Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1770: initial alliance

In the courtyard full of spiritual plants, there is a small pavilion. In the pavilion, Zhou Fan and Zi Xiaozi sat opposite each other and sipped tea, while Xie Chunshui served him. Showing it in front of people, on the contrary, seems low-key and humble, but I didn't expect that there is a person who can pretend better than him. It's really eye-opening today.

"I don't know where Daoyou Zhou is from?" After being introduced by Xie Chunshui, Zi Xiaozi only knew Zhou Fan's name, but now he still doesn't know Zhou Fan's origin.

He also wondered in his heart, Zhou Fan looks young this week, maybe he has the skills to keep his face, but the Pure Yang Realm is not some kind of cat or dog, why did such a pure Yang cultivator suddenly pop up?

He didn't doubt Zhou Fan's realm, because he pretended to be real to deceive him. Isn't this tired of living?

Zhou Fan talked about his origin in a few words. He didn't mean to hide it, because even if he didn't say it, Xie Chunshui would say it afterwards.

"Da Wei..." Zi Xiaozi's eyes flickered. As a cultivator in the pure Yang realm, how could he not know about Da Wei?

It's just that he didn't know about Zhou Fan's joining the Jie Laohui. In fact, it's not just Zi Xiaozi, most Jie Laohui didn't know about it.

After all, Zhou Fan was only traveling in the past, and he was an ordinary monk in the Jie Laohui. Even if he came from the Great Wei, he would not attract too much attention. Some Jie Lao who knew about this matter did not intend to inform others.

That's why Zi Xiaozi didn't know about it.

Zhou Fan's expression was calm. He is now a cultivator in the Pure Yang Realm. It is difficult for any cultivator in the Jie Laohui to threaten him, so why should he hide it?

Xie Chunshui looked confused, wondering what was strange about Wei? He didn't know about the Great Wei Tongtianjing at all, otherwise he would have told Zi Xiaozi that Zhou Fan was from Great Wei.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, I heard that Emperor Wei's Heavenly Mirror is very powerful. I wonder how the cultivator of the Pure Yang Realm compares to it?" Zi Xiaozi pretended not to care and asked with a smile.

"Why do fellow Daoists ask for a reason?" Zhou Fan didn't answer directly, but asked with a chuckle.

Zi Xiaozi laughed dryly, of course he knew, not to mention the pure Yang cultivator, even if the Taoist cultivator went, it would be useless.

That mirror is so powerful, who doesn't salivate? Just thinking of the monks who have been buried in the Great Wei for three thousand years, most of the elders just think about it.

"Listen to me, a scoundrel, Daoyou Zhou wants me to recommend you to become a Jie Laozi, right?" Zi Xiaozi started talking about business.

"Yes, I wonder if it's okay?" Zhou Fan picked up the teacup and took a sip of the spirit tea, and instantly felt that the spirit tea was really good.

"Why should I recommend Daoyou Zhou?" Zi Xiaozi also picked up the teacup and said indifferently.

"You also know that I am from Dawei. Dawei has that mirror, and I don't need to protect my interests. Then I will join the Jie Lao Association and become Jie Lao. In the future, if it is a proposal from a daoist in the Jie Lao Association, as long as it doesn't make me very embarrassed. Yes, I will agree." Zhou Fan said with a faint smile.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou doesn't need to protect the interests of the Great Wei, so why do you want to join the Jie Laohui?" Zi Xiaozi wondered, the Jie Laohui would not be able to help a cultivator of their level very much.

"Well..." Zhou Fan put down the teacup, "Of course I have my reasons for wanting to be Jie Lao, I don't think I need to tell fellow Daoist Zi specifically, right?"

"Okay, then I'll be Daoyou Zhou's recommender." Zi Xiaozi didn't ask any further questions. No matter what purpose Zhou Fan wanted to join the Jie Laohui, it had nothing to do with him. Jie Lao's identity was more of a symbol. Even if he doesn't recommend Zhou Fan, there will be other elders who are willing to introduce him. Introducing him sometimes means adding an ally.

Zhou Fan didn't swear that he would definitely help Zi Xiaozi. For a monk of his level, a verbal promise is enough. Even if he regrets it later, Zi Xiaozi won't say anything more.

It is not difficult to recommend, and there is no need to take any responsibility for it. What is difficult is that there are too few cultivators in the Pure Sun Realm.

If you want to gain a greater voice in the Jie Laohui, you need more allies. The two have reached a preliminary consensus.

Zhou Fan sought Zi Xiaozi as the referrer, not only because he knew Xie Chunshui, but after secretly inquiring about so many old Jiejie and considering it carefully.

Zhou Fan didn't stay long, he said goodbye after discussing the business.

After Xie Chunshui sent Zhou Fan away, he returned to Zi Xiaozi and said with a wry smile, "He hides so deeply, but he has such strength, why would he disguise himself as a traveling cultivator to join the Jie Laohui?"

"He made an oath when he joined the Jie Laohui, and even a cultivator in the Pure Yang Realm could not circumvent such an oath." Zi Xiaozi thought for a moment and said, "Of course, there is no problem with that oath as long as it is not malicious, he should be thinking about it. In this way, let's observe the Jie Laohui and see if it's worth becoming a Jie Lao..."

"Master is right." Xie Chunshui said.

"Has he really entered the Pure Yang Realm?" Zi Xiaozi asked worriedly.

"There shouldn't be anything wrong, his primordial spirit gives me a very similar feeling to Master's." Xie Chunshui said with certainty that if an ordinary cultivator traveled, he might not be able to tell the difference, but he is different. He has a pure-yang master. .

Zi Xiaozi nodded slightly. He also felt that Zhou Fan should not dare to lie to him. If he lied to him, he would lose face at best, but Zhou Fan might die.

Zi Xiaozi sighed lightly, "There was a nameless cultivator who could kill Tong Kaiji before, and now there is a cultivator in the pure Yang realm who came out of such a small place as Dawei, the sign of the catastrophe emerges, and everything becomes different. "

"Unfortunately, it is very difficult for me to enter the Taoist realm before the catastrophe."



The elders of the Jie Laohui soon received a message from Zi Their expressions became a little subtle, because Zi Xiaozi asked the Jie Laos who were free tomorrow to come to the world Laohui, he wants to introduce a Chunyang cultivator to become Jie Lao.

A new world elder is about to appear?

Because the Pure Yang Realm is about talent or luck, if the distraction realm wants to enter the Pure Yang Realm, if the first attempt fails, there will never be any hope.

And some cultivators who entered the Pure Yang Realm, if they really wanted to join the Old World Association, they wouldn't delay it until now.

It has been fifty years since the Jie Lao Association has not joined the Jie Lao Association.

At such a critical time, there is a Pure Yang Realm who wants to join the Jie Laohui? Who would that be?

Among the elders of the world, those who had a good relationship with Zi Xiaozi asked him who he was referring to?

It's just that Zi Xiaozi didn't want to say more, because they would know tomorrow.

Zi Xiaozi didn't say anything, but the elders all frowned slightly. It wasn't long before Tong Kaiji died last time. Even if they left the Barbarian Heavenly City, they didn't get too far away, and turned around and started rushing back to the Barbarian Heavenly City.

By the next morning, seventeen elders of the Jie Laohui gathered in the White Pagoda.

This is also due to the rush of time. If you give more time, there will be a few more elders who come.

However, it doesn't matter even if the people are not aligned, because the old Jiehui rules, the old Jiejie will be joined by the old people from the new realm, and it does not need the consent of the majority of people, as long as three or more people agree.

"Friend Zi, what about the fellow Daoist you want to introduce?" Youjie looked at Zi Xiaozi and asked.

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