Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1762: Your palace lord is not human

"Thirty thousand primeval stones is too expensive." Zhou Fan said slowly: "Actually, the realm of the elders of the world is not difficult to inquire about."

Thirty million profound coins is not expensive for Zhou Fan now, but he also needs to see if the news is worth it.

"Of course it's not difficult." Hei Ying said with a chuckle: "But there are also truths to the news. Guests who come to the Secret Pavilion must definitely want to get real news. This is an existence that is difficult for ordinary monks to contact. The guests know their information in advance. The realm may be based on rumors."

Zhou Fan didn't say any more, because he really wanted to confirm the realm of Tong Kaiji and Lin Haoqian from the secret pavilion, so he took out three Yuan tickets worth 10,000 Yuanshi and put them on the table.

The blue desktop glowed, and the yuan ticket quickly reached Hei Ying's hands. He just glanced at it, put away the yuan ticket, and tapped the table again with his fingers.

Lines of words appeared on the blue desktop in front of Zhou Fan. After he read it, the corners of his mouth twitched, which was no different from what Xie Chunshui said.

The realm of Tong Kaiji and Lin Haoqian is indeed the realm of pure yang.

Just when I spent money to buy peace of mind... Zhou Fan comforted himself silently, he didn't ask any more questions, but stood up and left, but when he stood up, he thought of a more important question and looked at the black man. Shadow said: "Do you know the exact time when the catastrophe will come?"

"I don't know, this kind of thing has always been unpredictable." Sombra replied.

Zhou Fan just nodded slightly and left the dark house.

After Zhou Fan went out, the shadow was still sitting still. He whispered to himself: "Strange people, why do you want to ask the realm of the fourteen elders? Could it be that there are forces that want to do something to the elders?"

"It's just that I haven't heard any rumors recently... He also asked about the catastrophe, and the matter of the catastrophe should be asked on a temporary basis."

Sombra couldn't figure it out, so he could only record it for later observation.

Of course, the Secret Pavilion will let people follow the guests who go out, but the guests who dare to come to the Secret Pavilion to buy news are usually well prepared. It is not so easy to track and find out the identity of the guests.

It turned out that he was right, and their men were lost.

Zhou Fan waited patiently for two more days, and after two days passed, he asked for leave to continue his retreat.

As soon as he returned to his residence, he would activate the formation, so that even if someone came to him, he would at most leave a message. If it wasn't for a special emergency, no one would dare to disturb a cultivator's retreat and practice. This was a very taboo thing.

It will not impact the formation of a monk's retreat and practice, which is equivalent to forging a life-and-death feud.

What's more, this is in the old world. Once someone dares to attack his formation, someone will definitely come forward to block it. Even if such an extreme situation really occurs, he does not need to be afraid.

After arranging the formation, he took his little sister to shuttle away from the interspace.

Coming out of Jianyu, he was in a verdant mountain forest. He didn't stop there, but spread out his spiritual thoughts, took out the map, confirmed his position, lifted the little sister, and flew up.

After flying for a while, he saw a palace built of verdant jade on the mountains of Songshan.

He had a cold expression on his face, this was the Xuanhu Palace, and Tong Kaiji was the palace lord of the Xuanhu Palace.

With a pure Yang cultivator like Tong Kaiji in charge, the Xuanhu Palace is a top-ranking force in the Barbarian Star Realm.

Zhou Fan didn't care, his illusion made his appearance and clothes have changed a lot, and he directly became the third person in the world who was killed by him before.

His huge spiritual thoughts spread away, covering the entire Xuanhu Palace.

"Tong Kaiji, get out and die for me!"

The thunder-like sound spread out, making everyone in the Xuanhu Palace hear it.

Everyone looked at each other, who dared to call their palace master's name like this?

A dozen or so cultivators flew out of the Emerald Jade Palace immediately, and one of the leading old men looked at Zhou Fan, and when he realized that he didn't know him, he handed over his hands, neither arrogantly nor arrogantly said, "My lord, Sun Shangshu, the vice-president of Xuanhu Palace, I don't know who your Excellency is? Why are you looking for our palace master?"

As long as anyone who dares to say such things in Xuanhu Palace is not a lunatic or a powerful cultivator, and maybe his strength is comparable to their palace master, Gongsun Shangshu would not dare to be too impulsive.

"You don't know my name, so what's the use of saying it?" Zhou Fan said with a cold face, "Where's your palace master?"

In fact, Zhou Fan knows very well that Tong Kaiji is still in the old society.

"The palace lord has something to do, we dare not disturb it." Gongsun Shangshu frowned and said, "Why are you looking for my palace lord? You can tell me."

Zhou Fan said coldly, "Your palace lord is not a person. He secretly fed an old sow from my neighbor's house. I must give my neighbor an explanation on this matter."

The entire Xuanhu Palace was silent, and the dozens of Xuanhu Palace monks in the air were stunned for a moment, with great anger on their faces. How could their Xuanhu Palace ever be humiliated like this?

"Your Excellency is too much." Gongsun Shangshu said solemnly: "If you don't give a reasonable explanation..."

"What do you guys think?" Zhou Fan interrupted with a laugh and a soul floated out of his body.

As soon as the Yuanshen appeared, the majestic Yuanshen's power surged This Yuanshen was like a scorching sun, and the powerful coercion made Gongsun Shangshu's dozen people almost unable to control them. Fall into the air.

And the cultivator of the Xuanhu Palace below was even worse, his legs softened and he sat down on the ground.

Pure Yang Realm!

Sure enough, it was in the Pure Yang Realm... Gongsun Shangshu's pupils shrank, and he couldn't say anything after that. The faces of the dozen or so cultivators behind him were all shocked. If the mysterious person in front of him wanted to do something, they would immediately Escape to the palace.

Among the dozen or so cultivators, including Gongsun Shangshu, there are five distraction realms, but the distraction realm and the pure yang realm are only one realm apart, but it is the gap between heaven and earth.

Even if they all go together, it is impossible for them to be the opponents of the pure Yang realm cultivator.

Now no one mentions Zhou Fan humiliating them with words. The other party is stronger than them. If they humiliate them, what can they do?

Zhou Fan said coldly: "I have limited patience, let Tong Kaiji get out for me, or I will destroy you."

"The palace lord is not in the palace and has gone out." Gongsun Shangshu swallowed and said, "We will let the palace lord come back as soon as possible, and I hope the seniors will wait patiently."

"In three days, I want to see your palace master here." Zhou Fan said coldly: "And let your palace master not ask for help. Who doesn't have a few friends these days? If you really want to find him, I will let him. regrettable."

Yuanshen took it back, and the powerful coercion disappeared without a trace.

Zhou Fan turned around and flew away, and in just a few breaths, he disappeared in front of Gongsun Shangshu and the others.

"Go back first." Gongsun Shangshu said solemnly and calmly.

The monks behind him nodded again and again, and everyone quickly returned to the Xuanhu Palace.

When they returned to the Xuanhu Palace, they breathed a sigh of relief. With the great formation in the palace, it was not an easy task for a pure Yang realm cultivator to enter the palace.

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