Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1769: Ask for a referral

The primordial spirit in the air is like a round of blazing sun, mixed with powerful coercion.

Xiao Ling's **** clothes continued to stretch and turned into a hood to cover her little head. If it wasn't for this, she suspected that her head was either cooked or crushed by the power.

The little girl squatted and wagged her scythe tail. She didn't seem to feel the scorching heat, nor did she feel any strong coercion.

"The eldest is the eldest." Xiao Qian muttered in a low voice, "And the bastard, the master, why hasn't he finished yet?"

The golden radiance was quickly subdued, revealing the primordial spirit. The primordial spirit was once again divided into three parts, and returned to the flesh with a swish.

Zhou Fan opened his eyes after adjusting the surge of real energy in his body. The divine light was shining, the divine light was restrained, and he returned to his normal appearance. He smiled, "I really am a genius."

"Bah." Xiao Qian put away her **** clothes and poohed in her heart.

"Huh?" Zhou Fan glanced at Xiao Ling, "If you dare to speak ill of your master, I will give you a hundred duck legs."

Xiao Ling: "???"

"I didn't say anything." Xiao Qian said angrily, "Master, you can't use such a bad excuse if you want to buckle my duck legs."

"You didn't say it, but you said it in your heart." Zhou Fan snorted coldly, "You little bastard, do you think I don't know?"

"How did you know that?" Xiao Ling was startled and asked.

"I guess." Zhou Fan smiled proudly: "You recognize it yourself, so it's not a mistake."

I'm too stupid... Xiao Ling cried out loud when she found out that she was fooled.

Zhou Fan ignored Xiao Ling and felt extremely relaxed. From today onwards, he is a cultivator in the Pure Yang Realm.

The previous anxiety has been swept away, and the road can be expected.

"Could it be that the boat already knew that I could successfully enter the Pure Yang Realm, so it didn't help me?" Another thought appeared in Zhou Fan's heart.

He shook his head quickly, without thinking about it. He didn't know what the boat was thinking. He focused on the new changes of stepping into the Pure Yang Realm, and his strength has grown further. This is not only It is the growth of true essence, lifespan, and deceitful talent, and the more obvious changes are in the primordial spirit.

Yuanshen has achieved a new transformation. This transformation is firstly the fire of pure yang, and secondly, it possesses the coercion of heaven and earth, and the power of the world.

As soon as the Primordial Spirit of a cultivator in the Pure Yang Realm comes out, he can easily crush the Primordial Spirit of a cultivator in the Distraction Realm. Unless it is a freak like Zhou Fan, the Primordial Spirit in the Distraction Realm is as powerful as a cultivator in the Pure Yang Realm. the balance.

This is the terrifying part of the pure-yang cultivator, and it is difficult for ordinary distracted cultivators to compete with it.

Zhou Fan also entered the Pure Yang Realm and realized the power of the Pure Yang Realm.

"If I hadn't exploded with all my strength at the beginning, I might not have been able to kill Tong Kaiji."

Zhou Fan restrained his thoughts and put away the talismans one by one. Xiao Qian was still wiping her tears, she thought firmly: "No, it's not that I'm too stupid, it's that the dog owner is too cunning, and I swear to disagree with the dog owner. "

Putting away the talisman, he used his little sister's broken bones to shuttle back to his own residence in the old world.

At night, Zhou Fan appeared on the boat. The Emperor of All Nations, who was sitting on the throne, saw that Zhou Fan had entered the Pure Yang Realm, but nodded lightly, "Yes."

After saying this, the Emperor of Ten Thousand Kingdoms closed his eyes, as if he was wandering out of the sky.

Zhou Fan coughed softly: "The great heaven and earth of all nations, if I pass the test, will there be no reward?"

"Passing the test only means that you may become my subordinate in the future, and I will provide you with some help as before." The Emperor of All Nations said slowly without opening his eyes.

Zhou Fan: "..."

Zhou Fan just asked casually, the Emperor of All Nations said that there is no reward, so there is no.

In the next few days, while consolidating his realm, he consulted some rules of the Old World Association.

He soon had an idea in his mind.

"Brother Xie." Zhou Fan found Xie Chunshui who was dozing off.

Xie Chunshui woke up and yawned, "Brother Zhou, what's the matter?"

"I want to see the respected teacher." Zhou Fan said with a smile.

Xie Chunshui said embarrassedly: "I don't know why Brother Zhou is looking for my master? He is quite busy. If it's not an important matter, I can solve it for Brother Zhou."

Zixiaozi is a pure-yang cultivator, Jie Lao meets Jie Lao, and someone with such a high status is not someone who wants to meet, so Xie Chunshui said it so euphemistically.

Zhou Fan said with a smile: "I am afraid that only a respected teacher can do this. I think he will be my recommender."

"What recommender?" Xie Chunshui asked in a daze.

"Introduce me to become a Jie Lao." Zhou Fan explained in more detail, in order to join the Jie Lao Association and become a Jie Lao, you must first have a referral from Jie Lao.

Xie Chunshui: "???"

Xie Chunshui laughed out loud, "Brother Zhou, you really know how to joke."

"I'm not kidding." Zhou Fan said with a serious face, one of his primordial spirits flew out, and the power of the primordial gods was controlled to spread out in a small area.

Xie Chunshui's smile stopped abruptly, his eyes widened as if he had seen a ghost, "This...this...this..."

Zhou Fan's primordial spirit returned to his physical body, and said calmly, "Brother Xie, do you believe it now?"

Xie Chunshui swallowed his saliva, and he said dumbfounded: "Brother Zhou, how old are you? Don't tell me you're really only over a hundred years old?"

"No, I should call you senior."

Actually, I'm not even twenty years old... Zhou Fan said vaguely: "Age has no meaning, you just need to know that I have entered the Pure Yang Realm, that's enough."

"I'll tell my master right away." Xie Chunshui didn't say He took out the sound transmission jade talisman to activate it.

"You stupid apprentice, you disturbed my alchemy, you know?" Zi Xiaozi's annoyed voice came from the sound transmission jade talisman: "If it weren't for an important matter, you would..."

"Master, a senior wants you to introduce him to become Old Master Jie." Xie Chunshui interrupted Zi Xiaozi.

There was no sound from the sound transmission jade talisman, and Zi Xiaozi paused and asked, "Who?"

"If you don't know him, I won't be able to explain the matter for a while. He's by my side. Can I take him to see you?" Xie Chunshui asked.

"I'm in the Heavenly City of the Barbarian Realm, you bring him to my mansion." After Zi Xiaozi said this, the conversation with the sound transmission jade talisman ended.

Accompanied by Xie Chunshui, Zhou Fan soon left the Jie Laohui and arrived in front of a mansion in the Heavenly City of the Barbarian Realm.

The Barbarian Heavenly City was built by the Jie Laohui. The noble elders have their own mansion in the Barbarian Heavenly City, and Zi Xiaozi is no exception.

The mansion was shrouded in a talisman formation, Xie Chunshui took out a jade token, and the talisman formation in front of the door automatically dispersed.

The two of them walked in. There were not many servants in the mansion. Occasionally, when they met Zhou Fan, the servants all bowed and saluted.

They kept walking inside, white clouds lingered, as if they were in a fairyland.

Until he arrived at a small courtyard with many spirit grasses, Zhou Fan saw Zi Xiaozi.

Zi Xiaozi glanced at Zhou Fan curiously, but the curiosity quickly subsided, he smiled and said, "If you have any trouble, please take a seat."

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