Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1897: encounter ship

The three pupils of the Time Shifting Spirit Snake are relatively precious spiritual materials.

The black-shirted old man was the main force to deal with the Time-Shifting Spirit Snake. The scattered spiritual thoughts were discovered the moment Zhou Fan appeared. The black whip in his hand fluttered and attacked the Time-Shifting Spirit Snake, forcing the Time-Shifting Spirit. The snake wrestled with his whip.

"This friend, please leave." The black-shirted old man said loudly. He saw Zhou Fan alone. At this time, he and his companions couldn't be separated, but he didn't dare to say ruthless words and cause trouble again. He could only politely ask Zhou Fan to leave.

Zhou Fan's spiritual thoughts did not disperse, but the spiritual thoughts of the black-shirted old man dispersed, and he knew that the black-shirted old man was the spiritual cultivator he met before going to the island.

He just glanced and turned away, he had no interest in the time-shifting snake.

He walked about a hundred zhang and found a fruit tree. There were eighteen fruits in the shape of dark purple water droplets hanging on the fruit tree.

Only then did Zhou Fan become interested. He recognized this fruit as the fruit named Shui Nianzi. Shui Nianzi was regarded as a good spiritual fruit for spiritual cultivation cultivators.

It has to be said that it is an unexpected joy to have such a spiritual fruit in such a small island.

Although he has already passed the spiritual realm, he can't use it, he can leave it to his children or sell it.

His spiritual thoughts spread out, and he soon discovered that a one-foot-long purple cloth was hidden behind the fruit tree.

After confirming that there was no other danger, he walked over, and the purple cloth was ejected with a swish, and it became bigger and wrapped Zhou Fan's whole body.

With a bang, the piece of cloth was torn apart by the tyrannical true essence. This is a special kind of demon spirit, addicted to eating water and chanting purple fruit.

It originally had the strength to rival the Spiritual Mind Realm, but it was unlucky. It met Zhou Fan and was killed before it could exert its full strength.

Zhou Fan walked to the tree, and before he reached out to pick the fruit, he shrank back and looked behind him.

The old man in black shirt and his three companions came here after killing the spirit snake.

The black-shirted old man was stunned for a moment. He looked at Shui Nian Ziguo on the tree, and his face quickly showed ecstasy. He just glanced at Zhou Fan, then jumped up and slapped Zhou Fan.

Of course, he doesn't want to let go of Shui Nian Zi Guo, who has a great benefit to the Spiritual Mind Realm, and he has to fight no matter what.

Zhou Fan didn't move, he just glanced at the black-shirted old man, whose head exploded like a watermelon.

The three companions of the black-shirted old man were all frightened. They did not expect that the powerful and invincible spiritual realm would die so easily.

They looked horrified and wanted to run away, but before they took action, their heads soon flew up.

Zhou Fan turned around and put the eighteen water reading purple fruits into the jade box. After putting the jade box into the storage bag, he took away the belongings and storage bags of the four people. Time Shifting Spirit Snake Of course, these materials also fell into his hands.

He briefly searched the Sou Shiliu Island again, and after not finding much worth mentioning, he walked towards the outside of the island.

Occasionally, his ears could hear the sound of people fighting each other, obviously fighting for some spiritual material. This fact is too common. As long as no one provokes him, he doesn't bother to pay attention.

He arrived at the beach on the island, and the boats docked on the beach were guarded, but he was slightly startled soon because a boat caught his attention.

A little girl was standing on the boat.

He knew this little girl. It was on the boat that went to the drifting land. He gave the little girl a fruit. The little girl was not afraid of him, but he still left some impressions on him.

The little girl stood on the boat and smiled sweetly at Zhou Fan. The warrior guarding her boat by the beach turned a blind eye to her.

Zhou Fan was silent for a while. He remembered that the little girl was obviously an ordinary person. A guess appeared in his heart. He walked over and tried to ask, "May I ask you who is..."

"I am." The little girl said with a Who are you? "

"It's the one you have in mind."

"I can't say it, can't you say it?" Zhou Fan looked helpless, but he was 90% sure that this was the boat, and the boat liked to pretend to be someone he had seen.

"Didn't I ask you to meet here?" The little girl smiled sweetly, "Although we didn't agree on a password, I think you should now understand who I am."

Sure enough, it's a boat... Zhou Fan's face is a little serious. This is the first time he has seen a boat in the outside world. The two previous meetings were very special places.

"Get on the boat." The little girl smiled again: "I'll take you to see the gifts."

Zhou Fan boarded the boat. He looked at the warriors on the beach guarding their boats. He was a little surprised: "Can they see you?"

"Of course I can't see it," said a stout male voice.

Zhou Fan looked over and found that the little girl had turned into a sturdy black-faced man. This black-faced man was one of the three companions of the black-shirted old man he killed not long ago.

The change was too great, Zhou Fan twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Why, don't you like it?" The boat asked with a smile while touching his own black face. It changed when it touched it lightly, and turned into a woman in a pink and blue palace dress. The woman looked delicate, pure and lovely." Maybe this is more in line with your aesthetic."

This is the image of Zhou Fan who has seen the most He couldn't help but said, "Can you stop teasing me?"

"How about that?" The boat laughed so cute it made people's hearts melt, "Isn't this fun?"

Zhou Fan started to leave the island in the boat and sailed to the sea. Zhou Fan didn't know where the boat would go. He didn't rush to ask, but said, "Where is the fun?"

"You'll find out later." Said the boat with a proud look, "I'm doing the most interesting thing that has ever existed."

"The most interesting thing since there was a living being..." Zhou Fan was startled and said, "I don't understand..."

"You'll understand later," said the boat.

"It's really tiring to talk to you." Zhou Fan sighed and said, "You were in a hurry when you showed up before, are you not in a hurry now?"

The ship was so mysterious, he wanted to know everything about the ship.

The boat caught a wisp of white mist, and let it go, "Don't you understand? I asked you to meet here because this place is a bit special, so we still have a lot of time."

After the boat left the island, it used to flow towards the depths of the island. It seemed very slow, but the speed was very fast.

The state of Xiaozhou is very strange, but Zhou Fan doesn't care. Even if he suffers a life loss unfortunately, he can bear it. If the ship wants to harm him, there is no need to make it so complicated.

Zhou Fan was thinking about what the boat said, is this place special?

Of course, this place is special. The special place is the fog of time. He has seen that the ship's ability to display is related to time. Is this the reason?

"By the way, there is another good news to tell you." The boat was suddenly close at hand, it showed white teeth and squinted with a smile.

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