Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1761: old realm

Xie Chunshui laughed and said, "I don't know, but I don't think it's such an exaggeration. If it is above the realm of Taoism, he may dominate the old world, not just join the old world."

"I guess this old man in yellow clothes may be in the realm of Taoist consummation. In terms of strength, I am afraid that there is no match for him in the Jie Laohui."

"But it's a little strange that he didn't report his sect origin. What's the benefit to him being Jie Lao? Jie Lao should help him very little..."

Xie Chunshui said with a puzzled look on his face.

Zhou Fan also didn't understand, he said casually: "He probably joined the Jie Laohui to prevent the world from being destroyed and to protect the peace of the world."

Xie Chunshui: "..."

Zhou Fan chatted with Xie Chunshui for a while on other topics, then turned to read.

It was said to be reading books, but his mind was not on books. He looked for Xie Chunshui to talk about the topic of the old world. Of course, he would not just be idle and bored.

He wanted to find out the strengths of the two elders, Tong Kaiji and Lin Haoqian.

In order not to arouse suspicion, he did not raise any questions about Tong Kaiji and Lin Haoqian, but adopted this kind of circumstantial method, so that what happened in the future, even Xie Chunshui could not have any doubts.

Judging from the news disclosed by Xie Chunshui, Tong Kaiji and Lin Haoqian should not have entered the Taoist realm, but the pure Yang realm.

If it was just pure Yang realm... his eyes flickered.

Of course, Xie Chunshui's words still need to be confirmed.

He joined the Jie Laohui at a very young age, and in addition to being a secluded person, he also had a better relationship with Xie Chunshui in the Prime Minister's Division, and the other members of the Jie Laohui even didn't know each other.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to inquire about the realm of Jie Lao from the rest of the Jie Laohui.

But he had other ways... In the afternoon, he left the Honourable Division early on the pretext of going outside to buy some cultivation items.

When he came out of the old world, he passed through a bustling and bustling commercial market in the Heavenly City of the Barbarian Realm, and he had used illusions to disguise himself as a middle-aged man with a gloomy face.

Leaving the business market, he stopped and walked, bought medicinal herbs and other items in some shops, and finally walked to the end of the deserted street, where he saw the secret pavilion.

There was a faint fear in his heart, and he also came to the Barbarian Heavenly City to learn that the Barbarian Heavenly City also had the existence of a secret pavilion.

Even in the Great Wei Dynasty, the secret pavilion did not disappear completely due to the attack from the official family, but acted more secretly.

The store door of this secret pavilion is similar to that seen in Dawei.

However, the opening talisman has changed compared to Da Wei. Zhou Fan has already checked all of this. He walked to and knocked on the wooden door. The black talisman flowed around the door, and a circle of black light appeared in the center of the door.

He stretched out his finger and quickly drew a talisman on the black light circle. The talisman formed, the black talisman light dissipated, and the wooden door opened automatically.

Zhou Fan walked in, the wooden door was closed, a faint blue light appeared in the darkness, the room instantly brightened, and a faint blue rune line rose from the wooden floor, and the rune line turned into a round table and two chairs.

A black shadow soon appeared on a chair, he was watching Zhou Fan, "Guests, please take a seat."

Zhou Fan sat down and put a storage bag on the table. This is the fee for asking questions to enter the Secret Pavilion.

The storage bag quickly arrived in Sombra's hands. He didn't open it to check the number of primeval stones in it, but just put it away.

This detail made Zhou Fan understand that either the shadow had already entered the Spiritual Mind Realm, or he could know the number of primeval stones in the storage bag through special means.

"I don't know what information the guest wants to ask?" The shadow knocked on the blue tabletop and asked loudly.

"The information I want to inquire about is related to Jie Laohui. I wonder if they paid secret money in the Secret Pavilion?" Zhou Fan asked lightly.

If you pay the secret money, then you need to pay more than the secret money if you want to check the news of these elders.

"It depends on which elder Jie the guest wants to ask?" Hei Ying said slowly: "Some elders have already been paid the secret money, and some have not. If the guest wants to know who paid the secret money, this A problem requires a thousand primeval stones."

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, he took out a Yuan ticket worth one thousand Yuan Shi and placed it on the quiet blue table.

Yuan tickets can be exchanged for Yuan Shi in many places in the Barbarian Star Realm. The blue light emerges. Yuan tickets soon reached the hands of Hei Ying. Of the twenty-five elders of the world, those who paid the secret money, and those who did not pay the secret money, were all clear at a glance.

Zhou Fan looked at the list and found that ten elders had paid the money for keeping secrets, and the other fifteen elders had not paid the money for keeping secrets. He was a little surprised by the small number of people, but he quickly understood that the elders were all standing in At the top of the Barbarian Star Realm, they are strong enough not to be afraid of people checking them. Even if they really have secrets, it is not so easy to find What made him happy is that neither Tong Kaiji nor Lin Haoqian paid the secret money.

"I want to know the real realm of fifteen world elders without paying the secret money. How many primeval stones are needed?" Zhou Fan asked.

"Guests, please wait." The shadow moved away from the blue tabletop and merged into the dark corner.

Zhou Fan waited patiently, and after a while the shadow came back again, he said, "I'm sorry to tell the guests that we can only confirm the true realm of fourteen of the fifteen elders, and only half a year ago. It is difficult for us to confirm whether they have improved in this half-year period."

"If that's the case, you can say what their realm is. If you're right, it's your credit. If you're wrong, I can't blame you for giving false news." Zhou Fan sneered.

"The realm of the seniors is high, and it is also difficult for them to make progress, not to mention that it only takes half a year, so our information is very accurate." Sombra said: "We just tell the guests the situation, and the guests can choose whether to buy the news. "

"Whose realm cannot be confirmed?" Zhou Fan asked.

"This one can answer the guest for free." Sombra said, "It's the man in yellow."

The man in yellow... The man in yellow is indeed among these fifteen elders. Zhou Fan thought about it and asked, "Do you know the origin of the man in yellow?"

"I don't know." The shadow shook his head and said, "If the guests know anything about this man in yellow, we can buy this information at a high price."

"How could I possibly know?" Zhou Fan smiled and said, "How many primeval stones are needed for the real realm news of the fourteen elders?"

"Thirty thousand primeval stones." The shadow quickly quoted the price.

One primeval stone is about one thousand profound coins, and 30,000 primeval stones is equal to 30 million profound coins. Of course, these 30 million profound coins refer to the profound coins before the great calamity. Now that the currency in Great Wei has depreciated greatly, there are some Hard to estimate.

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