Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1767: bet luck

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who did it?

Facing Old Qin's question, Old Tang shook his head and said, "I can't say for sure, but this person is really weird. With such strength, it is very likely that he has entered the Taoist realm."

He didn't say it in such a positive tone at the meeting before, because he was afraid of causing some panic among the elders.

After all, Tong Kaiji is Jie Lao, who knows if that person is coming for Jie Laohui?

Taoist realm... Qin Lao's face was solemn, "Apart from me and Brother Tang, there should be two Taoist realms in the barbarian star realm."

One is withdrawn and older than the two of them, and the other is a man in yellow clothes. Of course, neither of them are very sure of the realm of a man in yellow clothes.

"It's not like what the two of them did. If either of them wants to kill Tong Kaiji, he will kill him openly, and he won't hide his head and show his tail like this." Tang Lao sighed: "Brother Qin, I suspect that a new Taoist mansion will appear in the Barbarian Star Realm. border."

The new Taoist realm, in this eventful season, I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.

"After a thousand years, it's normal for a few evildoers to appear." Old Qin said slowly, "As long as he's not weird, don't worry."

Tang Lao nodded slightly, he agreed with this statement, how can there be any eggs under the nest?

After Jie Laohui reported that Tong Kaiji was killed by an enemy, two days after the matter was discussed, not many people in the Jie Laohui continued to discuss the matter.

After all, even if Jie Lao is killed, it should be a headache for Jie Lao people. The sky falls because there is a tall person supporting him. The monks of Jie Laohui will not be too worried, but some people feel sorry for Tong Kaiji.

"The old man of Tongjie is usually good, but it's a pity." Xie Chunshui sighed lightly. It was not easy to cultivate to the pure Yang realm, but he didn't expect to die like this.

Of course, Xie Chunshui just sighed and stopped talking about it.

On the contrary, Zhou Fan didn't comment much, he did what he should do. He occasionally chatted with Xie Chunshui these days. From Xie Chunshui, it was vaguely known that the old people in the world did not intend to investigate this matter with great fanfare, but the investigation was carried out in secret. Surely there will be.

Zhou Fan is not very worried about this, it is very difficult to find out about him.

Even if someone knew that Tong Kaiji wanted to kill him, it would be hard to doubt that he looked like a cultivator who was out of the country.

He thought more about how to deal with the Tailing Sect Master Lin Haoqian.

In fact, from the very beginning, he had some entanglements about whether to kill Lin Haogan or Tong Kaiji, but in the end he chose to deal with Tong Kaiji first, because he didn't realize that Lin Haogan wanted to kill him, but he knew that Tong Kaiji wanted to kill him, of course he had to kill him first. Tong Kaiji who wanted to kill him.

Now that Tong Kaiji is killed as he wishes, then the problem arises.

It is impossible for him to deal with Lin Haogan by killing Tong Kaiji, so Lin Haogan will definitely guess that he is the cultivator who killed Tong Kaiji, and then Lin Haogan will not be fooled again.

But without this method, how could he find the opportunity for Lin Hao to be single?

As an old Jie, Lin Haoqian's whereabouts are erratic. It is not easy to know his whereabouts.

Zhou Fan thought about it, but he still didn't think of a good solution, so he could only put this matter aside for the time being, and wait until a suitable opportunity was found in the future.

Lin Haogan was different. He was the master of the Tailing Sect, and the Tailing Sect was the culprit who ordered the three families of King Xiao Ye of the Great Wei to destroy the Zhou family 3,000 years ago.

But if he wants to catch Lin Hao dry instead of killing him, his strength is still a bit insufficient. It is best to think about entering the Pure Yang Realm first.

In the past ten days, he felt that his realm should be stabilized, and there was no sign of instability due to the rapid improvement of Taoism.

"It seems that I am a big-hearted person, and things that promote too fast and unstable mood do not exist for me at all."

Once he decided that he could consider entering the Pure Yang Realm, Zhou Fan didn't think much about it. Now, in order to hide his realm, he couldn't check the information of the Pure Yang Realm from the Jie Laohui, but the Jie Laohui couldn't rely on it, and he didn't care much. Anyway, he still has the emperor of all nations.

In the middle of the night, Zhou Fan asked the Emperor of All Nations about the Pure Yang Realm.

"You still owe me a lot of big gray worms." The Emperor of All Nations said slowly.

The corners of Zhou Fan's mouth twitched. Of course he knew that the Emperor of All Nations meant that he still owed the Big Grey Worm. Where did the Big Grey Worm come from in exchange for resources to step into the Pure Yang Realm?

"I will pay it off soon." Zhou Fan coughed dryly: "Actually, I also want to understand this state first."

Maybe the outside world has the pure Yang realm resources he needs, so he doesn't need the help of the Emperor of All Nations. He earns one million big gray worms every day, and it won't take long to pay off the debt of the Emperor of All Nations. It may take a certain amount of time for the Grey Worm resources to enter the Pure Yang Realm.

Of course, it is best to be able to exchange resources from the outside world, but it can alleviate the pressure of the shortage of the giant grey worms.

The Emperor of Ten Thousand Kingdoms did not mention the debt, but said: "The pure Yang realm is very simple and difficult."

"The simplicity is that it only needs a suitable pure yang exercise, and you can try to step into the pure yang state. The difficulty is that it is difficult to enter the pure yang state with the pure yang exercise."

Zhou Fan listened attentively, there are quite a lot of distraction realms in the barbarian star realm, Xuanhu Palace alone has five distraction realm cultivators, but only Tong Kaiji is a pure yang realm.

The Barbarian Star Realm is so big, and there are only more than 20 Jie Elders in the Jie Laohui. If it were to expand to the entire Barbarian Star Realm, there would definitely be fewer than 100 cultivators in the Pure Sun Realm.

One can imagine the difficulty of entering the pure Yang realm from the distraction realm.

"Why are some people able to enter the Pure Yang realm, while others cannot?" The Emperor of All Nations continued, "Because the Pure Yang realm is the same as some realms of Huayuan realm, it depends on talent."

"If you don't have enough talent, you won't be able to set foot in the pure Yang realm for the rest of your life."

The corners of Zhou Fan's eyes This kind of realm simply looking at talent is the most pitiful. .

"If the talent is not enough, is there no other way to enter the Pure Yang Realm?" Zhou Fan asked hurriedly.

"There's no way." The King of Nations shook his head and said, "Even if you can find a monk to practice the law of destiny and change your life for you, you can't do it. There has never been a lack of talent in history, so you can step into the Pure Yang Realm. monk."

"I don't know how to know if I can step into the Pure Yang Realm?" Zhou Fan asked uncertainly.

"You will find out if you find a copy of the Pure Yang Realm Cultivation Technique and practice it." The Emperor of All Nations said as a matter of course: "It will work, if it doesn't work, it won't work."

In the cloud of floating gray fog, a wisp came out and fell into Zhou Fan's hands and turned into a mahogany box.

"This is a top-grade exercise in the pure Yang realm, and there are few high-quality exercises in the pure Yang exercise." The King of Nations said: "10 million big gray worms, let you owe it for now."

"It's time to test you."

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