduce nightmares...

He had such an experience before, but why are some of the dreams he had in the real world or the world that actually existed?

Sweat oozes from Zhou Fan's forehead, "I don't know what's going on."

"Interesting." The rotten man lightly touched his rotten chin and said, "My world must be real, you might have been thrown into the world I live in by the red vine talisman pillow. For you, It's a dream, and it's not a strange thing, what's the name of your world?"

"It's a place called Man Xingjie." Zhou Fan replied.

"Barbarian Star Realm?" The rotten one shook his head and said, "I haven't heard of it. I think it's very far away from us. We are under the jurisdiction of the Path Master Star Realm."

The main star realm?

Zhou Fan had never heard of the Path Master Star Realm.

"Are you staying here or leaving with me?" The rotten one asked again, "You are training in the Primordial Spirit. You may encounter danger if you stay here. You might as well follow me. I can protect you if something happens."

Zhou Fan glanced at the White Bone Ancestral Hall, and he admitted that the rotten person had a point. If the rotten person was willing to take him, it would be really dangerous, and there was also a rotten monk who was standing in front of him.

"You may have no ill will towards me, but why do you want to help me?" Zhou Fan asked.

"This is just a little effort for me, and it should be a good relationship." The rotten said lightly: "If you don't want to, then I will leave."

Zhou Fan still The rotten one just waved his hand, and he took out a flying treasure ship.

Zhou Fan got on the treasure ship with the rotten one, and the treasure ship took off and flew away quickly.

Zhou Fan breathed a sigh of relief, this nightmare should be no problem, the medicine pill given by the rotten one is enough to let him survive this nightmare.

It doesn't matter where the rotten person takes him. The rotten person has sworn that he can't hurt him directly or indirectly, otherwise he must be worried that the rotten person might find someone to kill him.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, he has no hatred with the rotten ones, and the rotten ones don't need to do this.

He didn't ask the Decayer's name, because he would go back to his own world, and maybe there wouldn't be a time to meet.

"It's been ten years, I remember a city not far away." The rotten one pointed his finger ahead.

The treasure ship soon flew to the city.

There are no living people in the city for a long time, only a few bones are left.

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