Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1785: killed?

The wind howled, and there was a strong wind for no reason.

Zhou Fan drew out his two knives. He stared at the front, and his spiritual sense faintly touched something in front of him, but he couldn't make out its shape. He just vaguely sensed something in front of him.

Is it the monstrous, mutated wind-hunting monster that wiped out the country?

The wind blew wildly, and the various colored light curtains of the talisman formation made a crackling sound, breaking inch by inch.

Zhou Fan danced wildly with his swords, and countless gray sword lights shot out after the talisman light curtain was completely broken.

Chi Chi!

It was as if two gusts of wind collided, and the ground was plowed with scars as thick as the wrists.

The little sister had already retreated away, but the ghost burial coffin didn't move. The twelve-hoofed black beast spread out a colorful screen of fireworks, shrouding them in it.

The storm rolled up by the gray sword glow shattered, and Zhou Fan's body was also annihilated by the gust of wind.

Everything calmed down, and the outcome seemed to be divided.

But the strong wind is nostalgic and refuses to leave, wandering in this area, but there are several back and forth in an instant, and all the mountains and trees are crushed by it.

Even the little sister was blown away by the strong wind.

A gust of wind came from the sky, it smashed all the clouds like cotton wool, and the sky was clear and cloudless.

A gust of wind came down and swept the earth. It ignored the ghost burial coffin, but it seemed certain that Zhou Fan was not dead.

Zhou Fan really didn't die, it was just a phantom of Wang Zhiwei, who is now floating in the sky.

The sky is also not safe. There are countless winds sweeping back and forth, tearing everything that can be torn apart. If you are hit by such a wind, even if you are in the pure Yang realm, if you don’t use the real energy to resist, it will be difficult to resist. was torn apart.

But Zhou Fan didn't use his true essence to resist the sweep of the gust of wind, because it would be discovered by the monsters in the air.

The amazing thing is that the gust of wind will consciously avoid him, so that he is safe and sound, and is not discovered by the monster.

This is because he used the law of the heart to prevent himself from being blown by the wind for a certain period of time.

He seemed to be very dangerous in the crack of the gust of wind, but every round of the gust of wind, he was able to do nothing.

He could see looming eyeballs floating in the air, and countless eyeballs gathered into a giant ball with a radius of three feet.

The wind is ejected from the eyeball, and it is almost completely invisible. If it wasn't for Zhou Fan's keen mind, it would be difficult to spot this wind-hunting monster.

"It does look like a wind-hunting monster, but the wind-hunting monster is not so big, that means it has really mutated, and the direction of the mutation is really weird."

He thought coldly, raised the German sword, and slashed down.

The huge gray saber ray shot out, and with a screeching sound, the mutant wind-hunting monster was torn in half. The energy that the gray saber ray burst out swept all the eyeballs into it and completely shattered it.

The gust of wind that swept over stopped.

Zhou Fan's spiritual thoughts unfolded, confirming that the mutant wind-hunting monster should be dead, he retracted his sword and raised his eyebrows slightly.

It's too easy. Of course, it's not because the wind-hunting monster is not strong enough. In fact, according to his assessment, the mutant wind-hunting monster is definitely stronger than the ordinary pure-yang cultivator. After all, even the pure-yang cultivator can only defend against the wind blowing. , If you want to fight back, you must think about breaking through the layers of wind.

It's easy because he is so strong that he has mastered several laws.

Has the doom been resolved?

Zhou Fan flew down and landed on the ground. Seeing that the ghost burial coffin hadn't left, he was silent for a while. Sure enough, it wasn't that simple. The bad luck didn't end, otherwise the ghost burial coffin would have left.

In other words, this wind-hunting monster is not the bad luck he has to deal with.

Then what is bad luck?

Zhou Fan showed a look of contemplation, and the little girl ran back. The wind that could kill the cultivator of the Pure Sun Realm, but it couldn't help the little girl.

He arranged the talisman array at will. After arranging it, he glanced at the ghost burial coffin, which he really had no intention of leaving, and took out the sound transmission jade talisman and activated it.

"Zhou Fan, are you okay?" Mr. Tang asked.

"I'm fine." Zhou Fan said, "I met that mutated wind-hunting monster. When a gust of wind blows, it will make the dark red fruit grow on the ground. It should be to destroy the monster of Qianguo."

"Where is it now?" Tang Lao asked in a deep voice.

"I killed it." Zhou Fan just wanted to tell Elder Tang about this, so that they wouldn't have to stay in the country anymore.

"You killed it?" Mr. Tang over there became silent.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Fan asked in confusion.

"Zhou Fan, the situation is a bit complicated." Lin Wuya was the one who spoke, and his voice was low: "You may not die when you killed that wind-hunting monster, it will be resurrected, and it will be twice as powerful as it is now. ."

Zhou Fan's face changed slightly: "Why are you so sure?"

"This wind hunter is more terrifying than we thought, when did you kill it?" Lin Wuya asked.

"It's only been a while." Zhou Fan replied.

"There's still one stick of incense, you can use your teleportation technique to come back first." Lin Wuya also knew that Zhou Fan had mastered a teleportation technique, "Don't come to the base camp, come to the surviving village, we will wait in that village. You guys, we're almost there."

Could the problem lie in the surviving village?

Zhou Fan hurriedly asked about the approximate location of the village. After asking, he put away the sound transmission jade talisman, he withdrew the talisman array, thought about it, and felt that if the wind-hunting monster would be resurrected, then the bad luck should not be. appear in the interdomain.

This is also one of the reasons why he has not traveled through the inter-domain before, but now in a hurry, he has to travel from the inter-domain to hurry.

He used the little sister's broken bones to open the inter-domain and entered the The ghost burial coffin that had not moved also moved.

Zhou Fan quickly discovered that after he entered, the originally closed crack in the interspace was broken open again. The twelve-hoofed black beast dragged the iron sledge in, and the woman and child wrapped in gray cloth were still watching Zhou Fan.

The corners of Zhou Fan's eyes jumped, and it seemed that Jianyu couldn't stop the ghosts from burying the coffin.

He ignored the ghost burial coffin that followed, and walked with his little sister in the interspace smeared with colorful halos. It didn't take long before he found the location.

With a swipe of the little sister's paw, a crack opened in the field, and Zhou Fan and the little sister stepped out of it.

The crack closed and opened in an instant, and the twelve-hoofed black beast strolled out of it dragging the black iron sledge.

Using the interdomain to travel to unfamiliar places, it is inevitable that there will be errors. Zhou Fan's spiritual thoughts unfolded and searched, and he quickly found a village.

He knew that it was Chamu Village, and when he used his body technique, he appeared at the entrance of the village in an instant.

The warrior monks of the expedition team guarding the entrance of the village immediately watched Zhou Fan vigilantly.

Zhou Fan showed the token, and the exploration team hurriedly bowed and took him in.

Zhou Fan soon met Lin Wuya, Tang Lao, and Shi Shixiong.

Both Tang Lao and Shi Shixiong were surprised. They didn't know that Zhou Fan had such teleportation skills.

But now Zhou Fan couldn't care about hiding his secrets, and looked at Lin Wuya instead.

Lin Wuya said, "We've just arrived, so we'll wait for you to come over and ask those people."

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