Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1876: Master of Strange

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"You said there wasn't in the river, did you guess or the boat said it?" Zhou Fan asked with a stern face.

"I guess." The silver pen wrote on the bronze book: "If you don't believe me, you can try to ask the boat to find out."

It adds another smile emoji.

Zhou Fan looked down at the deck and asked, and he soon got an answer. There is really no way to find the strongest Dao seed like the bronze book in the river, which made his heart sink, but he still smiled. Said: "The boat told me there was."

Yinbi drew a sneer and wrote: "Ha ha ha, do you think I would believe it? Don't say what you said, even if the ship said it personally, I would not believe it!"

This bronze book... Zhou Fan felt a bit of a toothache, but he still smiled and said: "Believe it or not, when I have enough big gray worms, I will try to catch it. If I can't catch it, I will take a chance on it. , I can accept any kind of Taoism."

"Don't even think about your ten chances of possession, I won't accept such a price."

The silver pen drew a smile, and then the bronze book and the silver pen turned into gray mist and dissipated.

Zhou Fan felt helpless in his heart, but if there was no other way, he would never agree to Bronze Book's request. Let's not talk about the risk of ten times of possession opportunities. If the book has been possessed ten times, the bronze book will have enough possessions, and it will not be so easy for him to trade with the bronze book in the future.

Possession is the only thing he can threaten Bronze Book.

Bronze Book does not agree now, but it does not mean that he will not agree in the future. This is a price psychological war, and he is not in a hurry to trade with Bronze Book soon.

Slowly think of a way, maybe the bronze book will be released, and the strongest Taoist must get it.

Zhou Fan didn't think about it any more, but was busy with other things.

After Zhou Fan left, the bronze book appeared. It used a silver pen to draw a questioning expression on the page, "Could it be that there is really a way to find the strongest Taoist seed for him?"

"Observe first, don't rush to make a decision!"

The bronze book was closed again, turning into a gray mist and dispersing.

The next morning, when Zhou Fan woke up, Xiao Ling was staring at Zhou Fan with wide eyes. She had two deep dark circles under her eyes, like panda eyes.

"Master, I didn't sleep."

Zhou Fan chuckled lightly, gave a few words of praise, and promised to add a hundred duck legs to her. Xiaoxiao was elated, then put away Xiaoxiaoxiao and hid in Zhou Fan's body to catch up on sleep.

He took care of some errands and started on his way.

In the early morning, the sky in the gray star realm was still gray, and beams of light passed through the clouds, turning it into a unique scene in the gray star realm.

Zhou Fan sat on the flying treasure boat and admired the scenery for a while, then he took out a jade slip and studied the techniques inside.

Even if the speed of flying the treasure ship is not as fast as his own, the victory is enough to save his mind and let him focus on other things, which may be slower, but even if he is in a hurry, he is not in a hurry at this time.

The wind whistled in the sky, but they were all isolated by the windbreaker array of the treasure ship.

Zhou Fan was originally thinking about the technique, but he suddenly raised his eyebrows and looked up.

A huge sand bird of natural yellow sand appeared above him.

It's not surprising to encounter strange things while flying in the air, but Zhou Fan's face changed slightly, because his spiritual mind scanned the past, the sand bird gave him a very dangerous perception, and this dangerous perception was the same as yesterday's sand bird. Giant's are very similar.

The sand bird covered the sky and the sun, like a shadow covering the flying treasure ship, it sank suddenly, and its claws grabbed towards the flying treasure ship.

The flying treasure ship plummeted, avoiding the huge sand claws.

The sand bird made a piercing scream, and the khaki light wave burst out from its body, slamming into the flying treasure ship.

Zhou Fan slammed it out with a punch, blasting away the yellow light wave, but he was surprised for a while. With just such a collision, he could clearly perceive that the sand bird was much stronger than yesterday's sand giant.

The sand bird spreads its wings, and it is a natural yellow hurricane spinning, covering the flying treasure ship.

Zhou Fan's true essence spread immediately, forming a huge defensive cover, including the flying treasure ship, and he put away the flying treasure ship.

In the hurricane, the sand bird glides its huge body, and its sharp beak pecks at Zhou Fan.

The bird's beak easily shredded Zhou Fan's body, and the sand bird flew up with a screeching sound, but it did not leave, but hovered in this area.

Zhou Fan, who used illusions to hide in the air, observed Sha Bird. Sha Bird could not see him, but he obviously knew that he was not dead, and could confirm that he was here.

He suspects that the Sand Bird and the Sand Giant are the same monster, but this monster is far less powerful than Fengshen, not like Fengshen. No matter how weak Fengshen is, there is no reason for Fengshen to be so weak...

In his heart, he felt more and more strange about this matter. With his strength, he should not take it too easy to kill this sand bird, but the perception of danger made him never take action against the sand bird.

He pondered for a while, he could trap the sand bird, but he had experienced the Fengshen incident, and he was afraid that the sand bird would explode like the wind god. If the sand bird was the sand giant from yesterday, it means that this monster will keep getting stronger. of.

He quickly turned and flew away.

He looked up into the air, and the sand bird didn't seem to notice his departure, and was still hovering in the air.

He quickened his speed and quickly moved away from this place, but Sand Bird did not follow.

But he had a vague feeling that this strange man would still find him. He took out the jade slip and made sure that he was not far from the next city, Silent City, and he accelerated his flight.

About half an hour later, he entered Silent Thorn City.

He originally wanted to use the teleportation array of Jithorn City to travel, but now he entered the teleportation array of Jithorn City and did not go directly to the teleportation array of Jithorn City, but came to the area where the warrior monks gathered. A shop for classics such as spells and laws.

"Who in the city knows the most about Wei Wei?" Zhou Fan Seeing that the shopkeeper did not speak, Zhou Fan put a money ticket on the table, "Tell me, this is you of."

The shopkeeper's eyes immediately lit up. This is the most common money ticket in the Gray Star Realm. He quickly said, "Does the guest want to ask about Wei Wei? I know a Wei Wei master, so I will invite you here."

Zhou Fan nodded slightly and gave the money ticket to the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper immediately took out a sound transmission stone, said a few words to the other side, and then smiled and asked Zhou Fan to wait.

Zhou Fan waited patiently for a while, and an old man with a sad face and white hair walked into the store.

"Guest, this is what I call Master Weird, Master Lu." said the shopkeeper.

"Master Lu." Zhou Fan called out lightly.

"I don't know what you want to ask me?" Master Lu said, "You can talk about it first. If I know you, I will make an offer. If you think it is reasonable to pay, I will tell you."

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