Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1877: stalking sand

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Zhou Fan glanced at the shopkeeper, and the shopkeeper immediately understood. He invited Zhou Fan and Master Lu, who was studying weirdness, into the inner room of the shop, and then backed out. When he left, he had another one in his hand. The ticket given by Zhang Zhoufan.

The shopkeeper was very happy, the customer was very forthright, and two money tickets were equal to the turnover of his shop in a few days when the business was good.

Zhou Fan flicked his fingers slightly and applied a sound insulation technique before he said, "Have you ever heard of the strange congealing of wind and sand..."

Zhou Fan carefully described the sand giants and sand birds he encountered in the past two days, and expressed his guesses. Of course, his spiritual sense was very special, and he could not explain it. Equipment, I realized that this series of strange encounters is very dangerous.

Master Lu fell silent after hearing this, and his face seemed a little flustered.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Fan narrowed his eyes.

"It's nothing, I don't recognize that weirdness." Master Lu shook his head, stood up and wanted to leave.

"Really don't recognize me?" Zhou Fan tapped on the table lightly.

Master Lu was stunned for a moment, his eyes were a little dazed, and he sat down again soon. During the process of sitting down, his forehead oozes sweat, he wiped the sweat and said: "I'm sorry, I lied to you just now, I You know what a joke that is."

Zhou Fan looked at Master Lu who was controlled by his illusion and said with a smile: "It's okay, I don't blame you, but what is this weird? Why don't you want to tell me?"

"This is a new kind of monster that has only recently appeared, and has not yet formed a relatively unified name." Master Lu said with a bitter face: "Most people call it stalking sand, it is very scary, its true form cannot be confirmed, only know When the sand blows, it will use the sand to condense into a form to hunt and kill the creatures it targets."

"Whether the creature kills the stalking sand or gets rid of the stalking sand, it can be found in a short time. The scary thing about it is that it will become stronger and stronger as it entangles the creature."

"Some time ago, a cultivator got rid of the stalking sand several times, but because the stalking sand was too powerful, he couldn't deal with it, so he could only escape into the city to avoid the stalking sand."

"Tangshasha was later repelled or scattered by the defensive formation in the city again and again, but it kept getting stronger and stronger. Later, it broke through the defensive formation, and many people died in the city, and Zangshasha killed the cultivator before leaving. ."

"I was afraid that you were hiding in the city of Silent Thorn and hurt everyone in the city, so I wanted to hide it and tell the City Lord's Mansion to drive you away."

Master Lu didn't hide anything this time.

Stalking Sand... Zhou Fan said with a solemn expression, "How long has the Stalking Sand you said been around?"

"I don't know, but I heard it for the first time three months ago." Master Lu thought for a while.

Three months ago... Zhou Fan let out a long sigh of relief. Three months ago, he was still in the Wild Star Realm, so this stalking sand has nothing to do with Wuyan, but one thing is very similar, stalking sand will continue to grow stronger .

"What is it targeting a person based on?" Zhou Fan asked in confusion.

"I don't know." Master Lu said: "It seems that there are very few people who are being targeted, but the ones who know about it are monks. Of course, some people suspect that it is not just monks, ordinary warriors may escape if they are targeted by Tangle Sand. But it was killed a few times, so it's not known."

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, as if this kind of slander that kept chasing and killing creatures without giving up was rare, but it was not uncommon, he knew that there were several such slanders, "So now I don't know how to make it give up chasing and killing. ,Is it right?"

"Yes." Master Lu nodded and admitted, "If it weren't for this, I wouldn't want to hide it at the beginning."

Zhou Fan was silent for a while, and he was able to blast through a city. I am afraid that the enhancement of the stalking sand is not weak. "As you all know, what level of weirdness is the stalking sand probably equivalent to now?"

"The city that was broken through is not big, and its defensive rune formation is just average, but we believe that its strength has at least reached the blood disaster level, and whether it will reach a higher level is still unconfirmed."

Blood disaster level, it is equivalent to the level of a cultivator in the distraction realm, Zhou Fan said calmly: "Listening to your tone, it seems that there are not many people who know that stalking sand."

"At present, there are only some major forces, and those of us who study weirdness are paying attention to it." Master Lu said: "Its name has not yet spread, and we can already confirm that it is a new monster. In the gray star realm, There has never been such an outrage."

"Even if it can't be solved completely, have you guys come up with some ways to deal with the stalking sand?" Zhou Fan asked, he doesn't need to kill the stalking sand completely, as long as he can be dragged away from the gray star realm, this strangeness should not be possible Follow him to Meteor Realm.

If you can, then think about killing it.

"I haven't heard of a way to deal with it." Master Lu shook his head and said, "It has appeared too short and too few times, but if there is any way to deal with it, it should spread immediately."

Human beings have always worked together in dealing with weirdness. Once they find a new method to deal with weirdness, they will not deliberately hide it, but will publish it.

Zhou Fan sighed, he can't understand now, why this stalking sand entangled him, it seems that it is impossible to get a solution from Master Lu, but he still continues to ask about stalking sand matter.

After Master Lu told all the information he knew about Shaansha, Zhou Fan used illusion to make Master Lu forget about him asking about Shasha, and then let Master Lu go back.

After Zhou Fan came out of the shop, he thought for a while and found the secret pavilion in Jissi City.

He walked into the secret pavilion and saw a dark shadow whose face was difficult to see.

"I don't know what the guest wants to ask?" Sombra asked.

"Have you heard of slaughtering sand?" Zhou Fan calmly said his own Master Lu has no way, but maybe this secret pavilion that spreads over countless star realms may have a solution.

Sometimes stalking sand is a novelty in the gray star realm, but not necessarily so in other star realms.

"I heard it." The shadow said frankly: "Does the guest want to know how to deal with the new monsters that appear in the gray star world?"

"It doesn't have to be the way to kill the stalking sand, as long as it can get rid of the entanglement of the stalking sand." Zhou Fan thought about it and said.

"If the guest wants us to tell you the way to kill the stalking sand, we have no way here, but if the guest wants to get rid of the entanglement of the stalking sand, then we have a way." The shadow said: "The price is not the same. Cheap, we want 10,000 catties of golden sand."

Jin Lingsha is somewhat like the primeval stone of the Barbarian Star Realm, and it is the hard currency of the Grey Star Realm.

Ten thousand catties of golden sand... Zhou Fan's face trembled, this is equivalent to 100 million Xuan coins of the Great Wei Kingdom, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Why is it so expensive?"

"This involves the secret of stalking the sand. If the guest wants to know, then give us ten thousand catties of golden sand. We will not only tell the guest how to get rid of it, but also tell the guest some secrets about the stalking sand." Hei Ying slowly road.

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