Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1898: dream lover

Looking at the magnified pretty face of the ship, there was a faint fragrance from his body.

"What's the good news?" Zhou Fan asked with a sullen face. He felt a little embarrassed. He thought to himself that the boat was probably not a human being, but he couldn't think blindly.

But the woman the ship has changed has a special meaning to him, and of course it is more of a nostalgia for the past.

"Yo." Chuan laughed even more, "You're shy, not bad."

"I don't." Zhou Fan said angrily.

"Have you ever thought that she might exist and is waiting for you to see her in a corner of the world?" The smile on the ship's face narrowed.

Zhou Fan was stunned. This was his dream lover. He used a game software called Dream Lover to pinch his face and figure out a little bit. After pinching it, it was her who he dreamed of for a while.

Of course, later he got out of that absurd state and buried it in his heart. The shameful past was just a secret buried in his heart. Even the little sister didn't know the secret. .

"This is not a joke." The boat pointed to himself and said, "The world is so big, it is not difficult to find someone who is exactly the same as this one, with no difference at all. If I really can't find it, I can build one."

"No need." Zhou Fan shook his head and said, "Don't mess around."

Chuan sighed, "I understand, no wonder you don't feel moved when you see me like this, it turns out that the one you like must be a soulless, can't speak her, this is called Miss Paper Man in your world, Is it right?"

Zhou Fan: "..."

"Whoever didn't have a crush in his heart when he was young, it's just something special about me, but that's all over, and now I have someone I like, it's just a good memory..." Zhou Fan tried to explain.

"Scumbag." The boat retorted with sadness: "You have a more beautiful incumbent, of course you don't look down on this first love."

"Can we stop talking about this topic?" Zhou Fan twitched, "Didn't you say you have good news to tell me? What is the news?"

"Yes." Chuan smiled again: "I almost forgot if you didn't say it. You can rest assured to return to the Barbarian Star Realm. You are worried that the guy is no longer in the Barbarian Star Realm."

This is really good news... Zhou Fan took the opportunity to ask: "What's the matter with Wu Yan? Why did it kill me? It also said strange things like reincarnation of fate."

He thought the ship must know.

The boat's small nose wrinkled and said distressedly, "I can't tell you that."

Zhou Fan felt a little pity in his heart, but the ship was originally strange, and he had many questions in his heart. He had asked before, but the ship refused to tell him, and he didn't know the reason why he couldn't say it.

"The more you know, the more troubles you will have, and I will tell you when the time is right." Chuan laughed: "But if you really want to know, or we play a game, if you win, you will will know something."

The boat was talking, and its clear eyes also revealed a touch of cunning.

Such a human side, Zhou Fan felt that the boat deliberately let him see, "I can't win."

The boat said slyly: "A game? How would you know if you didn't try it? You lose, and you don't have to pay any price."

"Then let's hear it." Zhou Fan thought that he might as well listen.

"I don't want to tell you, but you can learn some related things from other people." Said the boat: "Whether you can learn something from him depends on you. You still know this person."

"Who are you talking about?" Zhou Fan asked in confusion.

"Da Wei Tianzi." Chuan said with a relaxed expression.

Emperor Wei... Zhou Fan's eyes narrowed slightly, he couldn't imagine, what relationship could Emperor Wei have to Wuyan want to kill him?

Zhou Fan knew that Emperor Wei had been hiding a great secret, but he never thought that it could be related to him. Is it possible?

"I didn't expect it?" Chuan said with a smile: "The Emperor Wei knows a lot of things. If you can let him tell you, you can guarantee that you can understand a lot of things. Of course, don't think too much, you can't take it from his mouth. Knowing everything, he's just the first step."

"If you succeed, I'll tell you the second clue."

Zhou Fan fell silent, Lin Sheng couldn't let the Emperor Wei speak, it was too difficult.

"It's definitely not easy." Chuan smiled and said: "But you are different. Isn't he your old husband? The old husband will definitely be accommodating to you."

Zhou Fan coughed in embarrassment. The Emperor Wei didn't know about the matter between him and the worm. He couldn't say that I am your son-in-law. The Emperor Wei asked which is my family? And then said it was the one hundred and twenty-sixth prince of your family?

It is estimated that the emperor of Wei will have a question mark on his face, and then call the Tongtianjing to kill him.

Besides, he tried to ask Zongniang about this matter, and Zongniang said that she would no longer have anything to do with the emperor of Wei, so he didn't need to tell the emperor of Wei.

After all, Emperor Wei killed her mother, and it is not surprising that the insect mother would do this.

Zhou Fan was entangled in this matter, and the boat said: "It seems that you have no confidence to do it. If this is the case, then I might as well change your goal for you."

"Can you change it?" Zhou Fan asked in surprise.

"Of course you Chuan said with a smile, "Have you heard of the God-making Sect? "

"I haven't heard of it." Zhou Fan shook his head.

"They also have branches in Meteor Realm, you can try to start with this clue." The ship said with a strange smile.

You're laughing so weirdly, I have to be careful... But Zhou Fan still wrote down the God-Constructing Sect, and was ready to inquire about this strange-sounding organization, but such an unfamiliar organization should be approached with caution.

If it really doesn't work, give up and try to start with the Great Wei Emperor... Zhou Fan thought about this, and he asked curiously, "Do you know what the bronze book is possessing and planning?"

When Chuan heard Zhou Fan mention this, she laughed out loud, "Yes, do you want to know?"

Isn't this nonsense... Zhou Fan sneered in his heart, he nodded and said, "Of course I want to know."

After all, it was attached to him.

The boat looked thoughtful, and it quickly shook its head and said, "No, I can't tell you. If you know, it means it knows."

"Why would I know it if I knew it?" Zhou Fan said unwillingly.

"It has a very powerful ability to sense whether you know its plan." The ship said with a serious face, "Don't underestimate it, if it knows that you know, and you want it to help you again, then it will change. became impossible."

How dare I underestimate it... Zhou Fan shook his head and didn't dare to ask any more, as long as the boat was sure of it, of course it would be unreliable to get on the boat in this matter, if it was reliable, how could he have so many children...

He thought of this, and the whole person was stunned. Will the second girl Momo and the three brothers Xiaobai be in the arrangement of the ship?

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