Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1766: people walking tea

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After killing Tong Kaiji, that person was too worn out and dared not do anything to Chen Xing?

As soon as Tang Lao said this, many Jie Lao looked at Chen Xing.

If so, Chen Xing missed the best chance to kill that cultivator.

Chen Xing's face shook, and he snorted coldly: "What are you looking at me for? I didn't see any signs of him doing his best at the time. What would he do if it were you?"

Those Jie Lao retracted their gaze. If Tong Kaiji was killed in that situation, and the other party didn't shoot at them, then they... of course they would turn around and leave immediately.

Why really bet on whether the other party is really trying his best? If the other party is not what Tang Lao thinks, can he still accompany Tong Kaiji to die together?

Therefore, it is understandable for Chen Xing to do so.

"I'm not blaming Chen Jie Lao." Tang Lao said: "This is just one of the guesses. It is also possible that the other party is very strong, not only in the Taoist realm, but may have surpassed the Taoist realm. Before you can see the truth of the other party, Chen Jie Lao's response was correct."

You said it for a long time, doesn't it mean that you didn't say it... Some people couldn't help but muttered in their hearts.

"If he kills Tong Jie Lao, he still has enough energy to keep Chen Jie Lao, but he doesn't do it..." Tang Lao paused and said: "That means this person does not mean to be an enemy of our Jie Laohui. There is a personal grudge between Tongjie and the old."

"That's right, he said that there is an injustice and a debt to the owner, and I also think he should be seeking revenge." Chen Xing echoed.

"But when did Mr. Tong Jie offend such a powerful person?" Zi Xiaozi rubbed his chin with a thoughtful look, "It can't really be Mr. Tong Jie who gave that old sow to his neighbor, right? "

Everyone looked at Zi Xiaozi with weird expressions, thinking that your mouth is so stinky, Tong Kaiji's coffin board probably couldn't hold it back.

But everyone also knows that Zi Xiaozi's mouth has always been very stinky. This person can live to this day because of his high cultivation. If it wasn't for his high cultivation, he would have been torn apart by his mouth.

"This person calls himself Zhao Ba." Lin Haogan said with a sullen face: "There are only so many monks in the barbarian star realm above the pure Yang realm. Why have we never heard anything about him?"

Everyone focused on what Lin Haogan said. Indeed, the Pure Yang Realm was already standing at the top of the Barbarian Star Realm. There might be some unknown monks above the Pure Yang Realm in the Barbarian Star Realm, but there were definitely not many.

And even if they are unknown people, they will occasionally hear that Zhao Ba appeared without a trace.

"Could it be from another star realm?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

"how can that be?"

"It's impossible."

As soon as these words came out, several elders of the world retorted without hesitation.

The man laughed dryly. He also knew that his idea was too absurd. The three star realm teleportation formations were all under the control of the Jie Laohui, and the barbarian star realm had not been entered by outsiders for hundreds of years.

Without the astral teleportation array, it is almost impossible to enter another star realm by other means.

"Besides, if it's from another star realm, why do you want to seek revenge for Tongjie Lao?" Meng Tianlu shook his head and said, "It's impossible that Tongjie Lao's enemies have spread all over other star realms, right?"

After ruling out the possibility from other star realms, Zi Xiaozi said impatiently: "This matter is most likely done by the monks we know, but he is very good at disguising, and we can't see through it. Years have become so powerful that it is possible to take revenge."

Lin Haogan glanced at the elders present, and he sneered: "If it was done by an acquaintance, it might be one of us here."

Everyone looked at each other, Chen Xing's face sank, "Lin Haoqian, what do you mean by this, do you doubt me?"

When Tong Kaiji died, he was the only cultivator in the Pure Yang Realm, so he became the most suspicious person.

"Don't dare, I just said that everyone is possible, including me." Lin Haoqian said lightly.

Zi Xiaozi laughed and said, "What are you talking about, no matter who did it, Tong Kaiji, the unfortunate bastard, is dead, too. Is there anyone who wants to avenge him?"

Zi Xiaozi is right, who among the elders is willing to take revenge for Tong Kaiji?

Even if the relationship is usually good, it is a friendship based on strength. Now that everyone is dead, revenge does not exist.

They are all old monsters who have lived for hundreds of years or even more than a thousand years. They are often indifferent to emotions. Even the descendants of blood will fade after a few generations, let alone a monk with some friendship.

Unless it is profitable, no one is willing to take action, especially if the other party has the ability to instantly kill the pure Yang realm... Even if it is really profitable, you have to weigh whether you are enough?

Even Mr. Qin and Mr. Tang didn't have any idea of ​​revenge for Tong Kaiji. The Jie Lao Association was originally such a loose organization. They didn't say that a Jie Lao died, and they would do anything to avenge this Jie Lao.

The emergence of such an organization as the Jie Laohui is more to reconcile conflicts.

There were some things in the hearts of the people who didn't say it, but they also knew that this matter could only be left to nothing.

"Let's just say that Tong Jie died in a private vendetta, don't say more." Someone suggested.

This proposal has been approved by many people.

"The origin of that person is unknown. It's best to check it out. Of course, try not to offend this person."

Proposals were put forward, some were passed, some were not passed.

"One more thing, Xuanhu Palace applied for asylum to our Jie Laohui." Another Jie Lao said.

As soon as these words came out, the room suddenly became quiet again. It is not surprising that Xuanhu Palace applied for asylum. After all, once Tong Kaiji died, Xuanhu Palace would not have a pure Yang cultivator.

At the moment, the Xuanhu Palace can be said to be in a precarious situation.

But the problem is that if you provide shelter to the Xuanhu Palace, you may offend the monk with a mysterious origin.

If you don't provide shelter to the Xuanhu Palace, it will go against the purpose of the Jie Laohui.

"What shelter?" Someone sneered: "The Xuanhu Palace has a distraction realm and a travel realm It is still a top sect in the barbarian star realm, such a sect will be provided by the senior community. Asylum, it's not justified at all."

"Yes, we are not afraid of that cultivator, but the Xuanhu Palace is not doing well, so we need to provide shelter, and other sects that don't even have a travel border also ask for shelter? Can we be busy?" Meng Tianlu shook his head and said.

Most of the twenty elders in the realm were opposed to it, and the other half did not speak out, but they obviously did not agree.

They are all very shrewd, and it is not appropriate to provide shelter to Xuanhu Palace now. If they really want to provide shelter, they have to wait until Xuanhu Palace is about to be destroyed.

The proposal was thus rejected.

"Observe first, if the Xuanhu Palace is really in danger, let's discuss it later." Qin Lao also said the same.

The elders discussed a few more words, and soon they all dispersed.

In an instant, only Qin Lao and Tang Lao were left.

After a moment of silence, Qin Lao asked, "Brother Tang, who do you think did it?"

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