Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1784: teawood village

Zhou Fan smiled and shook his head, feeling that he was asking too much, and he didn't know how to evaluate someone like Lin Wuya.

He didn't think much, glanced at the ghost burial coffin as big as a grain of rice, picked up the little sister, used the teleportation-level movement technique, ran out of the wilderness, ran for half a column of incense, and stopped after leaving the base camp.

He doesn't know when the bad luck will come, and he doesn't know where it will come from, so it doesn't make sense to go anywhere. Maybe he will encounter death and bad luck while running. It's better to stay here and wait for death and bad luck to find the door. Come.

In this way, he can prepare well here to deal with the fate of death.

He took another look at the ghost burial coffin behind him, and found that the ghost burial coffin had grown from the size of a grain of rice to its original size.

The twelve-hoofed black beast was dragging the black iron sledge. Zhou Fan didn't move, and it stopped naturally. The three black shadow beasts that gave birth to unicorns were playing.

It was as if the gray-shadowed woman and two gray-shadowed children wrapped in gray shrouds were staring at Zhou Fan motionlessly. Their pupils were hollow and deep, making people look cold.

Zhou Fan said with a smile: "You sometimes become bigger and sometimes smaller. Are you afraid of disturbing the people? Even if you are afraid of disturbing the people, can you tell us in advance next time you appear?"

Neither the gray shadow woman nor the gray shadow child spoke. When they were not moving, they were like gray stone sculptures.

Zhou Fan was silent for a while, then he took another look at the blood-red coffin, thinking about what he would do if the woman in the gray shadow opened the coffin later and carried out the body that was exactly like him?

But fortunately, the gray shadow woman doesn't seem to have such plans.

Zhou Fan felt helpless. Anyway, with his strength, he would definitely not be able to beat the ghost burial coffin, and even if he did, it would be useless. After all, this bad luck was not brought about by the ghost burial coffin.

He ignored the existence of the ghost burial coffin, took out a set of talisman formations from the storage bag, and arranged them around.

Fu Zhen may not be able to resist that bad luck, but it is worth it to block him at a critical time and give him enough reaction time.

In fact, the safest way is to use Xiaomei's broken bones to shuttle back to the Mirror Palace, and use the Tongtian Mirror in the hands of the Great Wei Emperor to avoid it.

However, he gave up this method, because the use of Tianzi of Wei was limited by the number of times. Even if Tianzi of Wei was willing to use the mirror for him, he would not be embarrassed to take Dawei's lifesaver for his own business.

This is not the first time he has avoided bad luck. He still has some confidence in his heart about the fate of this lifeless person.

After arranging dozens of formations, he touched his bald head and said, "Xiao Ling, come out for me."

The jet-black hair came out of the bald head, and it quickly condensed into a small silk. The first time the small silk appeared, the **** clothes also emerged and covered her.

Even so, she looked at the ghost burial coffin and shivered. She sat on Zhou Fan's head, pretending that she couldn't see the ghost burial coffin, and whispered, "Master, you shouldn't call me at this time."

She's not stupid. The ghost burial coffin has come out, and the master is going to have bad luck. This is the rule she has concluded by herself. At this time, it is best to hide in the master's body and pretend to be dead. It's too dangerous to come out.

"Give me the killing robe." Zhou Fan glanced at the blood robe on Xiao Ling's body and said.

"Master, you even want to **** my killing clothes." Xiao Qian said pitifully, she disliked killing clothes at first, but now she doesn't want to give them away. Killing clothes are life-saving things.

"Give the murderer's clothes, you hide." Zhou Fan said angrily: "Hide in my body, you don't need it. Besides, this is my murderer's clothes, not yours."

Xiao Ling used her index finger to support her little chin, showing a thoughtful expression, "That makes sense, then... then lend it to the master, but remember to return it to me."

She obviously ignored Zhou Fan's second half of the sentence, she took off the cloak-like killing clothes.

The blood-colored killing clothes quickly grew larger and covered Zhou Fan. He felt that he became stronger in an instant. Of course, he didn't care about the increase in the true essence of the blood-colored killing clothes. Curse the poison's defensive properties.

When you don't know what that bad luck is, you have to prepare any defensive means you can use.

He originally tamed the blood-colored killing robe, and he didn't dare to do anything when he wore it on his body, even though the blood-colored killing robe looked a bit evil when he was wearing it.

Xiaoxiao has already hid in Zhou Fan's body, and Zhou Fan doesn't need Xiaoxiaoxiao to investigate for him. His spiritual thoughts are scattered, which is much better than Xiaoxiaoxiao's investigation.

After he was ready, he sat down cross-legged and waited for bad luck to come.

Time passed slowly, his brows frowned slightly, and Ling Nian found that in the distance of about a hundred meters, a gust of wind blew gently, green rhizomes grew on the ground, and red flowers instantly grew on the rhizomes, and the flowers turned dark red. fruit.

The kind of fruit that can make people see the memory picture after eating.



Chamu Village is the surviving village. It was a closed and remote village. If it wasn't for the arrival of the expedition team, they would not even know that the dry country they were in was destroyed overnight.

Of course, even so, in order to avoid causing panic in the entire village, only the warriors in the village, Muramasa, and Master Fu knew about the destruction of the country.

The other villagers in the village didn't know anything about it. The arrival of the exploration team made the village leader issue an order that all the villagers were not allowed to go out to farm, and could only stay in the village to do some Although Some villagers felt dissatisfied in their hearts, but the village official said that there would be compensation after the incident, and he did not dare to say anything more.

There are not many chores in the village, and it is impossible to have something to do every day. After the first conversation with the expedition team, the villagers are all idle.

"Grandpa, grandpa, tell us the story of Fengshen." A group of children with dirty faces surrounded the old man who was sitting under the top of the tree smoking a dry cigarette, hiding the old man.

With a kind smile on his face, the old man deliberately teased the group of children, and promised to tell them a story.

The children all cheered, but they soon became quiet again, looking at the old man with anticipation on their faces, never tired of hearing the story of Fengshen.

"Fengshen, it floats in the sky, colorless and invisible, and feeds on people. If it needs to, it can even blow across the entire country overnight, using the wind to kill everyone."

"For little devils like you, I'm afraid Fengshen will barely be able to eat enough to eat 100 million."

The old man said in a low voice, the children were all pale, showing fear, thinking about being wrapped up by the invisible wind hand of Fengshen, throwing them into the transparent stomach, swallowing them, blood splashing everywhere.

This is Fengshen, their most feared deity.

"Grandpa, is that Fengshen weird?" A child asked in a low voice. He heard his parents say that there are many terrible rumors outside the village.

"Don't talk nonsense." The old man raised his face.

"Aeolus is a god, not a joke."

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