Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1896: landing on the island

Adventure on Shiliu Island is always high-risk and high-reward. In addition to dealing with dangerous and strange things, you must also beware of other people's competition and secret harm.

This is the case now, looking at the island that is getting closer and closer, the atmosphere of dozens of boats is extremely tense.

"Don't be impulsive, follow the rules."

"Yes, don't forget the rules."

"I haven't seen anything now. What's the benefit of doing it?"

"First rule out the danger on the island."

One after another, the voices continued to sound on the boats.

The so-called rule of the small island of Shiliu is that when encountering a small island, don’t fight first, and wait until it is safe to do so. However, this rule is only the default rule among explorers. If you don’t follow it, no one can do it.

But I haven't landed on the island yet, and no one wants to do it here.

But no one is stupid enough to believe what these people say. Sometimes even people in the same boat may not be trusted, let alone people in other boats.

Zhou Fan's boat was mixed in. He watched this scene with interest. He entered here to investigate the situation. The small island encountered in such waters could not have anything too precious.

No matter how slow the boat is, it will soon reach the edge of the island, but no warrior cultivator hastily landed on the island, but took out various investigative tools to investigate.

Zhou Fan's spiritual thoughts spread out, and then to his surprise, he encountered another spiritual thought, because he did not expect that these dozens of small boats still mastered spiritual thoughts cultivators.

After all, in order to pursue interests, that kind of cultivator should explore deeper.

The expression of an old man in black on a boat not far away changed slightly.

"Elder Dian, what happened?" one of the other three people on the boat asked in a low voice.

"I met a spiritual cultivator." The black-shirted old man snorted coldly.

The cultivator who masters the spiritual sense is not only the spiritual sense realm, of course, but where is the primordial spirit realm so easy to step into? Primordial spirit cultivators should not appear in the waters here, so the black-shirted old man would say that it was the spirit realm.

The three people on the boat looked at each other. They originally thought that if there was a cultivator in the spiritual realm, Dian Lao, the precious spiritual materials on this island would be in their pockets, but now they found that there was also a cultivator in the spiritual realm, so their thoughts must be thorough. yellow.

"Be careful." Dian Lao said coldly: "As long as he doesn't come to provoke me, we don't want to conflict with him."


Zhou Fan was just a little surprised, but he didn't care much. He could sense that the other party's spiritual sense was weak. Unless the other party was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, there was no need to worry about it.

The fog of time in the island is much thinner than that on the sea surface, but even so, Zhou Fan's spiritual sense can't reach out too far, he just faintly feels that something is running under the fog of the island.

His spiritual thoughts are like this, and those who use investigative tools to investigate the island will gain even less.

But everyone has long been used to it, this is something that Shiliu Kojima must get used to.

When they couldn't find too many useful things, everyone was in their own boats and finally docked.

As soon as it landed, the boat was fixed on the edge of the island. Some people sent people to stay behind the boat. The monks who had entered the Taoist realm put the boat directly into their storage bags.

No one dared to put the boat on the shore without any measures. Once the boat is destroyed or disappeared, the warriors can only walk on the water, but the water is not safe, so it is not as good as the boat.

Zhou Fan put the boat into the storage bag, and he walked towards the island.

Dozens of small boat explorer teams are spreading towards the island at a slow pace, and they all deliberately keep their distance from other teams.

Zhou Fan walked and walked, and he didn't see other people. First, because those people also knew that Zhou Fan alone was not easy to mess with. Second, Zhou Fan walked more casually, and the speed was not slow, so he didn't see other people. people.

He raised his eyebrows slightly.

In the thin mist, a seven-foot-tall carrion suddenly rushed out. The carrion danced with a pair of green claws, and it was so fast that only a faint afterimage could be seen, tearing it towards Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan just pointed at random, and the green claws of the carrion broke like cutting a melon, and the fresh green corpse fluid splashed out from the fracture.

But a strange scene happened, time was running backwards, the broken green claws of the carrion were rising, and they quickly took back their wrists, as if nothing had happened.

Zhou Fan showed interest. Most of Shiliu Xiaodao's monsters have the ability to reverse time. Of course, there is a big gap between the strength of this ability, such as the carrion in front of him, if he blows its head with one move, It may no longer be difficult to turn back time and return to the way it was.

The moment the carrion was connected with both hands, the pair of claws attacked Zhou Fan again.

While Zhou Fan's thoughts were spinning, he swiped his finger and cut off the corpse's claws, and the corpse's claws began to reverse the time again.

Zhou Fan spit out a strange syllable, and the hands that had been connected by the carrion began to break again and were falling.

Carrion: "..."

The carrion let out a strange roar, the time reversal began, and its palm was rising again.

Zhou Fan spit out a mysterious syllable, and the carrion's hands began to fall again.

The carrion's hands went up and down... After this cycle repeated several times, the carrion's body Fan had already retreated, and he waved his hand, letting the sputtering blood from the corpse burst. flew to the other side.

Generally, when encountering strange things that can reverse the time, the warriors and cultivators try to kill them directly, rarely like Zhou Fan, let the carrion release its time reversal ability as much as possible until it dies.

After this test, Zhou Fan confirmed that his Dragon God language can still act on this special monster with time reversal, and the number of times these special monsters can reverse the flow is limited. Once the limit is reached, it seems that the body will collapse. scattered?

I have to say that there are indeed some very unique places in Liu Xiaodao at this time, which seems to be related to the law of time?

Zhou Fan was a little unsure, because when the corpse's hands were disconnected, he did not feel any fluctuations in the law of time. He possessed the Dragon God's language and the law of the old days, and was very sensitive to the fluctuations of the law of time.

Unless this law of time has been merged with this strange body, it is difficult to distinguish each other, which cannot be seen.

These monsters can have the ability to rewind time, which has a lot to do with the environment of the island.

He was walking on the island with this thought in mind. The vegetation on the island is lush. If you walk a few steps at will, you can see some spiritual materials such as spiritual plants. However, the value of these spiritual materials is too low, and he is not even interested in picking them. , keep going.

However, he quickly stopped because he saw an old man in black shirt and his three companions besieging a khaki python with three golden eyes on its head.

He recognized at a glance that this was the time-shifting spirit snake, a spirit beast that only existed on Shiliu Island.

Time-shifting spirit snakes are not simple, powerful, warriors have to retreat three feet when they see them, only monks dare to hunt time-shifting spirit snakes.

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